Sunrise or sunset in the MMP?

Never underestimate the importance of a favorite Mexican place. Ours closed during the first wave, and we miss it dearly.

I have some leftover fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and I was trying to think of recipes to use up the juice, and I wasn’t thinking alcohol. So now it’s up to a Sidecar or a Lemon Maple Bourbon Cocktail. So what if they are “summer” cocktails, I’m inside.

Hubby wants to go to the butterfly zoo today, so we’re doing that. He really likes the warmth. I’ll be wearing a FFP2 mask, as there will probably be a lot of virus vectors (unmasked, unvaccinated children), but at least the adults will be recovered or vaccinated, as required by law.

Also crossing appendances for Nut’s Thing. snerk

Warm thoughts for those stuck in the current ice storm and {{{hugs}}} for all those who need them.

And for everyone, hope you have a relaxing Sunday.

Dammit - that’s been my most frequent typo of late - g for h, gave for have, etc. Dammit. Glad it was at least entertaining here. :wink:

I was surprised that our furnace was kicking on this morning, as the pellet stove was running, till I saw it was SIXTEEN STOOPIT DEGREES outside!!! That explains the furnace. And the cool air coming thru the cat door from the basement stairwell - quite a breeze across my ankles. But we’re supposed to climb to mid-30s today and low 40s tomorrow. Rain/snow due later, and they’re still saying we won’t have any accumulation - just mostly rain. So here’s hoping.

Not sure what’s on today’s agenda, especially since the weather is supposed to suck. There will be at least 2 sessions with the massager thingie - it really has helped the pain in my sweetie’s leg. According to the therapist, there was a lot of fluid accumulation in his leg because of the trauma of the surgery, and that fluid in the tissue is painful. So by massaging it, the fluid gets worked out so that it can eventually be peed out (if I understand the third-hand relayed info.) In any case, FCD says his leg feels better after it gets buzzed, so we shall continue.

I should probably check the various sites and see if our end of year tax info is ready for download so I can figure out the bad news about what we owe. I’ve made my best guess for our estimated taxes thru the year, but I’m not all that confident of my guesses. In an ideal world, on tax day, we don’t owe and don’t get anything back. I think in the last 38 years, only once were we within $100 of our obligation. For 2020, we had to write a five-figure check because FCD’s biz did well and we didn’t hold back enough. But his biz no longer exists and for the remaining work he did, I tried to withhold more. So we’ll see…

Wow - what excitement - leg buzzing and maybe tax figuring. Don’t you envy my life?? < snerk >

Happy Sunday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 53 Amurrkin out and rainy(ish), it’s due to stop anytime now, with a predicted high of 54 and windy for the day. It might get a little N.O.S. later in the day. The big item on today’s agenda is deheathenization. I have no duties, so get to plop my behind in a pew and play regular ol’ parishoner. We shall have some kind of McN.O,L. Sloth and nappage shall also be achieved.

MOOOOOOM if only we could aspire to havin’ your life today!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

aww I just started reading that one …

condolences we’ve done this soo many times that aunt says after these 3 no more cats … lucy the youngest is only 2 and not over 20 like the other two

The only exciting thing I’ve done is put up the Christmas deco …it was the usual clusterf— there seems to be some sort of storm coming …but the coldest weather seems to be done for the year …

Hope next week is better for everyone

Morning all. It’s wet and cold (35F) and my newspaper is delayed, so not a good start to the morning. Not going to get much warmer and the chances of an icy night are good, so staying at home is indicated. Will read and watch some tackleball to keep myself amused.

FCM, that’s a good point, need to check on my tax forms. Usually the Edward D. Jones is the latest, so we’ll see what they are saying. I use Turbo Tax, but haven’t picked it up yet since they lack the state returns (hopefully that will be in the second edition). But thanks for reminding us it’s That season too… :wink: :smile:

OK, pills taken and my e-mail is working with Firefox again, so things are pretty good. All y’all take care.

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 39 degrees and foggy. We’re essentially looking gray, cloudy, or foggy for the next fee days with a small chance of moisture here and there.

There is so much going on with everyone, so I’m just sending out mass hugs and fingers crossed for the good things to happen.

