Survivor: 11/30/11

Hmmm. No Survivor thread yet.

I really wish people would stop kissing Coach’s ass and just vote him out. If he takes the Asian chick and Cowboy with him to the final, he wins.

As for Cochrane, who knows. Maybe he can beat Ozzie in a trial (3-man “duel”) and get back in! :slight_smile:

I was glad to see the little weasel get voted off.

I wasn’t suprised Cochrane got voted off, but I hope Brandon steps up the crazy again - Cochrane was pretty entertaining/disturbing to watch. “I’ve never had a massage. I used to give my mother massages, so getting a massage will be a new thing for me.” WTF?

What a contrast in tribes this season. Upolu is all about unity, trust and stability. Savaii is more cutthroat and selfish.

Coach is the key; he is constantly talking to his tribe. My guess is that he is emphasizing that having a 5-strong core alliance has been the key to their success so far and any premature defections will result in disaster for all – just look at Savaii.

If you defect, you may gain a temporary 1 or 2 tribal council advantage, but you endanger your own safety. For example, if you keep Cochrane and Edna, they could flip against you. Better to keep things stable a while longer. (And Coach gets to keep his immunity idol snugly in his pocket)

Voting out Cochrane was a pretty dumb move. He’s the one person you want sittign next to you at the final tribal.

Unless they come up with a “Best Woody Allen Impersonation” duel, I don’t like Cochran’s chances. Still, stranger things have happened, I suppose.

I was actually a little bummed by the vote. Cochran was starting to grow on me. I defend his big move because it was very clear he was at the bottom of his old Savaii alliance. He had very little to lose by shaking things up and then trying to climb the ladder in his new alliance. It almost worked, too - I think Coach made the wrong decision here. He, Albert, Cochran, and Edna could have locked themselves into the final 4 if they’d taken Dan out, and I believe Coach would have the jury votes against any of them.

I don’t dislike Dan at all, but I expected he’d start actually playing the game in the second half; he’s doing nothing. But he’s also not pissing anybody off, and that could be dangerous in the end. Coat-tail riders have won the million before.

I don’t dislike Ozzy, but I think it would be amazing television if Cochran beats him in the duel and re-enters the game.

No. He could get votes for strategically staying in until the end. Unlike the two contestants I mentioned in the OP.

I want Ozzie back in just so Coach doesn’t win.

I’m curious to see if the producers will tailor a challenge to give Cochran a better shot at winning.

The duels(and all challenges, actually) are pre-decided before the season begins. They have to be submitted in advance so it fair. Probst tweets and touts about all this stuff.

I’m hoping the next immunity challenge is the one where you stand on progressively narrower footrests - that’s the only thing Edna would have a good shot at winning. Which, as Cochrane pointed out, would start the fireworks early.

Wheelz, did you mean Rick (the cowboy)?

And if it’s a three person final, you want Brandon as the third.

I think the most interesting final would include Ozzy and Coach. Good television and potential for drama. That said, I’d really like them to stop bringing back anyone who’s been on (or is related to someone who was on) and just show us a bunch of people playing the game, not re-playing it–even if they do it better this time.

That was one of the more pointless and dragging episodes, IMO. No real drama, as it’s not in either Coach or Albert’s interest to keep JC at the risk of losing jury votes.

Really, I’m not seeing drama until 5 - that’s when Brandon has to figure out how to actually play the game (that or just start killing people with the machete so he doesn’t have to vote for them…). Edna is an easy vote (and unlikely to win immunity) because the only one she’d hold it against is Coach (so the other 4 can vote her out not matter what Coach says without fear of losing her vote).

I truly think the repeated montages of “Albert talking with former Savaii about switching things up” are entirely misdirection (i.e. he never seriously considered it) He’s just trying to get their jury votes with an “I tried to save you but Coach wouldn’t go along” line. In fact, basically that exact thing happened this week - Albert tells JC “I’ll save you if you can get Coach”, JC goes to Coach and says “we got the votes, just save me like you said you want to”, and Coach says “um… about that…”. Is there any way that JC votes for Coach over Albert now? He did the same thing with Dawn and Whitney too.

:smack: That’s exactly who I mean. Not sure why I called him Dan, except that it points out how much of an impression his gameplay has made on me.

I look forward to seeing Russell’s 3rd cousin, twice removed on next season’s show. Then we can have his high school best friend’s girlfriend on the following season.

John Mace I am giving you the look my Mother used to give me…

I think that Coach had Cochrane voted out since he was becoming a threat.
He was developing an alliance to get Cowboy out behind Coach’s back and came very close to pulling it off.
He was developing the social game with the new tribe.
Last week I would have guarantied no one on his old tribe would have voted for him at FTC, but there is no telling what juries will vote on year-to-year. Some season they seem to vote on game play, some seasons it’s personality and some season it’s all personal. It is a real possibility that had he made it to FTC he might have votes based on pulling the huge move and making it to the final.
Lastly, I think Coach has had the final 3 picked out for quite a while. I suspect that it is Edna and Brandon going with him to FTC and he simply does not want to change it up. He plays around with the idea (what about taking Cochrane? No one votes for a traitor) but for whatever reason he doesn’t pull the trigger.

I don’t know, in a jury made up of JCs old team, there’s no way JC is getting a single vote from them. Even if he got all 3 of the remaing Tuna jury votes, he’s toast in the final.

I’d like to be a fly on the Redemption Island wall with Ozzy and Cochran. Lots of love there.

I also love the way they try to build up suspense. Tune in for the amazing twists! The riveting drama! As Cochran gets voted out just like you knew he would!

Tune in next week! Amazing twists! Riveting drama as Edna gets voted out!

Unless I’m wrong. She went against “The Family”, so even if she’s coach’s toady, she can’t feel too great.

Given the logistical constraints of the dueling space on Redemption Island, there’s no reason in theory that Cochran couldn’t win a challenge against Ozzy. They can’t do a “swim to the raft, retrieve the goodies and build something” challenge on RI, (where Ozzy would be a lock to win) so the challenges all involve playing skee-ball or standing on one foot.

And if Cochran wins I’ll just laugh hysterically.

That’s better than giving him the massage Cochran used to give his mother…