Suggestions for backpacking in Wyoming/Montana/Colorado, etc.

I’m considering a backpacking trip to these regions or thereabouts. I’m looking to get into some mountains that have trails and I can pitch a tent for a few days (4-7). I don’t think I want something terribly rugged as its been a while since I’ve dragged a pack around, but I should be able to get by. Wind River Range? Big Horn Mts?

Something that is less popular would be better, I’d prefer that than the best absolute spectacular views. Excellent views and less traveled is better than the best views with more people.

Don’t know if you’re planning on going to Utah, but I’ve camped there is several parks – Zion, Bryce – and there are places with easy access – or at least, there used to be.

Utah would be on the list of possibles. Wyoming is closer, but I’m not sold on any spot yet.
I was just in S. Dakota in the badlands but didn’t do any hiking/camping there.

What about the Medicine Bow Mountains near Laramie? This sounds like a great hike.

So. Lotsa nice trails in Bryce, Zion, Arches, Canyonlands, Dead Horse Point State Park, and Dinosaur. You’ll get great views of different kinds of sandstone formations in Zion, Bryce, and Arches. Dinosaur has dinosaurs in the park Building, nut there are a lot of petroglyphs to be sen all over.

I have done several trips to the Bighorns and Cloud Peak Wilderness in my younger days. I highly recommend it. When we last drove through there, my wife was amazed that she’d never heard of it judging from the views. There are several spectacular alpine lakes that you can get to or even some good peaks that you can day hike up (Cloud Peak and Bomber Mountain among others). The access roads are a bit rough, but we did it with a 15 year old 2wd station wagon back in the day.

I will also recommend hiking in Yellowstone- there are several good books on 2-3 day trips, but I’ve only done long day hikes myself. Yellowstone is one of those places that although busy, the moment you are 100 yards away from the road, you are alone!