Those people on Survivor II seem to be going through some sort of malnutrition from lack of food. I noticed when they got some real food, it went right through them. Is this a sign of malnutrition?
I am a med student so when a real doctor or nutritionist comes along he can probably give a more complete answer. But the pancreas and other organs produce different enzymes to digest carbos, proteins, and fats. When you remove or reduce one from the diet (ie. vegetarians, or rice eating Survivors) your body adjusts so that it no longer produces the un-needed enzymes. The Survivors have been eating mostly rice for a while, and not much protein. When they’ve been getting these food rewards filled with protein (the burger, etc and Barrier Reef picnic 2 weeks ago, Colby’s beef stew, beans, eggs, and bacon this week) they’ve been setting themselves up for some nasty effects. Their intestines are not able to digest and absorb the protein so it goes straight through them.
A more intelligent strategy would have been to continue eating mostly carbos (like the rice) at those big meals and only a little protein and fat. It might taste good on the way down and make your stomach feel full, but most of it isn’t getting absorbed.