Stunning Ignorance...or is it something worse?

Orbytal posted in Straight Dope Message Board - Remarrying and then going to heaven…:

There’s no maybe about it–you were utterly without tact when you decided to play Jesus. And what was your point? That you get to play Jesus? I don’t think that point even passes the “so silly it’s laughable” test.

You also assert that you’re trying to keep people from being misled. Interesting concept. And how did you do that? Oh yeah:

Last I checked, I was presented with two facts:
[ol][li]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is, in fact, a Christian denomination.[/li][li]You’re not the arbiter of which denominations are or are not Christian denominations.[/ol][/li]

And one may be a flaming bigot who has exactly zero real interest in facts (that would be you, Orbytal), but that doesn’t mean your prejudices are correct.

& in the same thread, I think I’ve discovered exactly what your bias is:

Well, it’s arguable that the Roman Catholic Church actually is the one Jesus founded. That’s a debate that has nothing to do with whether they’re a Christian denomination–it only has to do if it’s actually the specific church founded by Jesus. Apparently you’re unable to see the distinction between those issues.

And you single-handedly decided the Protestants aren’t Christian either?!?! Show us why those of us who aren’t Roman Catholics but who actually have “truly delved into the Bible and desired to live as close to Jesus as possible” are not in the Roman Catholic church. Come on: scriptural cites, both pro & con. Or just do the right thing and admit that you have no case but made your comments based on nothing other than your own prejudices.

Another thing: your tagline of

is nothing short of insulting since your comments in the linked thread show that you certainly are not part of the cure here.

Y’know, it’s funny: we get all sorts of Protestants in here saying that Catholics aren’t really Christian, but you don’t often see the reverse. Which is odd, because if anybody has got any basis for that sort of claim, it’d be the folks that have been around for a couple millenia.

Well, as a non-Christian, I don’t really have a dog in that fight. But his response to Polly, who mentioned that she’s lost one loved one already and is expecting to lose another shortly, is particularly telling:

Seems pretty clear who isn’t a “real Christian” 'round here.

Oh goody, another one of those “No, I don’t have to learn anymore … all I ever needed to know I got from” types.

Best advice I can give you, Orbytal: lurk for a while before you start posting. Especially, especially if you’re going to be mainly in GD and GQ. Hell, I started out (and largely stay) in MPSIMS and the Pit and I lurked for several months before I joined.

Monty, evidently you have a far greater threshhold for headache-inducing activities than I do. Half the reason I largely stay out of GD is the drive-by-witnesser every week we seem to get here.

And then there are the ones who stay and keep “witnessing” where A) it doesn’t belong and B) it does the opposite of what was intended.

Given that I rather strongly suspect that that Jesus guy was more interested in reforming Judaism than establishing a new set of practices, I’m somewhat dubious of any claims based on the idea that he founded the Catholic church in particular in any case.

I’m also cynically amused by someone making a big deal about which books of the Bible one reads who isn’t even recommending a directly Greek-derived text (or a Greek/English one, like the Nestle-Aland) for “proper” reading – but rather a translation from the Latin Vulgate. I suppose that’s what one gets from these upstart traditions. :rolleyes:

Wow, Orbytal is like the first holy warrior type we’ve had around here who’s Catholic. Can’t quite match the half-dozen or so fundie evangelical Protestant hardliners, but it’s nice to see diversity on the SDMB :wink:

And you’re right, Miller, it is sort of odd. The Catholics on this board, whose church has a legitimate claim for “apostolic succession”, are never the ones making the claims of being the “one true church.” That role is left to the people whose relgions are descended either from a murderous king or a man with serious mental issues, neither one older than 500 years.

As most of my information leads me to believe that Catholics are generally progressive and tolerant these days, I’ll assume Orbytal is an anomaly.

Oh, not hardly. When I first joined I did a bit of witnessing in GD, complete with lack of cites and that “I’m always going to be right when I talk about religion” attitude that permates so many of the unfortunate who to GD thinking it’s just going to be a walk in the park and everyone will up and convert as soon as they read That one Post.

There’ve been others, too, IIRC. I can’t toss out any names because it’s been a while since I went to GD, but we get proselytizers of all flavors here. Some of them stick around, realize we aren’t cannon fodder, and lose their one-trick-ponyness. Others either leave or keep on witnessing, many times where they just don’t belong.

The RCC no longer claims to be the “One True Church”? Better break that one to JP2 REAL gently.

IIRC, the big change in the last 50 years was that the RCC stopped calling other Christians “Heretics” and “Schismists” - and now contents itself to point out that the RCC IS the “Only True Christian Church”.

(and, if JP2 gets his druthers, the next pope will go back to claiming that the RCC is the “Only Christian Church”, and again denounce the heretics and schismists (maybe they’ll re-constitute the Jesuits and/or Dominicans as warriors against Protestantism))

Actually, J2P2 rescinded the bann of excommunication against Martin Luther.

I was in (Lutheran) seminary at the time. We had a party to celebrate, where one of my favorite professors, dressed as ML, who waited outside the door as one of us read the proclamation. Then we ceremoniously welcomed ML in the Heavenly Vision, and the party started.

I got to play one of the saints in the choir of welcome. Saint Sebastian, with a Steve Martin arrow thru my head.


I’m laughing just at that image.

Is this the new robot pope they’ve been working on?

Naw, they’re not talking about the RCC itself, they’re talking about Catholic Dopers not saying that on the boards.

**Orbytal wrote:

For Monty & c_carol: Tactless? maybe… but I did get my point across. I am on the same quest as everyone on the SDMB — the quest for the truth. I am just trying to keep people from being misled.**

To which I say, well, thanks a lot, but if I need your help, I’ll ask for it. 'Til then, bugger off!!

Not that I’m trying to be a Catholic Apologist (gave up that one a while ago), but would someone like to show evidence of a sufficiently large religion that believes in Heaven/an afterlife and does not consider itself the only way into heaven? I don’t doubt that such exists, I just don’t know how to go about finding one.

Ya know, I just went and checked out the thread that Monty linked to without reading this whole thread and my first thought was: Damn! A rabid Catholic.

Now, I’m Catholic (a re-vert who came back to Catholicism via a church that taught that Catholicism was evil. Yeah, it’s an interesting POV, but that’s about all that I use it as), but I would never think of claiming that LDS or Protestants aren’t Christian. I may not fully understand the beliefs held by LDS or by all Protestant denominations, but it’s still not my place to judge what I don’t understand.

So here’s my comment to Orbytal. Settle the fuck down. No one here is a big fan of anyone - Catholic, Protestant, Hindy, Muslim, whatever - telling people that their way is the “only” right way. Discuss, debate - practice your apologetics. Those things are good for you. The other stuff…it’ll only cause you grief.

That’d be Hindu, not Hindy. Thanks.

I would say Unitarian Universalism, but I don’t know if it necessarily states that there is an afterlife or not.

It’s RoboPope 2000!

Judaism. I don’t have any cites at the moment, but I’ve been told by several (orthodox) Rabbis that anybody who follows the seven laws given to all the nations (which expand to about 65 laws or so overall) has a place in the world to come, ie gets to go to heaven.

I think Islam would qualify…

Well, Universalism was in origin a protestant denomination which believed in eventual salvation of all people. They felt that God was too good to condemn anyone to hell forever.

Modern UU’s are free to believe whatever they want, and many still do believe in a hereafter and universal salvation.