Well, for my part I’m going to have to submit my very favorite WinAmp Visualization Plug-In. Impossibly trippy. Give it a minute if it seems like all the others to you. Recommended listening: White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane - Grace Slick’s hanging there on your screen is AWESOME.
And I’m guessing that everyone has seen some version of this, but this is a really, really good version, and darn it, it’s so cool. It’s one of those magical pinwheel things where if you stare at the center for a minute, and then look around at things, you get that wild effect where everything warps and twists. It’s especially cool if you look at your arm!
I’m not sure if this should continue or not and I’ll leave it to the MPSIMS mods whether to let it go. I should warn everyone, though, that if you’re downloading something from an unknown website, especially if it has a .exe, .bat or .com extension be sure to do a virus check on it first and even then only run it at your own risk.
I remember a few years ago (more than a few, really - it was Windows 3.1) I had a disk of “Stupid Windows Tricks.” Just goofy little scripts that would run harmlessly on your computer, like an “earthquake” that would make all your open windows fall to the bottom of the screen.
My favorite one was an “icon frightener,” which wold make your icons flee from the mouse cursor when you moved it around (you could still open programs by clicking on the words - they didn’t move). If you trapped them in the corner they’d teleport to a random area of the screen.
On the heels of that was a program to move a single icon one pixel in a random direction every two minutes or so. You wouldn’t notice notice it while you were working, but after a day or two you’d be bewildered.
An extension for mac os 9 or lower: whenever you emptied the trash, oscar the grouch would appear from the trash can saying “And I love trash!”
I heard that a lot of kids got in trouble from their parents 'cause they deleted all their important files just wanting to see oscar pop out of the trash can over and over again.
The Tilery. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand OS X without it.
JPEGView, however it’s been having trouble opening what seem to be perfectly good image files lately. Probably because the current version is from 1994.
AIMM, the stripped-down AOL Instant Messenger client. No bullshit- you get a buddy list and you get IM windows. You don’t get entertainment tickers, you don’t get a cutesy little sound while the client’s connecting. Just chat. AIMM = 1.9 MB AIM = 7.9 MB
ThumbNailer- I can write my own HTML, thankyouverymuch, just create the friggin’ thumbs automatically, please.
I have a few tricks to play on your fellow co-workers that can be loads of fun
Close all windows and press “printscreen” and then open paint and go to edit and paste. This will paste a screenshot of the desktop into paint. Save the screenshot and then set it as your desktop background. Now for the fun part… highlight all the icons and drag them off the screen. Now you have a desktop that looks completely normal, but none of the icons work. This can be pretty damd funny when the person reboots their computer a few times and the icons still don’t work :eek: note… make sure auto arrange icons is off.
This one doesn’t really work anymore but i believe it works in windows95 and window98 the early edition. Click on your start button so that there is a little dotted line around it indicating it’s selected. Then press “alt-F4” and presto… no start button.
I also ran across the best MAC program i’ve ever seen… i think it’s called Gravite… basicly this program makes icons on your mac swing like they are on a hinge when you drag them somewhere. It has options for gravity level, air resistance and such. It’s quite amusing. The Gravité 2.0.3 page