I posted another thread about getting into graduate school, which is something I’m way too excited about for my own good. Sometimes I get so focused on it I don’t think straight and do crazy things like move to the city where my adviser is on the hopes of getting into school - not on the guarantee I’m in. Luckily for me, that large gamble worked out, but it took a toll on my savings.
Now I’m in, and I’ve spoken with my off-campus adviser and am attending lab meetings once a week with my on-campus adviser. I’m enjoying the meetings (though not yet contributing much), and I’m really chomping at the bit to get started on the research.
The deal is that I’m here, I’m ready to work, and (shocking, I know), my adviser is ready to put me to work. However, my support doesn’t start until roughly September, so I’d need to be able to survive until then. Frankly, there’s a lot of good reasons to start early, if I can, a few examples being finding out the quirks of the lab quickly, being able to start learning the new techniques sooner, and, of course, start talking research and maybe start figuring out actual projects sooner.
The problem comes in timing. Specifically the timing to start the research (not supported yet), take care of my roommate’s puppy (how I managed to move on what was effectively a crazy whim) and maintain a job. Right now, unless I can get an evenings only job (not weekends) or a day job that I can take the puppy to, I don’t see how it’s going to happen.
I’m applying at doggy day-care facilities, and maybe that will work out. I have extensive retail experience, but that will often require weekend work. I also have figured out that my wardrobe has shrunk dramatically and I’ll probably need to do some shopping to work at certain places.
Obviously, my ideal would be to win the lottery (even a small one), and have enough money to last me until September without a paying job (just caring for the puppy and doing my research). Since I figure buying lottery tickets is not actually a smart use of the small amount of savings I have left, that won’t work. I can’t take out student loans because I’m not technically a student yet.
So, I guess what I’m looking for are suggestions of either how to make a medium amount of money quickly, or the kinds of jobs someone with a science and/or retail background can get working in the evenings (but not days or weekends, though weekend evenings is okay). Or other places that will let me bring in a half-grown, somewhat trained puppy with me (ha!).
Thanks in advance to anyone who has a suggestion.