Stupid games in highschool....

I’m a junior in highschool, and I will admit that the kids that I hang around with are a bunch of jokers. Well, at lunch we like to play the most purile games. We would all sit at a circular table and just yell out “PENIS!” progressively louder each time, untill an authority figure starts walking our way.
Another one; we get an empty flavored water bottle, say something that one of us has to do, spin the bottle and whoever it points to has to do whatever was said.

Anybody else?

Throw a mayonaise packet infront of the stampede taking thier trays up at the last minute. Laugh when somone steps on it. I only saw this done once, it seems stupid and immature, but back then I thought it was extremely funny.

And, of course, there is the game where you mix together foods and dare/pay somone to eat it. Example: jello, cake, peas, corn, salad dressing, and cheese sauce, topped off with some chocolate milk.

Yes, no concoction of food is complete without a little chocolate milk…

Does your school have lockers, or is it one of those that now require all the students to develop chronic back pain early in life by carrying around all of their books with them?

If you do have lockers, I imagine there are all sorts of substances that could be poured/squeezed/sprayed into the vents…

We just upgraded our lockers. My school was under major reconstruction last year, and is just being finished up. They’re bigger, and actually have locks on them, but no one uses the damn things.

I don’t recall any from high school, but I had a great game from grade school.

I used to play a game called, “Who has the least pride?” where I auctioned off my cold-lunch delicacies (venison jerkey, wild grape homemade fruit rollups, etc.) to the poor hot-lunch students stuck with an amalgamation of unidentifiable bits of stuff laughingly called “goulash”. I got people to stand up and say they suck. I got people to sing aloud. I got people to do all sorts of stupid, inane things. It was fun. :slight_smile:

I’m in high school now and we have some pretty stupid games.
First “The Broken Game” is where we start off holding our knees to our chest and bouncing around trying to bump each other over. The Broken bit i s added cos we play on a brick tiled ground.
Next “The Self-esteem game” is where we get into a circle and push me around cos im the smallest guy in the group. Really makes you dizzy.
We also have seed fights where we throw pasatempos (salted and roasted pumpkin seeds) at each other.
Y do I feel like I’ll B explaining all this to a psychologist one day?

A classic.

You and your friend both make a fist and line up your hand so your knuckles are placed against each other. First person lifts up hand, and tries to nail other person’s hand with the bridge of his knuckles. If the other person successfully pulls his hand away, you switch roles. Ad infinitum.

We would throw pencils straight up (point first obviously) at the ceiling tiles and getting them to stick.
We would also throw things out the second floor window into the courtyard and see how long it took Groundskeeper Willie (his actual name) to come running with his pointed stick.

I ran track in high school, and on rainy days we would do laps inside the empty building. One day, during cool-downs (i.e., walking), a buddy and I were idly tugging on locker doors to see if any of them were open. As luck would have it, we found two; after about three seconds of pondering this, we decided to swap the contents of the lockers.

The next morning, we casually walked by the lockers to see what had transpired. I can tell you, there are few things in life as rewarding as watching a popular, beautiful girl as she stares blankly at her locker, overwhelmed by a sense of the surreal…

Did anybody ever play pencilbreak? You hold your pencil horizontally for the other person to whack with a pencil, then you take your turn, etc. It’s kind of egalitarian, actually – the biggest jock’s pencil is generally the same ol’ Dixon Ticonderoga that yours is.

At my school one played Bloody Knuckles with a big comb, preferably one of the heavy plastic ones with a thick handle. One player made a fist with the comb balanced on the back of his hand, handle facing the other player. Player 2 tried to grab the comb and whack player 1’s hand with the teeth of the comb before player one pulled his hand away. If player 2 attempted to whack and missed, the players would reverse roles. If player 1 pulled his hand back too soon, (causing the comb to fall) player 2 got a free whack, and the game continued without reversing roles.

Wet paper towels WILL stick to a ceiling indefinitely.
Some of my friends and I did this in CAtholic school. We came back in 8th grade, and looked up at the girls room ceiling-low and behold, the wads of paper were STILL THERE FROM LAST YEAR!

During Spanish class, we’d go through other peoples’ desks and take stuff out to throw around the classroom behind the teacher’s back. She NEVER caught us!

Last year when I was a junior, “the penis game” as mentioned by sk8rixtx was all the rage among the boys in my class.

Now that we’re seniors we all try to see how much we can put over on the freshmen while they’re still newbies. We’ve got some of them very well-trained. For example, a lot of them were told that the first Friday of every month is Freshman Friday, when the seniors will beat up on the first freshman they see in the hallway (or something; different people told different stories, but eventually the entire freshman class got scared and were afraid to walk in the hallway near seniors today).

