Obviously there has been a proliferation of superhero films over the past couple of years. Particularly popular are superhero “teams” - Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, Suicide Squad, Watchmen so on and so forth. Probably because of the studio’s ability to turn them into massive shared universe of films.
What’s also painfully obvious is that not every hero on the team pulls their weight. In some cases, there is really only a need for the one guy.
**Dr. Manhattan **was the only **Watchman **with actual super powers. And godlike ones at that. He could snap his fingers and evaporate every criminal in the world. The rest were just a bunch of violent jerks in masks. The only reason there were other Watchmen was because Dr M mostly didn’t seem to give a shit.
As cool as **Wolverine **and the X-Men are, with their various powers that usually involve some form of blasting stuff with mutant beams, at the end of the day, all **Xavier **has to do is shut everyone’s mind down or **Magneto **can either just tear every atom apart or drop a bridge on them. And some mutant powers just suck…ahem…Jubilee.
The **Avengers ** are the only team AFAIK to acknowledge that one of their members is actually kind of silly (Hawkeye).
Legitimately, you only have 4 Avengers with actual superpowers - **Thor, Hulk, Vision **and Scarlet Witch, who when they put their mind (or lack there of in Hulks case) to it, they are pretty much unstoppable.
You have a bunch of more or less regular guys in power suits -** Iron Man, Ant Man, Falcon** and soon Wasp
And finally you have these “enhanced” people like **Captain America, Black Window, Black Panther **and Hawkeye who don’t use real weapons but can be as strong, tough and indestructible as the story needs.
And don’t think I didn’t notice **Batman **doing jack shit while **Superman **and **Wonder Woman **fought Doomsday, until he could figure out how to kill him. But who knows about the rest of the JL. **Aqua Man **has bit a bit of a joke for years. “I talk to…fish!”
Also, one thing I’ve noticed is that whatever their powers, every “super” person has the innate power of surviving a direct blast from a plasma beam or being thrown 100 feet through a concrete wall. Half the Avengers should have been killed at the airport in Captain America Civil War. I mean why was Rhody even injured? How many times has Iron Man been thrown through a skyscraper with no ill effects other than some minor bruising around the ego?