Suggestions for the 51st state

But yet another currency switch? Starts to get annoying, no?

I’m from there. There was this one crazy lady who’d periodically hold bake sales to fund her secessionist campaign. I’m not making this up. Wish I could remember her name.

Besides the fact the economy would collapse in moments, it would be worth it to have Karl Pellonpaa as our first governor. :slight_smile:

Greenland… to keep those Canadians surrounded.

OK, Osiris, in the interest of initial alphabetic completeness, let’s try this:

B: Entry for British Columbia
E: Rename Virginia “East Virginia.” Vermont still has initial V.
J: New Jersey officially becomes “Joisey” which we call it anyway.
Q: Michigan’s UP a separate state called “Queboincque.” (k-boink!)
X: West Texas becomes “Xatcho.”
Y: Yukon admitted as a state
Z: Southern California split off into “Zanzacali”

Two renamings, two admitted from outside previous borders, and three administrative divisions, bringing the total to 55 states.

If Hawaii leaves the Union, we’ll need an H, so New Hampshire should become “Hampshire Nouveau.”

Once again, I apparently have the last word:confused:

Man, you Americans are dumb. 44 messages, and no one has mentioned Alberta, with some of the largest oil reserves in the world, an American-like population, and money up the wazoo.

It even sounds like a state.

Mmmmm, I like it.


I beg your pardon. You didn’t think I wanted the eastern provinces did you? In no way am I interested in a state starting with “Q”.

There have been rumors for quite some time that the UP wanted to become its own state, called Superior or something. (You know, since Michigan was already named after a lake…) I don’t know if this rumor was prevalent anywhere else but in my glorious state, but it makes its rounds every few years 'round these parts. I say do it already. We southern peninsula people (at least most of the ones I know) have strong negative feelings for Yoopers anyway - even if they are only in jest.:slight_smile: My vote has been cast.


Sorry - I forgot to look and saw that my idea was already covered, by a fellow Kalamazoo’er, no less! Sincerest apologies…


-Puerto Rico




-Marshall Islands

Don’t listen to da trolls, eh? :wink:
