Stupid Lucky Dogs

Lucky Dogs … they are hot dogs that are barbecued and sold on the street, yes?

In which case: Thank you Yves, for bringing us Veggie Street Dogs. 100% Free of Lips and Assholes ! (Really, you’re only buying it because of the condiments anyway, right?)

Yves veggiedogs: yeah, they come out of the package clean, but the street vendors in T.O. put them in a bin of murky water with the meat hotdogs, so cross-contamination is a distinct possibility. Plus you just have to “trust” that they’ll reach in and grab the right one!


It might not even be cross-contamination. Ogre’s Lucky Dog might have thawed too much before being cooked, or it might not have been cooked long enough, or not at a high enough temperature.

My condolences, Ogre. I had a similar experience with Mr. Hot Dog in the mall where I work, although I didn’t lose anything except a day’s pay. And, since I saw the employees wearing gloves, it must have been one of the above factors. (I know it had to be the dog, because it was the only thing I had to eat that day that Mr. Rilch didn’t.)