Support Young Progressive Leaders

Six months ago I was selected for professional development training at the Center for Progressive Leadership. My program, New Leaders, is a six-month (mostly weekends) intensive leadership training program targeted at recently graduated and young community leaders. Leaders are involved with a wide range of progressive causes, from public health to LGBTQ equality to school-based interventions for at-risk youth. We are advocates, policy makers, non-profit leaders and community organizers.

The quality of the provided training is impressive. Through the six month process, in addition to hands-on training in messaging, organizing, advocacy and fundraising, participants have access to a peer coach and a faculty coach to assist in the development of four major projects - Personal Strategic Plan, 360 Degree Review, Messaging Challenge and Fundraising Challenge.

In case you haven’t guessed, it’s Fundraising Challenge time! Donations to the Center for Progressive Leadership will underwrite the cost of scholarships for those who cannot afford the full cost of the program.

My own life notwithstanding, I’ve seen CPL do amazing things for people. I’ve seen shy kids who didn’t know they had a voice come alive. I’ve seen a man raised on the streets run for political office. Best of all, I’ve seen all of us come together to form a professional network with a strong message - the sort of thing that’s missing in today’s progressive movement.

Please Donate Here. Under ‘‘Who contacted you?’’ feel free to write Christy M.

Even $10 will make a difference for this campaign.

Thanks so much for your time,

Christy M.