I essentially chilled yesterday, except for a bit of time when I did played some Beat Saber on my VR headset. It’s good exercise and since there was no fuel here for me to ingest before trying to walk/run at the park, I opted to do the VR stuff instead. The husband did go to the grocery store later.

Many shelves were bare, and thus, a few items on our list were not available. The chicken looked skeevy too, so we’re going to have to order that through Costco for Polar. Still and all, it was a ridiculously expensive trip.

I can access my mortgage tax statement now, along with my W2. Still need a couple more documents and then I can file. I am afraid to even do it. I will probably wait until the first part of February. I would like a rest from having to do something right at the moment. I do our taxes every year.

Adam, the youngest grandchild is starting to say words, recognize what they mean, and use them in the right context (outside of daddy and mama). The boy is a blur of activity and always on the go. Yesterday, the kids took the grandkids to the park. AT the park was a little girl probably not much older than Zoe. The girl was developmentally delayed, missing part of one arm, and didn’t do much but yell and run. However, Zoe marched right up there to ask if she could run and yell too and that’s just what she did. She had the best time.

Well, I’m going to finish my coffee and get the kitchen cleaned up. Laundry is on the agenda and probably some minor tidying.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off today. It’s 28 and sleeting here, and everything is vaguely snot floavored. But between the Pseudophed and the coffee, the sinus pressure has gone down, and my eyeballs stopped hurting(Plan B was to remove them with a spork). No plans for today.

{{{doggio}}} I hope that you continue to feel better.

{{{Mumpers}}} Just 'cause.

Up, caffeinating and breakfasting. Nothing much on the agenda today except the usual Sunday chores. It’s a rainy 34F out and I dread to see it freeze up.

I spoke briefly with the new neighbor this morning. I knew he (actually, more like his dog Zoe) looked familiar, but I chalked it up to seeing them at the dog park. Well, I’ve seen them there all right, but when I first moved here, he lived at the end of the next building pretty close to the mailboxes and I would see them out. Nelson did a little better with Zoe today. Once he’s used to her, he’ll quit trying to challenge her.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Whelp, I’m still here. It’s up to, (checks thermometer) 8 degrees. I might leave the house today.

Up and at em. Actually been up a while. Just showered and waiting on the bad weather we are about to get. Going to watch more football all day today. Watched both games yesterday.

Foot maybe 2% improved and the pain is now more on the inside of my ankle where it started on the outside then on top so hopefully it shan’t move again. It really just needs to heal on up.

Feel better soonest doogggiooo. No sporks allowed. Sounds like sinus to me. Glad it’s not the plague.

Afternoon all!

Thanks for all the digit crossing- I’m impressed at your typing skills with such tangly fingers :stuck_out_tongue:

I did not take advantage much of my newfound freedom today- I attempted to go walkies to a place I’d driven past and seen lots of cars parked and footpaths- turns out that, although is a nice bit of woodland, ‘bit’ is the correct term, so walkies wound up up being about 15 minutes… Saw some nice birdies though.

I need to be in anyway- I have an awful lot of uni work I need to be doing; I have final deadlines for 3 of the 7 modules on the course in the next 3 weeks, and I have taught classes for 2 of those weeks. Plus I’m trying to get the permission paper-irk done to get my major project started, which is layers of faff. Add in the extra work involved in applying for A Thing (which now sounds all dirty), and I don’t think I’ll be getting much free time the next few weeks!

Although I have been stuck in anyway, I definitely did get some COVID brain fog issues- my concentration span was not even close to good enough to make headway on my stats homework… I’m not sure my un-fogged brain is good enough, if I’m honest.

Part of the work I’m doing is helping the local high school with the sets for their musical. Legally Blonde. I just read through the script and was quite surprised to see that there is a major plot point and song about “is this man gay or just European?” I’m a 50 year old straight white guy, and I found that a bit offensive.

Considering that this same school had a major blow-up, and ended up cancelling the show, about not casting racially appropriate people in West Side Story a couple years ago, this could be, shall we say, problematic.

Close enough~keep it up. Plus add in little movement sessions after the massage sessions to pump the extra fluids out of the local area and to the kidneys and beyond to be whizzed out. Toe pointing sessions while in the recliner, plus short walks around the room all move the extra up and out. “Massage>move>pump up and out>whizz it away.” I’m sure @swampbear can work up a ditty :musical_note:for you :notes:.

