Stupid pet peeves

I hate the use of “impact” as a verb. I don’t care if it’s becoming accepted, it’s just plain stupid. “Affect” is a perfectly good word (assuming you don’t use it interchangeably with “effect”).

Drivers who have to make eye contact when talking to the passengers in their cars. I usually make this worse when I’m the passenger because my reaction is to stare fixedly at the road, which makes the driver look at me even more, trying to get me to meet their eyes.

I hate it when people put their dog in the back of a truck uncrated. I sometimes fantasize about hitting them over the head with a baseball bat.

People that finish your sentence for you.

When there is a sign that warns drivers that the right or left lane is closed ahead, so you move over, and other people dart up to the very end of the closed lane and somehow squeeze in 16 cars ahead of you

People that are not punctual.

You call a number and you can’t get to a human.

When my computer asks me questions! Like…what program do you want to use to open this file? Why doesn’t the computer know?

People that light up right outside the door. Good gosh, can’t they freakin wait so the damn smoke can be dispersed?


You go to church and they want you to hold hands at the end.

  • People who use Pot references in their usernames on Yahoo Pool. I mean, my god, how many variations of 420, reefer, and toker ARE THERE?

  • I also agree with punctuality. Don’t like it much when people are late.

  • People who set up plans with you and don’t follow through. That’s a big one with me.

  • When the little kids at my apartment complex all decide to sit down and relax in the only parking space within a mile of my building.

  • Certain proprietary software programs at my company … why did you build it to accomodate 25 users when the company has 400 people?

  • People who say “I like all kinds of music!” Ever heard Einsturzende Neubauten? Didn’t think so.

  • People who call the wrong number and get pissed off that you’re not the person they meant to call.

  • Certain kids at my apartment complex who spend hours throwing shit at the ducks in our pond.

  • When threads are started on some band webboards called “SING WITH ME!” and involve one person writing a line from a song, with each following post containing the next line and the next line and the next line … I don’t know why, but this bugs me to no end.

Then you’ll hate what one of my friends had to say once:

“Basically, it’s just, like, really basic, right?”


It could be worse - I bore myself on a regular basis. :frowning:

“Hell is - other people.” Let us all bow before Jean Paul Sartre’s absurdist wisdom.

Really only one pet peeve… hypocrites. People so self absorbed that they spend literally every waking moment pissing and moaning about the deficiencies of other folks, and yet become belligerent when called on the same behavior they so vehemently denounce.

Too many to list, but off the top of my head, I’d say I ahte when I ahve a recurring bout of dyslexia when typing. (this is not meant to pick on dyslexics, BTW.) There’s just somethign about the italicized words in my post that makes me type them wrong. I think it’s just my brain getting ahead of my fingers and my fingers trying too hard to catch up. Perhaps I should slow down my typing. (and yes, I’m guilty of banging on the keyboard most of the time. Sorry!)


I was watching this local cable show, which was a bunch of vanity
crap by a woman trying to be Laurie Anderson, doing artsy and very weird stuff. She had a section, and believe it or not, the phrase Pet Peves came up on the screen. Her mis-spelling, not mine. Like duh, maybe have a 12 year old proof-read your copy before you make an ass of yourself on TV.

Kittenblue, i have nothing against people who drag their feet because of pain or being tired.
what im thinking of is teenagers/young adults who either think its cool to walk wrong, or their just too lazy.

i sympathise with knee and foot pain, ive had some of those jobs before. My knee still makes squishy grinding noises :confused:

It bugs me when large groups of people take up an entire side of the mall, walking slowly. These are usually families with seven children (at least two of whom are toddlers who weave into everyone else’s walking paths) or huge groups of teenage girls bathed in glitter and wearing pants cut way too low.

This same thing bothers me in the grocery store. Instead of moving their cart, people stop it on one side of the lane and then stand on the other side, deliberating on tomato sauce and blocking the entire thing.

The girl in front of me who plays with her hair the entire lecture bothers me to no end. Yes, your hair is long and clean. I’m impressed. This doesn’t mean, however, that it has to be braided one minute, unbraided after 10 minutes, then a few minutes later twisted into a bun. Then, after about 20 minutes, the hair comes back down again. Does she have to have a new style everytime the professor makes a new point? Sheesh.

And salesmen/saleswomen who are listless and act annoyed when you ask for help. You’re getting paid for this- what an imposition!

People who, after saying “Just forget it, it’s not worth fighting about”, go a little ways off and mutter in a loud voice how right they are and how wrong the other person is (often including vicious remarks)…

People whom you’ve just met, who gush and act in an overly familiar way…and then a week later totally ignore you


People who think they know more than you do about something (such as your own culture) and contradict you at every turn

And I’m a tiny bit confused by the term “pet peeve”. It’s not my “pet” anything :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate anonymous snotty little signs about keeping common areas clean.

If they are short and sweet, a little reminder, or a notice that the custodians are not responsible for cleaning a particular sink or counter, then fine. “Please keep this area clean,” or "Please clean up after yourself,’ are perfectly acceptible. One place I worked had a sign that said, “Write your name and the date on all items. This refrigerator is cleaned each Friday at 5:30 and unlabled items are thrown away.” Fine. Simple statement of fact. An aggressive and effective way to avoid nasty old food stinking up the fridge. I approve.

I hate signs that are all and mighty and moralistic, or contain empty threats.

“Out of respect for the others who use this kitchen, please wipe up your spills.” Yeah. I need a prissy little sign to tell me to respect others. And people who are so slovenly as to not clean up after themselves are going to be affected by your little guilt trip.

“One or two people are doing ALL the work to keep this kitchen clean! Everyone who uses the kitchen should pitch in!” Oh really? One or two people? How do you know? Did you set up video survellance? If it is one person, then I guess that one person must be me, and the sign-maker doesn’t help clean the kitchen. For shame! If it’s [i[two* people, then the sign-maker and I must be the only people cleaning the kitchen. I might feel smug about it, except the I find it incredibly improbable. Since the sign-maker didn’t see fit to add their John Hancock to their missive to the unwashing masses, I guess I can’t confirm the methods used in their census.

“If this Area is NOT kept Clean, it will be OFF LIMITS!!!” Riiiiggght. That’s going to happen. What are you going to do? Put up razor wire? Bring in a contactor to remove the sink and counter? Also, I’m glad that you realize that my likelyhood of complying with a sign is proportional to the number of capital letters and exclamation points.

My pet peeve is drivers who block cross walks. I just wanna open up their back door, crawl through and out the other side!!

I cringe when people mispronounce the words picture, naked and ask. It’s not PIXTURE, and it’s not NEKKID, and it’s not AKS.

Just shoot me.

I can’t stand it when people mis-pronounce the word asterisk. They will always say, “asterick” instead.

I also hate the phrase, “…and, last but not least!” AAARRRGGGHHH!

See, I always do that! It’s just this one time that I forgot…hence the peeve.

I hate doors that say “push” - on both sides. What’s the point of the sign if it opens both ways??