Last night people in my hallway were playing the penis game. I was attempting to have a romantic conversation, and I walked out of my dorm and yelled, “penis, penis, penis, now shut the hell up,” at the top of my lungs.

It was remarkably satisfying. I got applause.

well, we had a game we played, typically on the bus, it’s a lot like bloody knuckles. You have someone put their hand down on top of a flat surface and the next person slap their hand down on top… hard, then the next person and the next until everyone’s hand is in, then you do the other hands. Once everyone has both hands in the person at the bottom takes a hand out and starts the vicious cycle all over again. You play until people can’t take the pain and only one person remains. My volleyball teacher freaked out and wouldn’t let me play for a day when I came back and the backs of my hands were purple.


I was in band in high school. This might explain some things… Anyway, we were an odd bunch. I hated marching, but the upside was that when our drum majors got tired of pretending to be drill sergeants, we got to play fun games. Our absolute favorite was Huggy Tag. It was tag. You were “safe” if you were hugging someone. This was a highly confusing game - it was almost impossible to figure out who was “it”. The best was when the football team would come out to use the field and find us running around the field screaming and hugging each other. They were sooooo much cooler than we were, the football players were. We also played Red Rover. Just as much fun (and dangerous) as I remembered from elementary school.

We also played Secret Agent. This game had no point, but it was fun anyway. It involved, um, sneaking around, staying close to the wall, and jumping out from around corners and yelling. Humming of James Bondish music optional.

We just did whatever weird stuff that came into our minds. One day my friend brought about twenty Snapple lids to school and we put them in our pockets and snapped them all day. By the end of the day, I heard several people wondering where those clicking noises were coming from.

My friends and I played a game that was related to the penis game. Two people sat down across from each other and looked straight in to the others eyes. They would each take turns saying a word, any word, until one of them cracked a smile. It is much harder than it sounds.

A typical game would go like this:
Ad nauseam until someone cracked.

I was never very good at this ame as I am always smiling. I could usually last a round or so. i could always beat one of my friends because he couldn’t say or hear the phrase “vaginal secretions” without cracking up.

Well, note that these all come from the early 1980’s…oh shit, I’m so old. I can’t believe I’m going to die so soon.

(ahem) Anyways, we did have the following “games”:

  1. Pencil fights and bloody knuckles - already mentioned.

  2. “Slap happy” - two kids sit next to each other and play rock, paper, sicsors. Whoever wins each round then takes the other person’s forearm, wets two fingers of their right hand in their mouth (no idea why) and whips them across the skin of the loser on her forearm (this was typically only played by girls).

  3. “Eraser fights” - the complement to the dreaded “pencil fight”, but much more painful. In this, two people (mostly guys, but some girls) take a pencil eraser, and both start rubbing hard at the skin on the back of the hand, at the base of the thumb. The first person to draw blood on themselves wins. I am not kidding.

  4. “Slam dance” - while you at standing at your locker, someone comes up behind you and puches you in the back of the head, slamming your face into the metal. You get “triple points” if you slam thm into the edge of the locker door. Boys did it to boys, and girls to girls. Happened to me quite a bit, until I fought back (previously posted).

And these were two games played around here by HS kids in the late 80’s/early 90’s:

  1. “Robo’ing” - Essentially, kids drinking entire bottles of cherry Robitussin. Some even drinking almost 2 entire bottles, to get high. Proof once again how drug laws will never eradicate the desire of people to commit any atrocity needed to themselves to try and get high.

  2. (Never Given a Name that I Heard) - I asked in another thread about “slumber parties” about girls making themselves pass out. At the time, I had forgotten about this cute little game that was played around here by a few kids - who all openly told me they played it, and once I witnessed it actually happening. The “victim” (willing participant) would say to start, and he or she would be thrown on a bed, couch, or floor and held down by others. Then someone would sit on his or her chest and choke them with their hands, until they aaaaalmost passed out. I saw this happen to a guy, who seemed very happy to be choked by other guys into near unconsciousness (blech!). I assume there was some weird, auto-erotic asphysia thing going on through their minds. It stopped, thank God, when a girl’s Mom demanded to know how she got the bruises on her neck. One kid was actually arrested for attempted murder, but it was reduced so far eventually he entered the diversion program and didn’t even get a record.

Yet another statement as to the fact that kids will do absolutely anything to try and fit in and have “fun” with their peers, even if it nearly kills them.

A game that’s always fun is the “vagina game.” You replace one word in a phrase with the word “vagina” and then the next person does it. It has the same pointlessness as the penis game, except it is funnier because of the odd word combinations.

I’m still in middle school but anyway I play that game all the time with my friends. It’s cool cause the 6th and 7th graders are scared of us now. :smiley: