My God, you are an idiot. Having had the sheer impossibility of what you suggest explained in exhaustive detail, having been chastised, pilloried, and damn near run out of town by torch-bearing Dopers, you drag up a lame movie reference by a fellow wallower in ignorance, AND POST THE SAME QUESTION AGAIN!!!
The article in question regards the dragging of space-time, not the flow of time itself. You wouldn’t understand space-time if I explained with illustrations in crayon, so just take my word for it: it’s NOT the same thing.
The article in question leads in with the Superman stuff because it’s FUNNY! It’s a JOKE! You, know, jokes? As in “not to be taken seriously”? As in (per the author) “I believe in candy-coating this kind of stuff with humor and imagination, with waffle physics and superfluous Superman lead-ins”? Superfluous is used incorrectly here, of course, but what he means is “unnecessary” --irrelevant, even.
It doesn’t matter what you saw watching Superman. It’s a SPECIAL EFFECT. It was a MOVIE. It was not chosen for its realism, its adherence to physical principle, or because the screenwriter thought it would work (as if Hollywood screenwriters knew jack about physics anyway). It was chosen because it LOOKED COOL! That’s it! NO OTHER REASON!
Forget it. Go sharpen your magic markers or something. Idiot.
How is that word used incorrectly in that context? It is my understanding that superfluous means the same thing as extraneous - unnecessary. Could you clarify for me a bit? I could always use a better volcabulary.
It’s not really an overreaction, silentgoldfish. Had any of the questions been honest questions asked with the purpose of divining a true answer, it might be an overreaction. But the questions were profoundly stupid. Even so, the kindly Dopers took great pains to explain why Superman’s turning back the clock by circling the globe backwards* would not work in real life. And even so, the OP couldn’t grasp the concept.
[sub]*or something like that[/sub]
No, because Star Wars happened “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away,” and no-one has invented intergalactic travel yet so they couldn’t come here and use the Force on us and I bent my Wookie.
Ok, since I came in too late and couldn’t offer my comments earlier… and since the GQ threads have now been closed…
I actually did learn a few things from the GQ thread
I laughed a lot.
I appreciated scotth’s patient replies to the OP’s follow-up posts.
As regards to the OP’s grasping powers on more than cosmic subjects… here’s my take… His representations of what he seems to understand are atleast clear, in that, even though his concepts are deeply flawed, he does express them clearly, using rather precise language.
The following response, in particular, leads me to believe that he is not 12 yrs old or thereabouts :
t-keela says something about going to the poles to see earth’s rotation reversed… he answers with :
“t-keela all you doing is changing the perspective of the viewer, this wil not reverse time.”
This clearly implies that he can assimilate and understand that it is only the perspective of the viewer that changes, and not the actual direction of rotation. Which leads me to wonder why he cannot grasp the rest of the arguements.
The point being, I do not believe that he is mentally underdeveloped, as I had initially allowed him (and therefore appreciated scotth, Nametag and the others’ patient replies).
Forget I said anything, I just read the original GQ thread (not the one I linked to). What a maroon!!! Or a troll. I’m now leaning to troll. Pit away! You have my much needed blessing now :).
I don’t know why you closed the original or the revisited thread. Are you afraid of time travel? Listen, I don’t in any way think Superman is real or that movies are real. I just think this is a good example of a way to use time travel. Are you afraid of time travel? The first thread was stopped because I didn’t have “any” evidence. I then started a new thread with a link to evidence and you closed it. Did you even read the new evidence? I doubt it. What do you and the SDMB have against time travel? I encourage everyone to e-mail manhattan to get the threads reopened.
To everyone who has called me an idiot or troll, do you know nothing about time travel, very few do yet. One day time travel will be available to everyone and the world will be a better place, no thanks to you.
Finally, as I have stated a number of times, I don’t think Superman is real nor do I see the movie a historical document. I was just using it as an example.
I don’t see what your problem is. First you make the assumption that reversing the Earth’s rotation will cause time to go backwards. Then you ask how we could do it.
The answer is, first, your initial assumption is profoundly wrong, reversing the Earth’s rotation will not make time go backwards. Second, there is currently no practical way to reverse the Earth’s rotation, and no reason to try as, for the final time, reversing the Earth’s rotation will not cause time to go backwards!.