Sunrise or sunset in the MMP?

My friends just stopped by and dropped off some riggies and meatballs. They brought the baby along as well. He’s 9 months old now. It was nice to see people, and especially a little one.

missred We need pics of Nelson in his slicker.

Yeah, it was negative, so I got that going for me. Which is nice.

The pandemic has taken so many small but wonderful restaurants away, it’s very sad. This place is an hour’s drive away but we made the drive to get take out every week just to do our part to keep them in business.

I sure wish I could just go to a butterfly zoo whenever I wanted. I am VERY jealous that you have that option, the best we have is a very small butterfly garden in Scottsdale that charges 30 bucks a person.

This also explains why you can pee right before going to bed but after you’ve stretched out for a bit you have to get up and pee again. I’m so lazy that I lay on the bed for a bit and then get up to pee because I don’t want to have to make two trips in half an hour.

Are you sure it’s COVID brain fog and not the sort of brain I used to get after a couple of weeks of vacation? Even just a week off was sometimes enough for me to wonder if I should ask for retraining.

And in my sleep. Oddly enough, despite all my rehearsal, often there was no argument at all. I’d give my thoughts and suggestions fro solutions and they were mostly accepted and respected. You got this one!

I have done as little as possible today and enjoyed every minute. I pulled an unfinished project out and looked at it again with the same results. The fabric is too dark and I’m not covering it properly. I still like the project, so I’m going to have to order a lighter colored canvas and start over. I didn’t do much before stopping so hopefully I won’t need to back stitch the dark canvas to recover thread.

I caught George sleeping all stretched out and he’s 41 inches from tip of tail to nose. He’s a looooong kitty, it would be fun if I could brag that he was the longest Coon in the world :slight_smile:

I certainly won’t be able to brag about him being smart, today he jumped the baby-gate again. I opened the gate so he would be able to escape if NSGC came after him and GG got so scared he forgot where the door was and got more fur pulled.

The I17 between Phoenix and the junction was backed up for hours today which surprised me. Usually it backs up on the third day of a long weekend (and the evening before the long weekend starts). While wondering about this, my BFF reminded me that Prescott loves trump and a lot of folks would have stayed after to party with their fellow trumpies before driving back up the mountain today.

Retirement is wonderful, we don’t have to mess around with the I17 on days we know it will shut down.

It is nice, but you are still sick, which isn’t nice. A cold pack to the back of my neck often helps with sinus issues, which is think is really weird but possibly it might help you?

VanGo, you asked for it, so here it is: Nelson in his slicker
and a bonus: Nelson in his truck driver coat

unknown, George is bigger than my dog! How much does he weigh?

It’s still cold, white and slick out. I hope that we’re plowed out in the morning.

I got a studio chore done today and when I get home tomorrow, I’ll begin some organization in it to accommodate the new acquisitions.

See y’all tomorrow!

All I gotta say is snerk. Nelson is adorbs

Evening all. True to weather predictions, we had rain (or snowy rain, nothing stuck) for most of the afternoon, so now it is below freezing so all the roads can get icy. Glad I don’t have to drive to work anymore. Supposed to get up in the 40’sF tomorrow, so if everybody drives carefully tomorrow in N. Ali-bama (HA!), we’ll get by ok.

Love the shots of Nelson, red

Umm, might want to be sure you preface that in public with “Maine”, or it might get you talked about…

Sari, things always look calmer after a night to reflect. Hope things can be repaired.

OK, onward into the night. Warming up the house a bit extra so I can take my bath late pre-bedtime so I’m ready to fall asleep. All y’all take care and I’ll catch you on the next MMP.

Ok, I understand caution, but I just got a text warning from the automated county bulletin to avoid travel. It hasn’t started snowing yet. And I live in a lots of snow part of the country.

aww thanks VanGo
Just random thoughts

I don’t know if we should take the trash out
Not because of the holiday, but I thought I saw something on FB about it being delayed for the weather.
Now I can’t find it.
It won’t hurt to put it out, better to do it.
I cleaned out the fridge. So much food I am throwing away because I couldn’t eat for a few days.
No need to risk it smelling up the house when it can just freeze outside.

Red, you don’t know half the drama.
Sometimes I start to type it out, but it is paragraphs.
All still goes back to Barky.

We also have a member (4A) down with a broken arm. She was walking her lab when he saw a cat, and before she could react, he was dragging her. Kind of strange though, because he is 4, and really well trained.
The wife of 7 got her leg broken in multiple places, requiring major surgery. Their lab got the leash wrapped around her legs and then took off running.
4A is in her 40s, pretty strong and healthy.
But 7 is in his late 60s, and his wife is late 50s, and I think that a lab was probably not a good choice for them.

