Survey for the SDMB guitar players

Recently I’ve spent a little bit of time in several guitar forums and message boards. Most of the individuals are 15-16 yr old males, spouting profanities and gushing about “shred metal” etc. Not much real conversation about gear, styles, theory, etc…

Just to start a conversation about guitar playing…

What gear do you own; guitars, amps, effects?
How long have you been playing?
What type of music do you play mostly?
Are you in a band? Name of said band?
Any thing else you would like to share about your history in guitar?

FallFast, I too have seen a lot of that same kind of discussion. There’s good stuff out there though, so don’t give up all hope. The USENET newsgroups have a lot of good discussion.

As to your questions:
I have 4 guitars. A Parker Fly Deluxe w/vibrato (dark red), a Fender Stratocaster hardtail (sunburst with tortoise pickguard, not my favorite color combo), a Yamaha thin body nylon string electroacoustic (black), and a Washburn acoustic (yellow!). Currently my only amp is a Fender Princeton Chorus, because I use a Line6 POD quite a bit. I also have an MXR Omni effects box and a Crybaby Wah.

I’ve been playing for about 8 years now. I’ve got a long, long way to go yet! I have very eclectic taste in music in general, so I play all kinds of music. Basically I will try any kind of music that involves guitar (and some that don’t). Everything from classical to folk fingerpicking to classic rock and even a bit of country. I’m not as big on heavy metal in general, but there may be some exceptions. One thing that I’m working on these days is emulating the dynamics and phrasing of some violin players in my lead parts. So, I generally go for smoothness and emotion rather than speed or highly technical playing.

I was in an unnamed basement band for a little while. Unfortunately, my girlfriend played bass and I was hot for the singer/rhythm guitarist. Needless to say, that didn’t turn out well. I’d like to play with a group again, but it’s hard to find a match.

There’s nothing really noteworthy about my guitar history to share. I got started because I was listening to Comfortably Numb one day, and I just decided I wanted to learn to play. David Gilmour (of Pink Floyd for any that don’t already know) still remains one of my favorite guitar players. I’m also a fan of Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) and Paul Simon (often overlooked for his playing).

Have you checked out the Harmony Central Guitar forum? It has some trolls but it also has alot of people who know their stuff. Good traffic too.

I play an ES-335 of course.

Hi FallFast. I currently have a Hagstrom III from the late '50s. It’s red with three pickups and lots of really cool buttons. Basically, I love the body shape, and it’s known for its extremely thin neck, which is great because I have rather small hands. My second guitar is a Gibson acoustic/electric from the late '40s that belonged to my grandfather. It’s the same model that John Lennon used to play with the beautiful sunburst top.

I am an absolutely awful guitarist, but I sure love my guitars. :slight_smile:

Gilmour and Knopfler are also my favorite electric players, and I would add Carlos Santana, especially his older stuff. And I definitely agree about Paul Simon being often overlooked. He’s not thought of as primarily a guitar player, but he plays some really fine acoustic stuff on some tunes.

I have only one 6-string, a cheapo thin-body classical. It’s just for noodling around at home and doing some minor recording. Had at least a dozen others in the past. Played 6-string, mostly fingerstyle, for 15 years or so before switching to mostly bass. If bass guitar can be included, I have 3, all 4-string, all fretless. One electric, one acoustic, and one semi-acoustic. Two little practice amps, no effects. The semi-acoustic is a Carvin, and I love it to a degree that some would consider unnatural.

I have played at a local blues club on Sunday nights (amateur night, almost no customers), but mostly I just jam with co-workers. I’m trying to get back into home recording, with a little multi-track machine. I play some classical, some blues, some simple jazz. I’m not that good at any of it; I just play what I like.

By the way, the bass message boards are much the same. There is some intelligent discussion, but mostly it’s childish squabbling about which bands “suk” and which ones “rule,” and whether one brand of bass is really that much better than another.

When I was 15 my mother gave me a Fender Squire Bullet that I still have. I’ve been playing since then (am 33 now) but not seriously.

I am in a band Kite with my husband who is the guitarist. He’s got about 8 guitars including a 7-string Ibanez and a Brian May guitar. I am the Diva :D. I’ve been studying voice for about 6 years now. We play Contemporary Jazz, Bossa Nova, Blues, and Pop Music.

I wanna learn to play SO bad. Eight years of lessons only to find out I’m guitarded.

