Hmmm, I’m feeling really Mundane and pointless today. So I have decided to share my latest really stupid screw up with you all.
Last weekend I was loading the dishwasher. I accidently knocked the box of laundry detergent over, of course it spilled into the open dishwasher.
I was able to get most of the stuff out and added the dishwasher detergent and started the dish washer.
Guess what, I hadn’t gotten enough out. Result, foam all over the kitchen floor.
I got it all moped up and figured that was the end of it and drained and restarted the dish washer.
Foam comes spilling out again. It took several drainings and restarts to make it stop.
I think I’d rather do the dishes by hand again.
The point of this post ? There isn’t one, this ** is MIPSMS **.