My son just got done shoveling out front.
We have sleet now.
It’ll give him a head start in the morning. He can do the back in the morning too.
He goes back to irk tomorrow, but it’ll be at 7pm so he has plenty of time to clear everything out.
I’m not too worried about taking him to irk, I just hope he irks a full shift and I don’t have to go out in the 1-3 am time frame to get him.

Oh, he’s TOO adorable! And that look on his winsome little face! I was feeling down–missed my sister, made the mistake of looking up spinal stenosis–and those pix perked me right up. Thank you, and extra skritches to Nelson.

Having inherited wonky sinuses, I’ll have to try this. I think an ice pack on the neck is supposed to help bloody noses, right? There must be some scientific reason for it helping sinuses, too.

doggio, I hope you recuperate soonest. Has Dr. Gordie tried lick therapy yet? (And apologies if I misspelled his name.)

@purplehorseshoe , I have my best arguments in the shower. I always win! Bonus: if you squinch your ears, the water sounds a little like the applause of an admiring audience. You’ll prevail in the IRL scenario, too.

Fingers crossed for those smacked by Old Man Winter. Safe travels!

Double snerk~very adorbs!

Nelson looks so cute in his lumberjack jacket and he looks like he’s ready to sing :slight_smile: George is only 12.6 lbs now. He’s been eating two fancy feast sized cans of gooshy fud and half a bowl of crunchies lately so I expect that number to change shortly.

YOU have a dirty mind!!! And OMG, so funny I laughed so hard VBC woke up from her nap to look anoyed.

I’m fairly sure that four years ago, 7’s people didn’t realize how fast they would age compared to to an energetic puppy. Our Maine Coon kitten is a handful and we haven’t even started leash walking him.

I hope it works for you too. You know how sometimes when you find something that works, you don’t want to know if/why it really works because you don’t want to risk learning that you have been falling for a mental placebo act? That’s where I am with the ice pack on the neck for sinus issues.

Hubs ordered our friend one of those walkers with a seat and carrying pouch. It has big wheels so it will move over bumps easier. GG and VBC were having much fun launching themselves on the seat to roll across the living room until Mom the Bitch took it away to protect the paint on the walls.

I sooooo badly want to see a video of this! Just imagining it has me snort-laughing.

I promise I’m trying to figure out how to post videos. My favorite one is of GG staring as The Paw and hubs as the laugh track.

Backstory: VBC is on prescription low fat food so she gets her food in her private dining room. She gets her gooshy fud at the same time as the others and she has learned how to signal me that she wants crunchies which she can have anytime she asks.

Of course GG wants to break bread with her and will try to press himself under the door so they can share. If I put one of her kibbles in front of the door on our side, his big paw will shoot under the door, grab the kibble and pull it back out. Watching The Paw in action makes hubs laugh so much water comes out of his eyes.

We have a walk-in bathtub, mom doesn’t. Mom just called me and said she wanted a bath and was looking at plane flights. ARGGH! She’s vaxxed and boosted but she’s still 85 years old AND gets confused a lot.

I suggested once again that she have a walk-in bathtub put into her house, but she doesn’t want to spend the money because she’s old and won’t be living there much longer MORE ARGGGH!

missred, Nelson is one of the cutest doggies I’ve ever seen!!!

there’s Nelson pics
I thought I was going crazy because … whatever
I swear there are posts that I can’t see

He is a cutie

Unknown, their lab isn’t the 4-year-old, theirs just turned a year in December.
But to each their own, far be it for me to tell them what I think.
I can feel the nastiness starting to bubble back up.

I love my walk-in tub.
My son hated it, but now he likes it too.
I had the extra irk done though to have a shower put in too.
We had to piece/extend the tub surround and rig up the hand sprayer as the shower.

I’m sorry, I misunderstood, but did understand that young gormless dawgs might not be the best choice for us old folks!

I don’t really like our walk in tub because I have to sit there for sooooooooooo* long while it drains and I can still get in and out of our built in tub if I want to stretch out and soak.

Mom just called me again, she forgot that she had called me earlier and said she was going to risk her life by flying out to take a bath. I need to send her more wine, that way I can pretend she’s had one glass too many when this sort of thing happens. She hasn’t opened the one I sent her for Christmas yet, but maybe she had other wine to drink, right?

*47 seconds, hubs fills it and times the drain time once a month so he can tell if pipes from that bathroom are backing up.

I want a walk in tub or a hot tub in my new house when I get it.

Football all day except the nap I took during the Tampa game.

Nelson is a doll baby. So clue. See y’all in the new MMP.

Stay safe everyone.