FWIW, I have a lovely Ibanez acoustic guitar - it’s a whaddayacallit, a…a… dreadnought? I think that’s it. It sounds wonderful when someone with a clue plays it.

I am 16. I play an acoustic guitar. Only. I own a little Mesa-Boogie amp. I play, well, acoustic stuff. :slight_smile: I’m not a very good guitarist, I’m mostly a singer, but I’m not into metal or anything too hard. I love Our Lady Peace and Dave Matthews, if that says anything.

Duh - strike that. I already know how to play bad. I want VERY MUCH to learn how to play well, is what I meant.

I forgot to mention my little acoustic mic that fits into the sound hole. I think that thing is the coolest thing ever.

I play blues on a second hand hohner rockwood.


**What gear do you own; guitars, amps, effects? **

One acoustic steel-strung; one electric (rusting in someone’s attic).

**How long have you been playing? **

24 years (though mostly in the last 15)

**What type of music do you play mostly? **

Easy stuff. Irish music, bluegrass.

**Are you in a band? Name of said band? **


Any thing else you would like to share about your history in guitar?

I love it mainly as an accompaniment to singing. My skill plateaued about 10 years ago and I have been unable to improve. I also play the banjo, bouzouki, mandolin and fiddle.

**What gear do you own; guitars, amps, effects? **
Semi-Acoustic cutaway Charvel Jackson steel-string guitar (24 frets)
(Japanese Import) Fender Strat. Delay Pedal (for U2 stuff), one tiny amp, pathetic. Mainly just play the acoustic now, for kicks.

**How long have you been playing? **
About 10 years.

**What type of music do you play mostly? **
All sorts, depending on guitar. Mainly prefer just easy 3 chord popular songs for people to sing along to at parties. (Mainly only play now when drunk / drinking :wink: )
Do enjoy picky blues stuff and transcribing classical tunes, when I can be bothered. Which is not often.

**Are you in a band? Name of said band? **
No, but do have a little gang of mates I jam with on occasion. Wrote a few songs and had a bit of fun. Never thought about trying to make it work, live or otherwise.

Any thing else you would like to share about your history in guitar?
Learnt more in the first year than I have in the last nine. Just so hard to push the boat out and expand. Guess I don’t have the patience anymore.
Have tried to add harmonica playing to my skills. Failed, so far. Plan to buy a bass soon and learn somethings on it.

What gear do you own; guitars, amps, effects?
Taylor 812C - small (concert-sized, like the one Clapton played on Unplugged) acoustic w/ rounded cutaway - best damn acoustic, ever - Taylors really are the best these days, IMHO
Martin D-18 12 string - their cheapest American made solid top 12
Baby Taylor
Fender Strat
“the Beast” - used to be Fender Lead I, with a customized neck (with a V cross section like a '57 Strat) and pickups Seymour Duncan gave me (long story) that he had made for Jeff Beck(!!) but had left in the wax too long when sealing the wires. Sounds great, to say the least.
Next guitar I’d buy - a 335, no question.
Amp - Seymour Duncon Convertible (serial #7 - bought from Seymour before the amp was released - sounds like an even better MESA/Boogie)
Effects - don’t use any anymore.

How long have you been playing?
25 years - oh man, am I old.

What type of music do you play mostly?
Blues, rock, some pop

Are you in a band? Name of said band?
Been in many, no time right now

**Any thing else you would like to share about your history in guitar? **
It sure has kept me sane over the years.

**What gear do you own; guitars, amps, effects?[b/]
A Kramer electric, Nice ivory color with a wierd tapered side profile, a Takamini acoustic and a Washburn bass guitar. My amp is a Crate with twin 55 watt 10" speakers. A handfull of pedal effects that I really don’t use.

How long have you been playing?
Off and on for about 9 years.

What type of music do you play mostly?
I guess rock & funk, really. I did learn a few classical pieces, but they weren’t for the guitar.

Are you in a band? Name of said band?
Never have been.

**Any thing else you would like to share about your history in guitar? **
Nothing special. I just learned because it was fun.

jjimm did you seem to find once you leared say the banjo the others seem just to fall into place.

It did for me… Played guitar for 10 years before I picked up a mando, and the others after a little tweaking seemed just fine.

on another note, I also play the Tin whistle, and the Uilleann Pipes.

