Back in the 70’s I read the first three Dune books. Also read God Emperor when it was 1st published. The series seemed to get weaker with each book. Can anyone summarize what happened in the subsequent books? I recently watched the two Sci-Fi channel miniseries’, and am mildly curious where the story line went. Not enough to actually read the books, though.
Bah. Heritics is my second favourite in the series, behind the original.
It would take a lot of effort to summarize what happens, because the final two don’t lead on from the others, theres a new set of “bad guys”, a new Duncan, and a brilliant character called Teg.
The final two are told from the Bene Gesserit POV, and are worth reading, IMHO. YMMV, of course. But you’re still wrong!
After God Emperor? Teh suck.
AFAICR, the books jump ahead to a few thousand years after Leto II’s death. After his death, a whole lot of his women warrior people (Fish Eaters? Something like that) dispersed into the rest of the galaxy/universe and lost contact with the previously known systems. Only now some of them are coming back and spreading their heretical ideas about freedom through sex, or something like that. The Bene Gesserit are still around, but I have no idea why. They oppose these new women.
Also there’s this thing called a No Ship that can’t be detected by any means, so different people fly around in it in order to escape detection. They use it to take the last sandworm off Dune to some other desert planet. Or something like that. It’s been a very long time since I’ve read them. Oh, and I think there are still Duncan Idaho clones running around (well, only one at at time), for whatever reason. And the Tleilaxu are being devious and whatnot, as usual.
Really, they’re not worth your time IMHO.
I believe they are called “fish speakers”.
I haven’t read them (I couldn’t get through Children of Dune), but my s.o. has, and he enjoyed them, though they are pretty bizarre.