Stupid Gun news of the day (Part 1)

Really, man. Little Caesar’s, an AK? Doesn’t rate anything more than a .32 IMO

Ok, now this is what I call “stupid” gun news. Not to minimize how life is probably going to be very, very different for her from now on, but, really…

Now I am though wondering what modality of roulette that is called. (*)

Both these cases, I get the feeling there may have been substances involved affecting their decision making, ya know?

(*) I know, I know – 9mm so it was most likely an auto(**). But humor me.
( **) Key mistake, of course, violation of “never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy”. But one also wonders if she just did not bother to even try to clear it, or cleared in the wrong order (which still leaves a round in the chamber), or even worse was making it an actual kink point in the video that it was loaded :grimacing: )

Let me see how very obscure I can get: no, no, you were supposed to shoot the sled.

Sigh… here we go again.

I’m sure @Oredigger77 would want us to remember that this type of situation wouldn’t be worth wasting one second of thought on. And @DrDeth would remind us that this is a regular occurrence in Yemen.

Let me just take this opportunity to tell both of those rancid pieces of shit to go fuck themselves.

I’m sure you’ll cry yourself to sleep tonight. Masturbating about how sincere your tears are. I have no doubt you do so every night for every death in the world including those killed by cars, fall off ladders, or drown in swimming pools.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Wild guess: He’s a rancid piece of shit. Why would you expect anything better from him?

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a ladder/swimming pool is a good guy with a ladder/swimming pool!?

He doesn’t think that there enough gun deaths in the US to satisfy him.

Incorrect. I’m perfectly content at the current level of death. I don’t need any more to satisfy me. If there were more deaths it wouldn’t bother me just like traffic deaths don’t bother me. That has nothing to do with my appetite for death and I would be perfectly content to have deaths go down.

The ratio of intentional gun homicides vastly outnumber the ratio of intentional vehicle homicides. That should give you pause. But it doesn’t, which reveals all we need to know about your character.

Huh? What ratio are you talking about? I have never heard heard of the ration of intentional gun homicides.

The ratio of intentional gun homicides to unintentional gun fatalities, of course. Likewise, intentional vehicle homicides to unintentional vehicle fatalities. People intentionally slaughter each other with guns far more often than they do with with vehicles. Or ladders. Or swimming pools. It’s the malice.

So you want to outlaw everything with that poor ratio or are guns special?

Another “You can’t look at this this problem until you solve all the other problems!” asshole.

Nope just learning the rules you make up on the spot. I’ve never seen some one compare intentional homicides to unintentional deaths as a ratio. Hell I’ve googled a bit and I can’t find any tables that would give the ratio for various objects.

I would assume baseball bats are a much worse ratio then guns so it seems like a stupid way to compare ways to kill people.

I’ll take $5 of that bet… if you’re serious.

Edited to add: someone in Chicago has to hold the money.

Guns are special because they are the only product that kills people when used as intended by the manufacturer.

Do you also resist attempts to make cars safer? Against DUI or distracted driving laws? Do you think that people shouldn’t even have to take a test before getting a license, nor have it revoked for using it irresponsibly? Should we not carry insurance in case we do cause damage or injury to others?

Yeah, the utility our society gets from having cars makes the death toll a trade off that people are willing to accept, but we still try to reduce it and mitigate the damage.

There’s also the fact that most injured or hurt in a car were at the time benefiting from the use of that car.

We don’t get nearly the same utility out of having easy access to guns as we do having access to transportation. All attempts at reducing the damage they do to society are zealously resisted.

But it is good to know that there is a price you are willing to let others pay in order for you to continue to make sure that criminals and irresponsible people can have access to guns.

Well, since betting is against the board rules. I’ll have to pass.

I’m curious though how many non intentional deaths you think baseball bats cause? I know of several murders with them but noone who was accidentally killed.