Survivor Amazon 2/20

After seeing how arrogant the men were on the first episode, I decided I was going to root for the women. But they are making it mighty difficult. Between the stupid excuses for not building a shelter (we can’t do it because we need water and food) to the fundie girl. Yeesh.

I have a crush on Christie. She’s cute and spunky. But she made a mistake with the refusing to build the shelter, and then complaining about things at the TC.

If Christie doesn’t win, I’d like Daniel to win, because he seems like such a dolt.

Yeah, true enough- I just thought it was a bit of a strange coincidence. I guess nobody beats Yoga “buttbreathing” guy from a couple Survivor’s back-- what was that guy thinking?


I thought last week Joanna was reluctant to hold the Immunity Idol. I thought it was because it looked like a black stereotype character. Now we see her problem.

I think it’s silly. It’s not like they’re saying, “If you win this challenge, you must accept the fact that Jesus does not exist, and instead worship this small humanoid thing as your new god.” Which would be epecially hard to revert once you lost a competition…

Well, to be fair, there might be some normal Christians in the group, but if they’re normal, they aren’t going around hollering “Praise Jesus!” all the time, so we’d never know that they were Christian. Right?

I like to tape the show, and I can turn on closed-captioning and go back and see the dialog that I could not understand. I tried to do this when JoAnna was saying she worshiped “ElianGonzal’JabaduHutAdoiai”. Evidently captioners do this show in real-time (for security?). The captioner put “I worship … <long pause> God”. Maybe the captioner does not work in real time, but after 5 listenings, settled for this over “what-Ever”.

Does anybody else think it would be good strategy this time to “throw” immunity challenges? Say for example that at the merge there are 6 men and two women. Do you think there will be no bad blood in the men’s camp, that they will stick together, or that some group of them will try to recruit a woman to their coalition? Ditto with the women: there seems to be a lot of bad feeling right now; If 6 women were to join with 1 man, I think some coalition of them would try to recruit him, not get rid of him.

Thus, were I Heidi or some other woman that wants to sleep instead of hear sermons about the idol I would try to subtly loose the next IC to vote out JoAnna

When Joanna was doing the “talk to the hand” thing with Christy, that was the first thought that crossed my hand. Take a dive during the next IC, and toss one of these two overboard to lighten the load.

Throwing an IC can be tempting, but it’s a very bad idea. Remember last year, when the Soup Guys had such a comfortable lead, and they decided to throw the challenge to get rid of Robbbbb? Then they lost the next two challenges as well (not by design) and went into the merge outnumbered. That move arguably cost them the game.

Actually, the Soup Guys threw the challenge to get rid of Jed, the dental student nobody liked. Dumb, dumb move. I think the Gang of Four may have thrown a challenge in Marquesas to get rid of Gabe too. Throwing challenges has always backfired, at least when they’re team challenges. And these girls are so screwed up right now, they can’t afford to lose immunity on purpose.

Oops, you’re right minty. It was Jed. My mistake.

I’m a woman and it makes me cringe with embarassment when one of these chicks starts crying. I know, I know, it’s okay to cry…but dammit! They knew they were going into the jungle, they knew it was going to be hard. My husband doubted from the beginning that the chicks could cut it alone in the jungle. I want him to be wrong in the worst way.

They really need to stop snivelling and build a freaking shelter already. How hard could it be to do as jsc1953 said:

I felt for Christy in the first ep and admired the guts it must have taken for her to go in the first place. Now I think she really needs to stop whining about feeling isolated and start doing something useful before it’s too late.

Djbdjb wrote:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: That’s hilarious!

I don’t know what it is with nearly all these reality shows. They can’t seem to find a black person who is not somehow burdened by a severe personality disorder. Maybe it’s just a matter of who auditions because frankly, most of the people are quirky in some way. But where is the black Tina Wesson? Where is the black Ethan Zohn? These people exist. Why should they be so damn hard to find?


V? She makes Joanna look like a backslider.

The thing that astounds me about this show, in general is that so few people seem to do any basic research before hitting the show location. Honestly, if I were ever selected for this show I would prepare for it – practice building a simple shelter, practice making grain into a palatable food, practice fishing, for crying out loud! The women in this particular version of the show are especially inept – it doesn’t occur to any of them to make johnnycake with their grain, rather than mush? Clueless, they’re all clueless.

I think that Christy simply bottled up her opinions & gave it a blast when it was her chance to. Deaf people are more expressive, I think, so she seemed to be pretty normal emotionally to me.

I think the difference is that in this game the separation of the sexes will actually cause less tribal loyalty than in earlier games with mixed sex tribes. This seems paradoxical, and I am not totally confident of this theory. There seemed to be a lot of solidarity in the first 10 min of the first show, but it seems that the men soon broke into the Old (Rodger, Butch), the young-who-want-a-good-shelter, and the grumpy-young. Then there is the cattiness in the women’s camp. Add to that talk of wanting to use “womanly wiles” (Jenna ?) and all the young guys talking about getting-with so-and-so, and I guess we will see less inter-tribe loyalty.

You may have a point there, djb, but I think it’d be a very risky thing to try. It could easily backfire, and of course, the women have no idea of the dynamics of the men’s tribe. They can’t know what kind of alliances and rivalries are going on over there.

If I was one of them, I’d definitely make that my “plan B”, and first try to win a dominant position for my own tribe. Bird in the hand, and all that. If and when it becomes clear the men’s tribe is going to be the majority, then it may time to think about sneakiness like that.

Also, how rude was it for Joanna to do that “Talk to the hand” thing, putting her hand up in Christy’s face so Christy couldn’t see her lips, then keep talking? Bitch.

I think that’s why Christy made that comment about, “If you’re a vessel of Christ, shouldn’t you be a little nicer?” (or something to that effect)
Yes, Joanna is a bitch.

I HATE that “talk to the hand” thing. I think it’s incredibly rude.