Suggest movies for a 2-year-old and his semi-movie snob dad

Atlantis is very good too…might be too old for a 2-yearer though, not sure.

Another vote for Fraggle Rock. My favorite show when I was a kid, and still in my top five.

Well, my wife has a list of “safe” Buffy episodes, but if you think The Incredibles is a bit much… perhaps our suggestions won’t really do ya. :wink:

Last year, our three year-olds favorite movie was Fantastic Four. She loved it, loved it, loved it. Star Wars didn’t make that much of an impact on her (though she didn’t like it when Yoda was fighting), but she now wants a Herbie. She also liked Racing Stripes, Hoodwinked, Wallace and Gromit, Cheaper by the Dozen 2, Yours, Mine, and Ours, and Sky High. (Sophia saw at least seventeen movies in the theater in 2005, some of them more than once).

Whether or not any of the above meet your levels of “quality”… eh, I don’t know. But the kids like 'em.

Wow, good call. We watched Lion King last night (pretty good for both Dad & Son, Were-rabbit tonight (ditto) and at the video store I commented to Moonwife that I bet Moontoddler would love Aladdin – and it’s one of my favorites.

Thanks, all, for your suggestions.

I absolutely loved the first one when I was a wee one. It was one of the few movies that made me cry at such a young age.

I hear the new DVD is crap though.

I am always amazed to hear kids at that age will watch a move 100’s of times…you are not the first to mention this to me. Our neighbors still get a nervous tic if you mention SHREK, as their daughter wanted to see it every day.

I grew up when Wizard Of Oz was shown once, or twice, a year on television (pre-video) and you couldn’t have made me miss that film at gunpoint, so I understand.

My suggestion would be to take this time and introduce the kid to some old black and white films, for instance Lassie (film/tv series), Mickey Mouse Club and Spin and Marty series, The Lone Ranger…some of these films can be purchased for a dollar on DVD at those Dollar Stores. Get the kid to appreciate black and white shows now, so when they grow older, they won’t turn their noses up at Casablanca and Citizen Kane etc etc.

The Secret of NIMH, which works just as well if you want books to read with the Moonchildchild (Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH). Though I can imagine parts that might be a little dark for a 2-year-old. But I sure loved the movie at about 4-5.

Heck, since I’m already there, you really can’t go wrong with Don Bluth’s 80s-90s cartoon movies. See also: An American Tail, The Land Before Time (just the first one is Bluth), All Dogs Go To Heaven, Thumbelina, Anastasia. The brilliant part is that if you want to start weaning a socially and scientifically aware child, these are a great introduction. American expansion (as well as religious toleration, poverty, race relations), paleontology, Russian History…

(And An American Tail’s “There Are No Cats in America” is a truly brilliant takeoff of West Side Story’s “America”)

You know, I’ve never really liked An American Tail or West Side Story, but now that I think about it, you’re right. Of course, I didn’t get it as a kid and today I still need my references to be fairly obvious. (I got the references to West Side Story in an Animaniacs episode a while back, though it took me a few years, but that’s obvious when they write a song about perching on a statue of Martin Scorsese to the tune of “America.” The reason for Scorsese, of course, was because of the movie Goodfellas, which I also didn’t get for several years. Actually, a lot of those bits only make sense if you’ve seen Goodfellas, which, of course, I hadn’t seen at the age of 10 or so.)

I think the moral of this hijack is to suggest to the OP that he pick up the Animaniacs DVDs when they come out later this year. The kid might still be a bit too young, but I bet the OP’ll get all the references.

Update: Moonchildchild is absolutely hooked on Gumby.

Claymation Gumby, or Monty Python Gumby? :wink:


how about a nice, family freindly movie like Freddy Vs. Jason :wink:

seriously though, any of the Muppet movies, and i also reccomend The Iron Giant