Good luck

What gear do you own; guitars, amps, effects?
[ul][li]An old Peavey red electric w/ floyd rose. It looks silly, but it screams.[/li][li]An ancient nylon string acoustic of dubious origin. Not pretty, but it has its uses.[/li][li]A blue strat-style Yamaha. Very smooth tone, good rhythm axe.[/li][li]A beautiful natural wood grain Yamaha (my baby). This is one of the most clear/responsive and just generally fun-to-play guitars that I’ve held.[/li][li]A white SanteFe’ish Talkamine steel string electric/acoustic. This is the “show” guitar. People just assume whatever I play will sound good when they see it-- suckers! :D[/li][li]An 80-Watt Crate. Has onboard effects but I don’t really use them.[/li][li]Digitech RP12. Very powerful and economical pedalboard DSP.[/li][li]Morely Wah/Volume.[/li][li]Various stomp-boxes.[/ul][/li]How long have you been playing?
I’d say somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 years.

What type of music do you play mostly?
Right at the moment, I’m kinda doing an independent study of Spanish and Classical guitar-- the acoustic has been getting some mileage. Other than that I love rock(60s, 80s, 90s, progressive, euro, ect.) and metal. I find myself torn between the electric and acoustic worlds. Sometimes finger picking is good, sometimes I want to crush the tremelo 'till the strings go slack and crack windows with pinch harmonics.

Are you in a band? Name of said band?
Not currently in a band. Was in numerous unremarkable little groups throughout highschool. Being a full-time college student kinda made a band unfeasible for me.

Any thing else you would like to share about your history in guitar?
I would just like to point out that <bandname here> rules and that <bandname here> suks! :wink: In all seriousness though, the guitar is a wonderful thing-- as I’m sure all you doper guitarists know. If you want to learn to play, sit down and do it! You’ll be glad you did. Please don’t be too hard on 15 year-olds running around shouting about what “rules” and what “suks.” They feel passionately about music. I for one, did the same thing. I’m a little more reasonable about things now.

Exactly what happened! The fiddle and the guitar combined to allow me to pick up the mandolin, and then I adapted the fingering and picking methods for the banjo and other stuff. I also play the tin whistle, the harmonica, and the didgeridoo (all very badly).

I’ve only been playing for about 2 years now. Must be mid-life thing. Teaching myself. I feel that I have a very good grasp of the basics, theory, chords, fingering, etc… But, I feel that I’ve really plateaued out for what I can teach myself.

What are your experiences with professional instruction? I’ve been talking to a number of instructors and haven’t really found somebody that I feel comfortable with yet. I really enjoy blues and jazz. Allows me to “try” and do some improvisation.

Enigma42 - good idea. I hadn’t thought about USENET

KidCharlemagne - I have checked out Harmony and they are okay, I tend to prefer CyberFret.

If anybody cares, I have a Fender Standard Strat and a Crate 15 watt amp. No effects.

Although I do have my eye on a Gibson LP Standard. I just love their sound and they way they play. I like humbuckers sound better than single coil. But, thats my preference.

p@cific@812 - I don’t mean to sound hard on the 15 year olds. But it gets a little old after awhile. And I was like that way back when also.

I own 4 cheap guitars:
[list]A Washburn strat knock off (needs to be rewired)
A BC-Rich Rave II (needs a new bridge pickup and jack)
A Charvel Dinky look-alike (needs a new bridge pickup)
A cheap Yamaha acoustic

I also have a fairly nice Ibanez RG Bass.

A couple of Amps, a Fender Princeton 65 (NOT a Princeton Chorus), an old Peavey head and cab, and a huge Peavey bass amp with no f&*$ing casters - what the hell were they thinking!!! (I got it half price, so I figured it was worth it…)

As far as effects, I own a digitech RP-1 and the distortion channel on the princeton.

What I wouldn’t give for a Mesa triple rectifier though…[sub]drool[/sub]

I’ve been playing for about 12 years now. I learned by figuring out old Metallica songs by ear, and then other stuff on the radio by ear. Years later I discovered tab, and figured out all the bits I was playing wrong. I never learned to read music well, but I can do it if pressed.

Been in bands from time to time, but they always fall apart and none of them ever want to play the stuff I want to play. (Namely, old Metallica stuff, classic Sabbath, Beatles, Yes, early nineties stuff from Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, a little Primus, and maybe just a touch of old Van Halen, etc.)