Surviver 10/2

I didn’t shed any tears, and despite my intense hatred for Andrew, I did feel a little sorry for them. They really are taking a beating.

I would be such an asset on Morgan’s team.

They have that net. Now all they have to do is find two sturdy sticks and secure them to the ends so that they are upright. Now they have a seine. It won’t be perfect since they don’t have any weights or floats, but it could work with enough trial and error. They could get all sorts of fish and crustaceans that way.

There hasn’t been a lot of focus on just what that team is eating. Apparently they’re eating something.

Another blunder for Morgan voting off Lill. Now their not only going to be hungry, they’re going to be fire-less. I really didn’t see the point that Andrew (?) argued about Lill not being able to handle the challenges the way Darrah did. What exactly did Darrah do in the challenges? In the immunity challenge she just sort of hung there. I understand that it was uncomfortable, but it didnt’ seem to take a great deal of talent or strength.

I’m with those who would like to see the producers allow Morgan to self destruct. I used to feel sorry for them. Now I’m just disgusted with them. I haven’t seen them do anything to improve their situation or even give a good attempt at their challenges. They seem to go in with no plan and give up much too quickly. Maybe they edited out too much of the immunity challenge, but it seemed Osten just fell apart once he was expected to hold the rope up on his own with no leverage. It was as though he never planned how he should do it and kind of gave up.

All of Morgan’s problems are self-inflicted. And the Drakes aren’t being obnoxious about their winning streak, so there’s no reason to get annoyed at them.

[comic book guy voice]Worst…tribe…ever[/comic book guy voice]

I swear to God, if Burnett intervenes to save the remaining mOrgan tribe members, I will never watch this show again.

It’s way too easy to judge these people harshly. The guy has muscles, but he hasn’t been eating or sleeping well, at least compared to Wolfman Jack over there. He had been straining the whole time. He didn’t give up; he just failed.

Sometimes you can give it your all and still fail.

I suppose I have sympathy because failures on this show perpetuate further failures. Morgan only has sheer determination and desperation to save them now. Drake has food, drink, and mirth, plus the ability to pick and choose who’s going to compete each time. They get stronger each time they win, while the other team gets wimpier. It would be different if RC and IC victories could alternate, but it hasn’t been like that.

I really hope Morgan can put up some kind of fight, because it gets awfully boring (at least to me) when one team keeps winning. The merger’s going to happen and then it will be Pagong all over again. SNORE

Well, according to Lil, they’ve been eating rice with sand in it. ::gag::

Well, so do I, but only for likeable underdogs. Morgan are assholes who deserve to get their asses kicked.

But what a great episode! I knew Drake would win because to me, it was a challenge that required heart more than brute stength, and no way in hell does creampuff Osten have more heart than everyone’s favorite pirate, Rupert. Plus I loved the part where Rupert glanced at Osten and grinned after seeing how miserable Osten looked. Rupert knew he had it in the bag right there.

I think Rupert is safe for a long while, at least until the jury. Shawn and Burton think they’re alpha males, but the women on the tribe love Rupert. In fact, I think the second Drake member to go after Jon will be Shawn.

As far as Drake throwing a challenge to oust Jon, I think it would be a huge mistake. Go for the knockout punch now and worry about Jon later. Even if he makes it the merge and tries to turn on Drake, they’ll still outnumber the Morgans + Jon. That strategy has been executed successfully before, though. In Survivor Africa, Ethan’s tribe (forgot their name) threw an immunity challenge so they could vote off the newly acquired Silas. Still, it’s awfully risky.

Yeah, they mentioned that they bought some rice in town. Dunno what they’re eating besides that, though.

Arrrr, but they’re not really rules, more like a guideline…

How? Lill wasn’t the only one who knew how to make a fire, she was just the one in charge of it. That also doesn’t mean that they’re letting it go out each night.

Well, it might rain.

Lil controlled the weather, too? Man, they really WERE dumb to vote her off!

Heheh. :smiley:

By the way I thought it was very wise of Drake to choose the weaker people (Jon and Michelle) to sit out the reward challenge - even knowing that they wouldn’t be able to sit otu the immunity challenge. At this point in the game, I think it’s much more important for them to win the reward challenge. The reward will help make them more comfortable, while further demoralizing Morgan. And regarding immunity, there’s a good chance they’ll win anyway, and second they could stand to thin the herd out a little (hello Jon).

Speaking of Jon, I shall now go on the record…

Slacker sez:

Jon will be one of the few survivors whose ouster is heavily foreshadowed, who actually does indeed get the boot. Mark B so often tries to throw us off the trail, but I think Jon is one of the few people who you just can’t edit around. :wink:

That’s the “spectacular flameout” exception to the mislead them about the vote rule. However, given the advantage to winning one more week in a row, I think Jon may be safe.

I can’t wait to see the stupid look on his face when he does get the boot though.


But every body just loooves Jon. He keeps 'em laughing and that’s worth a lot.

Isn’t it strange to see such self-delusion played right there in front of your eyes?

Hang on. Why do we know that everyone in Drake hates Jon? Sure, Sandra hates him, but what about everyone else? I seem to recall something else occurring to piss people off, what was it?

I don’t think the drunken obscenity sprees won him many friends.

Yes, but we can’t be sure. We have no idea if most of Drake hates Jon or Sandra more.

All of them. No offense taken, but why do you ask?