Think of it as sensuous couples massage and high finance.

I bet the mother of that little girl loved watching her little one have a playmate~she’s probably singing your praises from afar.

I’m glad you’re off. It sounds like a miserable day. Do you have (hahahahahahah) access to one of those quick COVID tests? Omicron often presents as a sinus thing. I hope you feel better soon.

It’s 48 and foggy. We had unexpected rain last night, and we’re going through a relatively rapid pressure change right now. I wouldn’t be surprised to see more rain soon.

I’m heading out soon to get my PCR COVID test. I’m not sure why I have to have one. 1) Someone else in my house tested positive and 2) It’s been over a week, so I’m not sure if it will still show anything. Oh well, I follow medical instructions and go where I am told. Or something.

I hope everyone can take a day of rest, whatever that means to each of you. Socially distanced hugs to you all.

That was kind of you, and made me laugh. I’m doing a bit better.

I need to have many Very Serious conversations at work, and my non-confrontational ass isn’t looking forward to it. Well, kinda. I want to move past what happened. So I’ve been practicing, constantly.
Ever had an argument in the shower, just to work through how it would go?
Yeah. I’ve been doing a lot of that.

Also, the constant nose bleeding is not a source of fun.
Don’t tell me about humidifiers, I have two going at all times. Last few days have felt like an endless round of “refill cat water bowl; refill snake water bowls; refill all the rat water bottles; refill the humidifiers … cripes, can I sit down and have a drink of water myself?”

You should write advertisement! Or political commentary… :open_mouth:

He has been doing the heel slide exercise and the foot flex while on his recliner and while in bed. And he’s discovered that the compression hose actually help minimize the pain. Gee, maybe that’s part of why the doc told him to wear them. Took almost 2 weeks for him to figure that out. sheesh.

We went to Red Robin for lunch because FCD wanted to get out. Just after we arrived, the first few flakes began drifting down. As we drove home, more and more was sticking on paved areas. We’re in till his PT tomorrow at 1130, and the weather guessers say this will turn to rain tonight, so I’m not toooooo worried. Tho it is 26°, but it’s supposed to climb to mid-30s overnight.

I finally changed our bedding - fresh clean flannel sheets! YAY! And I’ve started the afghan for my future great-nephew - he’s due in about a month. His mom wanted an oriole, so I found a graphic I could modify and I’m pleased with its potential. I also got the dishwasher running and I scooped cat poop. Dang, where did all this productivity come from??

I think it’s time to assume the chillage position.

Happy Sunday!

Freezing 10 degrees outside earlier.
Now it is 27 feels like 9.
No park. One of my friends didn’t actually lie to me, but she let me think she wasn’t going so I’d stay home.
No snow yet, but I guess it’s coming.
Another friend invited us over for a play date, but I think I am going to skip it.

I am so bored.
Not something I usually say.

I have cooled off considerably since last night.
I may be reasonable instead of tell them to fuck off.

The snow is starting to fall.
I’m staying in, no play date.

I think my plant is dead. He was severely neglected.
Maybe I can bring him back.

sahi That looks like poetry. Good luck to the plant.

Snow is due here soon. Followed by ice, so, huzzah.

sari, my dog park drama is kids’ stuff compared to yours.

It rained all night and this morning (Nelson was in the ducky slicker). Then it began to snow. No problem at the time, since it was above freezing. The temp began to dip around noon and now, it’s snowing and freezing. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll be able to make it to my doctor appointment tomorrow. Oh, well, it can be rescheduled…again.

Howdy Y’all! Deheathenization, McN.O.L., nappage, and sloth have been the order of the day. ‘Tis cool and cloudy here with a lot of wind. I made the executive decision not to haul the biiiiiiiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road for pickup until tomorrow mornin’ due to the wind. Don’t want it to be blown over durin’ the night. We might or might not have trash pickup tomorrow. It’s a federal holiday (Martin Luther King Day, for those keepin’ score), but the trash folks don’t always take off all federal holidays, so whether or not it gets picked up is a crap shoot. Any need for sup will be via forage. Tomorrow night is men’s night over to the church house, so steaks are marinatin’ and beer is chillin’. It will be EYP’s last one so it’ll be kinda sad.

Everyone dealin’ with ice/snowcalypse be safe!