Stupid Gun news of the day (Part 1)

Little Bill Daggett Grandma Earline House: Well, sir, you are a cowardly son of a bitch! You just shot an unarmed girl!
Bill Munny Raymeon Means : She should have armed herself if she’s gonna decorate the floor with water.

There’s no sense crying shooting over spilled milk water.

“A male family member of Laurionne Walker, 6, shot the girl multiple times, police said.”
Father? Brother? Uncle? Cousin?

More on the accused:
Raymeon Means, man charged with shooting 6-year-old girl in Pasadena has history of violence with children, records show - ABC13 Houston

The whole family looks like a bunch of typos.

I am curious as to how someone with that kind of record got a gun. I am not saying I don’t believe how it could happen, I am saying that I curious about this as a case study of how someone who should not have a gun got one. And if they were smart the gun rights people would be all over cases like this to contribute to a solution. Otherwise the solution is simply “no guns.”

No silly. The solution is always “more guns”

Obviously. If Laurionne had been armed, she could have thrown down on Raymeon when he drew on her.

Active shooter at a grocery in Boulder Colorado.

Ten days ago, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled Boulder’s long gun law unconstitutional.

It looks like a judge ruled Boulder’s restrictions could not stand, only state or federal laws of the type could be allowed, and enjoined those local ordinances. This story is from three fucking days ago.

Missouri man said he shot his wife and in-laws twice in the head because he got tired of disrespect

Man armed with five guns and body armor arrested inside Atlanta grocery store

To be fair, it makes sense to arm up before grocery shopping. I’ve heard that there are mass shootings taking place there.

I’m involved in the local filmmaking community. An acquaintance of mine, whose day job is at a small ammunition manufacturer, posted on Facebook looking for a documentary filmmaker who was interested in helping with a movie about how the company’s Second Amendment rights were being infringed. The little Podunk town this company is in is allegedly trying to drive them out of business.

Luckily this little Podunk town has a local paper and radio station and posts their town meetings on YouTube. A few minutes of googling revealed that the town is refusing to renew the ammo company’s business license because they’re doing industrial manufacturing in a commercial zone.

A fucking zoning dispute. Zoning. Not a constitutional beef.

From what I saw of the town meeting, the company seems to have a reasonable claim that the zoning commissioner applied the zoning restrictions incorrectly, or at least that the commissioner didn’t do due diligence before making a ruling. OK. But… casting this as a Second Amendment issue is just silly. And, the Podunk town has an appeals process, which the company is following.

Anyway, it’s a tiny story of a tiny company in a tiny town, but a good example of how any minor inconvenience or setback to the Second Amendment Fundamentalists is a constitutional crisis.

Maybe we should stop letting people who supported a seditious insurrection interpret the Second Amendment for us

An adult boyfriend and girlfriend are arguing loudly in public. Three male neighbors approach the couple to break up the fight. One of the men later claims the boyfriend was choking the girlfriend, but the girlfriend denies this. In any case, the boyfriend gets a gun to warn off the three men. One of the three men then leaves, gets his own gun, and returns to kill the man.

So… Defensive Gun Use, right? That’s the great thing. No matter who wound up dead, it’s a Defensive Gun Use! Hooray!

Parents at a Florida high school are raffling off an assault rifle to fund the school’s graduation events. The school and the school district are saying “We have nothing to do with this.”

Florida Moms (and Dads).

It appears it is not necessary to literally invade their safe space – just, every time you see a dubious post, quote it here to explain what is stupid about it. That way, there will be an abundance of posts in that thread that have visible “Stupid gun new of the day” links at the bottom of them.

Three year boy kills 8 month old brother in Houston:

Is this the youngest mentioned previously here? I remember previous discussions about 4 year old killers.