Survey: Four in 10 American Adults Play Video Games

This explains so much about so many of my past boyfriends…how many hours a day do you spend??
here’s the proof

I probably average 1-2 hours a day.

I tried reading that article until I got to this sentence:

A little help…?

I play 0-2 hours a day most days during the week, and at least 1 4+ hour session on the weekends (Sunday night is my “game” night.)

Put it another way: I play games instead of watching TV. Instead of sitting down to watch the Thursday night lineup (or whatever), I play a game on my computer. Put in those terms, I would guess games spend about the same amount of time on their preferred leisure activity (gaming) than the average TV watcher spends on theirs (watching TV).


“And more than a third of online gamers spent more than $200 last year on gaming, compared with nearly a quarter of those who don’t play games online.”

~33% of people who play games online spent more than $200 on gaming.
~25% of people who play games, but not online games, spent more than $200 on gaming.

At least that’s how I read it.

Does online poker count? If so, in the past week (since I started playing) I’ve averaged 1 hour per day.

I’ve never played any other kind of online game, and I’ve never used an X-Box or a PlayStation. I have an Atari 10-in-1 thingy at home that I haven’t used since I got it 2 years ago, I play Bejeweled on my PDA sometimes, and I used to play a little networked Quake at my old job (5-6 years ago). That’s all.

I get very little time to game during the week – except on those few quiet moments during the day or on the bus when, if I don’t have my iPod going, I can sneak in a game of something on my PDA. :slight_smile:

Weekends though – probably 4-8 hours depending. Far less than I’d like – you just can’t make any significant progress in Oblivion without a few marathon sessions. :slight_smile:

I don’t play online, but most evenings I’ll be playing after dinner rather than watching TV. Mr. Neville is a gamer, too.

Both Hubby and I play video games at least an hour per night. (He’s playing Eve Online and I’m playing Oblivion on the Xbox.) We spend a good deal on games, because they’re his primary recreation (mine is books).

I just got Oblivion and an XBox360. Even though it’s new and exciting I still never play more than an hour a day.

Off to IMHO.

Well, I was still playing Morrowind when Oblivion came out, so that tells you something. :smiley:

I’ve recently gotten hooked on Eve Online, and probably play 1-3 hours a day during the week, a bit more on the weekends.

I have a laptop (thanks to my company), so I’m usually sitting on the sofa watching TV at the same time.

I guess I’m a little confused; what is this “TV” thing you people keep mentioning?

Seriously, I’ll hit up a good… 12-18 hours of gaming a week, but that’s generally only in one-day sessions where I DO NOT GET UP. The rest of the week I’m doing rational things like eating, sleeping, having sex, or excreting the results of the previous three.

Or, to paraphrase from the Star Trek Humor thread, “Life, life, what is life?”

When I’m home, I’ll try to sneak in 1 hour on-line every other day or so (Call of Duty 2). On the weekend, I’ll get in an hour or more.

If, however, my wife goes out of town for the weekend: the dog doesn’t get walked, the pizza is ordered and the beer is drank. I will easily piss away an entire weekend on gaming. In the states, I’ll get one of these gaming vacations about every 3 months or so.

I play a few ‘regular’ videogames, but I can’t get into the online or role-playing stuff. I spend enough time on the computer as it is.

I quite smartly plugged my PS2 into my computer so I could play video games and watch TV at the same tie. Well I did till I unfortunately lost the apps that did it when I got hit by a virus.

I play about an hour or two a day. Depends on how new the games are. On the weekends though it’s much more.

If you’re interested I own an N64, PS2, GC, DS and GBA.

I’m going to drop about another $200 on video games this Saturday!

Of course, if someone could be bothered to make a modchip that didn’t ultimately fry port 1 into uselessness*, I wouldn’t have to buy an import PS2… :mad:

Yeah, I’m an adult. I’m sick of playing piano, I can’t deal with movie theaters anymore, I never got into golf, I don’t know anything about gambling, and I’ve never seen the need to get drunk. Sue me. :slight_smile:

  • This is the second time this has happened, BTW.

As someone who has just purchased a brand new gaming computer, I don’t even wanna talk about how much cash I spend on gaming.

I do, however, count it as one of my favorite luxuries that I can now buy any new game that catches my fancy, as opposed to the college years, where I needed proof that game was good for at least 20 or 30 hours before I bought it.

3 to 4 hours per week average. Some weeks I don’t play at all - others I spend a whole weekend playing. I’m a 48 year old AA chick and I love games.

I play on Nothing too exotic. I (very very rarely) play old PS2 games.

I play correspondance chess online. But that doesn’t take up much time.

That’s all I play for games. I like them when I’ve played them, and I actually seem to have an affinity for games, but the wife hates them so that brings up 2 things:

  1. She doesn’t want it in the house.

  2. If I did get a gaming system, it would be a completely solo pursuit. At least with TV, we watch it together, and talk about it.