Hi Undead Dude, Hi Opal!
From the terminal window I know how to create directories, move directories and files, rename them; and how to move up and down the hierarchy. From the GUI…well, hell, it’s a GUI, you double-click on things and they open or they launch, right?
yeah right. I’m root. Found xf86config. In the GUI, it looks like a gear and identifies itself as an executable in the Gnome mouse-hover-identify place at the lower left. Double-clicking on it does nothing. Right-clicking on it gives menu options that include “Run…” …
“Run…” brings up a window that asks, essentially, “Run this sucker with WHAT?”. Huh? Whaddaya mean, with what? With flair? With parachutes? It’s a freakin’ PROGRAM, ain’t it? OK, try the command line…
Had some difficulty arriving there via terminal.
The X11 directory in my Linux seems to be titled X11R6; there was no stand-alone X11 directory in there.
/usr/X11/bin/xf86config…well, from “/” I could obtain “/usr” with no problem, but whenever and however I tried to arrive at
“/usr/X11R6/bin/”, I found myself at “/bin”.
Daemons? (Nosferatu, perhaps?)
Bash from the command line does not understand xf86config as an instruction (thinks I wanna create such a directory in
/tmp). Bash doesn’t know “run xf86config” either. “Run? Do I look like an Adidas commercial?”
Fooey. Close up shop. Asked if I wanna save settings. Thought I’d save time by saying “no”, hadn’t changed none of 'em yet. Uh…
can’t boot to Gnome now. Time to reinstall.
How does one run an application? Is an application in Unix the same as a program, i.e., it “runs itself”? Or it it closer to a document, i.e., it needs a program to create the environment in which for it to run? Is it customary to bribe it first in order to get it to run? Ought I to sacrifice a floppy disk at a crossroads at midnight or something like that?
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