Survival of the Dead (open spoilers)

Well, I finally saw Survival of the Dead on blu-ray. It was not good. This is the only Romero Living Dead film I actively disliked. And this is coming from someone who thought Land of the Dead was an okay film (& gave GAR a pass since it he was making more of a Hollywood film that the original trilogy) and actually liked Diary of the Dead.

It actually managed to be worse than I dead about. The basic idea was that bad, but the execution was flawed. Yeah, it was hard to think of Muldoons as anything other than morons given all we know from the last 5 films, but at least Romero didn’t really contradict his own canon regarding the zombies.

Plum Island was just downright bizarre, and not in a way that helped the film. An Irish fishing village meets as an Old West cow town on an island off the coast of Delaware and stuck in a time warp? :dubious: Also if the O’Flynns and the Muldoons founded the town, and make up nearly all the inhabitants then by now they really are just one big, extended, inbred family.

Surprise indentical twins! :rolleyes: That’s just wrong. I do admit that as misguided as they were the experiment with the pig was alot more logical than the ones in Day of the Dead with the “beef-treats”. At least the pig was a warm, living animal and not processed meat. Romero’s zombies have been eating other animals since Night of the Living Dead, and I always assumed they’d eat anything warm that couldn’t defend itself if they got the opportunity .

All they did was manage to condition the zombies to eat horses in addition to people. :slight_smile: Judging by the ending things must really suck for the rest of Islanders.

On the bright side only six weeks to go to AMC’s The Walking Dead.