Stuff you do now because you couldn't when you were a kid. . .

Ok. Now that I’m all grown up, and managing my own household there are some things I do simply because I couldn’t when I was a little girl.

The most obvious activity is my disposal of ziplock bags. I always toss them after one use. It wouldn’t be so odd, except that I reuse grocery bags and always take my own mug to the coffee store and stuff like that. The only reason I throw ziplocks away is because when I was growing up we always rinsed them out and reused them and I hated it!

So. . . anyone else do stuff just because you can now?

When I go to a movie, I buy a drink, always. An overpriced, oversized drink. And often I buy popcorn too. It doesn’t matter if I’ve just eaten a huge thanksgiving dinner, or imbibed 64 ounces of carbonated fluid in the car. Damnit, I am gonna buy something at the concession stand!

We weren’t poor growing up, necessarily, but my mom was tight with the buck. Drinks at movies were an unnecessary extravagance.

Most of my indulgences are about food. Food was an issue growing up, for a number of reasons.

I will buy junk food. I will eat it for breakfast if I want to. I will eat in the middle of the night if I want to. I will eat until I think I’m gonna burst if I want to.

I read in semi-darkness. I was never allowed to as a child because I was supposed to be asleep in my bed, and my parents were convinced it would ruin my eyesight.

When boys come over, they are allowed in my room. <g> Hahha, seriously, when I lived with my parents, boys were not allowed in my room unless I left the door wide open. :slight_smile:

Neat question, racerx!

eat peanut butter flavored cereal

You mean besides running with scissors, drinking from the carton, leaving all the lights and the tv on when I’m not in the room and sleeping til noon? I don’t force my family to eat leftovers. Growing up, you always knew that if there was anything left at dinner, it would re-run the next night. And we had to wash out the bags too, I hated that. And dinner was always at 6:00 without fail. Now I fix dinner anywhere between 5 and 9:00. And if I want pizza or chocolate cake with Pepsi for breakfast, by god that’s what I have!

Well racerx, this is a little embarassing, but I havn’t made my bed in I won’t tell you how many years. Don’t get me wrong, I changed the sheets regularly. But unless I know I’m having company over who may wander upstairs I don’t see the point. I’m only going to mess it up again that night. Fortunatly, my husband has has the same opinion on the matter. My mother was a neat freak growing up and we could not do anything else before our beds were made. One more thing, I make lots of long distance phone calls too! That was taboo in my house growing up. Not that we couldn’t afford to make an occational ld phone call,my father was a lawyer, but my mothers favorite store was Woolworths. It just about killed her when she had to spend somthing like $200.00 on a dress for my wedding. So I guess my mom was a cheap neat freak!


I order a Dr Pepper at a restaurant. When I was a little girl, my parents would take us out and we always had to have water or tea because the refills were free. Back then you paid for refills and the 'rents had five kids so we were never allowed to have soda. I love iced tea, but I still order a Dr Pepper just because I can.

Ditto CCAOM about drinks and popcorn at the movies. Sometimes I’ll splurge and buy candy too.

we were too poor to go to the theatre regularly…and when we did, we had to sneak food in…theatre snacks were too expensive. now, big bucket of corn. and big ass sodas.

other stuff:
milk shakes and desserts
staying up late if I want to
long distance phone calls
pizza anytime

and, for awhile, Playboy, although it’s been awhile…

[li]Eat in the living room or the bedroom[/li][li]Buy brand name ice cream[/li][li]Leave stuff all over the place (clothes on the living room couch, books on the kitchen table, etc.)[/li][li]Throw out leftovers[/li][/ul]

Oh, the same thing everyone else does – read porno magazines, go to strip bars, hang out in unsavory parts of town…

(Of course the rest of you do that too! Admit it! :smiley: )



Post while dunk…I mean drnk…no, post zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Every other night, my father and I would switch off doing the dishes. Not a big deal? It is when your parents are poor hippies, and refuse to buy any paper plates or cups, and your mother LOVES to cook. Unfortunately, she also loves to use every dish and utensil available.

I hate, hate, hate, hate doing dishes. So I usually don’t. Then I’ll run out of something, plates or knives and become disgusted with my slobbiness and do all of them in one marathon washing spree.

I eat marshmellow fluff.

My hair is long. It is curly, and my mom’s solution to this problem when I was a wee Swiddle was to keep it in a pageboy cut. For 12 years. One hair cut for 12 years is too much.

I sleep in late. My dad is up at 8 AM every morning, and he’s not a quiet man. I love the guy, but he thumps and drops stuff. My bedroom was right above the kitchen. Hence, if dad was awake, EVERYONE was awake. So now I wake up, roll over, fall back asleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Run with scissors.
Sing at the table.
Stick my head out of high speed trains.
Run down halls.
----Thank you GEORGE CARLIN!------

Say “fuck” a lot.
Don’t EVER clean house on Saturday.
Don’t EVER wash clothes on Monday.
Talk back to people all the time!
Pull up my skirt in front of boys.
Go out before my room is clean
LOTS of food stuff.

Must say though-----I STILL wouldn’t jump off a cliff if everybody else did. Truth be known----I’M AMAZED when people say that THEY WOULD!!! WTF???

I turn down the pages of books.

I make notes and underline passages in books.

I lay books face down, thereby destroying their spines.

I make my bed only on the days I change the sheets.

I don’t go to Mass, nor do I believe in God.

I never say to my daughter, “When I was your age…”

I stay up until two and get up at ten.

Have I mentioned…

I’m going to DisneyLand!

Though, to be fair, I went to DisneyWorld once when I was seven. But we travelled a lot, so we just didn’t seem to ever take actual travelling vacations. So now I’m all grown up, I’m trying to get myself used to the idea of taking time off and going somewhere.

Preferably someplace childish.

I used to love soda, and drink it whenever I had the opportunity, because we never had it at my house. We never really had junk food, either. So as soon as I was out of the house I drank only soda and ate donuts and chips and stuff. . . for about two weeks. Then I realised that I don’t even particularly like soda and chips, and I only like donuts infrequently.

So now I just smoke :smiley:

have sex

You shall be taken out behind the barn and shot for your impudence. Defiling books! How cretinous!

I don’t drink milk. I also re-use ziploc bags and other assorted containers. I don’t have junk food at home. I eat food that tastes good.

I go to church when I feel like going to church.

I buy the sugared cereals.

I go barefoot as much as possible.

I wear pajamas all day.

I leave the dishes/washing/sweeping/etc. for when I want to do them.

Ditto on the making the bed thing…

I have a membership to Sam’d Club. This is so great. I can get a 5 1/2 pound tub of chocolate chip cookie dough. Sometimes I will actually bake the cookies before I eat them.