Survival Horror Games: Recommendations?

Me and Alias are massive fans of the Silent Hill series. We’ve also discovered just how cool Fatal Frame 2 is.

We tried Siren. I wasn’t too impressed with the gameplay. More frustration than spooky. The Suffering was also kind of a let down with one of the clunkiest control systems I’ve used in a while.
Is Resident Evil 4 as good as advertised? How about Eternal Darkness:Sanity’s Requiem? Any other recommendations?

Resident Evil 4 is fuckin’ amazing. Absolutely jaw-dropping. And I am very much not a fan of the rest of the franchise.

Eternal Darkness is also top-notch. Gameplay isn’t as good as RE4, but the story line is much more interesting (compared to where I am in RE4, anyway. I’m very far from the end of the game), and it does a lot of very clever meta-game stuff as your character’s sanity meter drains away.

I was about to say not to bother with Silent Hill – I tried 1&3 and just never found them scary. :slight_smile:

The original Alone in the Dark really holds up if you can get it working.

I’ve heard very good things about Eternal Darkness though. If I had a gamecube I’d get it.

Half-Life 2 has some very good zombie action in it, especially in a haunted town level.

Fatal Frame II is pretty good; haven’t played the original, though.

Clock Tower 3 is a good game with some pretty nasty flaws. It’s worth the 15 bucks you’ll usually find it for.

Eternal Darkness. All I can say is get it.

I have to second Resident Evil 4, even over the amazing Eternal Darkness, and this is coming from someone who despises every other game in the RE series.

It is one of the most spectacular game I’ve ever played. As one reviewer put it, “It’s Zelda good.” Friggen awesome game.