Survivor II - What did they have against Debb?

Was just over at
Looking through the cast profiles, I saw a comely lass named Amber. Now how did I miss her last night? Did she do anything?
Yeah, Deb has the hots for her stepson. Let’s see what Dave says about that tonight.

Dogzilla, so that 4 second shot with the glasses was enough to judge how they failed at making fire with glasses? My guess is that it didn’t work because it was raining. Rain usually means there’s clouds outside. Clouds usually means the sun is obscured. The sun being obscured usually means that using glasses to make fire is about as goofy as a football bat.

And for those predicting an early exit for Kimmi, remember how much everyone hated Richard from Day 1…

This is my biggest reason for wanting Survivor back! rocks!

And I think it was a good move to get Debb out of there. She was sort of the Sue charater and it was best to get rid of her. But I agree that Kimmi should go next. She’s the Jenna. I think that Jeff guy (the one who was barfing) fancies himself the Richard Hatch in all of this. He seems pretty smug and catty.

It’s pretty annoying that there’s a parallel character for almost everyone between the first and second Survivor, though.

I think Michael may have the smugness and arrogance thing over Jeff. The look on Michael’s face when Rodger called him the leader at Tribal Council just made me want to slap him. Jeff may have been featured more in yesterday’s show but I think Michael is going to be the one who emerges as the schemer.

As important as they make fire seem as a skill, that’s only for the first show! After that it’s a worthless thing to know. At the end of the episode, both teams had fire. Problem solved. Being the only one able to start a fire from scratch might have been nice for a day. But it wasn’t a keep-you-alive kind of skill like Rich and his spear-fishing.

Kimi and that bongo chick have to go, which means I’ll be stuck watching those two till the end.
I was so happy to see Deb go, she was a coniving skank.
I think Jeff figures he’s pretty cool, i wouldn’t mind seeing him get molested by an upset joey :slight_smile:
The old guy seems cool on the show, should be interesting to see if he can hang in there to the end. Instead of using his bible as kindling, he should have just prayed for fire!

I assume everyone on the show watched the original series and saw who won. They then presumedly looked at each other and decided who most resembled last year’s winner. Debb made the mistake of being an obvious threat.

As for nudity; Kimmi the buxom bartender has told her fellow castaways she plans on playing a game of nude volleyball on her birthday. That may be her strategy to make sure none of the men vote her off before then.

Upon reflection, and looking back at S1, I realized the first one out had to be a woman. Moreover, it had to be the woman the guys least wanted to jump. Look out Mad Dog when your tribe loses a challenge!

I don’t like they have a way of saying they have some secret inside info & post it & then it turns out to be crap. They did this week after week & giving some idiotic excuse for why their info was off.

But the women this time have better figures & are braless, which is sure to make for better ratings.

What the hell are you talking about? They got about 5 or 6 weeks in a row right. They were wrong about the final episode, but they were hot hot hot up until then.

Of course, I can’t pull up now to get the cites for you.

Anyway, back to the OP. I’m not sure why everyone jumped on Debb. Maybe there was an alliance formed behind her back, but most likely they saw her as a Susan: annoying and trying to take control.

I just had to mention that when everyone was assembled for the challenge, my ten year old son leaned over and said in a knowing tone of voice, “And one of them is the mole”.

Ok. I thought it was funny.

Obviously I’m thinking about this way too much.

What do you think about my theory that Jeff (the puker) actually told Deb he wanted to go home, realizing that she would spread it around, after which he could deny it and make her look bad?

Oh yeah… there’s that rain thing. That does make fire-making difficult.


Pretty devious. I like it. The only problem I see is that Debb came across as someone who really would start scheming to get other people kicked off. She just wasn’t very good at it.

I’m glad they’re replaying the episode on Wednesday. I would like to see the first half of the show now.

Dinsdale: I LIKE it!

lola: I think Rudy’s the mole. Who’s winning? The Bears.

It was obvious. Debb was a total hard ass. She started ordering people around as soon as she got there. I would have voted her off too.

Hey! Deb’s on with Steve Dahl right now!

I just found it amusing that no one could spell her name right.

The next post is a spoiler for the February 1st episode.