Survivor on Wednesdays, Episode 3 "Glitter in Their Eyes"

Open Spoilers possible.

Who is going to talk too much in this episode?


Nayonka (sp?) is quite a piece of work. Hopefully someone will feed her to the crabs on live TV.

Being NaOnka ought to be punishable by death. For serious.

Has Naonka said ANYTHING since this season began that didn’t have life-endangering levels of attitude in it? She’s going to have arthritis of the neck before she’s 40…

I was sad to see JJ leave.

NaOnka can just leave anytime soon.

Why is Naonka such a complete asshole? Is she aiming to be the female version of Russell? WTF did Kelly do to her to inspire such whiny pathetic hatred? Shut up already. You’re accomplishing the nearly impossible: making the rest of your tribe look mildly sane by comparison.

This episode sucked: too talky, too boring and too much loud mouth. The older tribe voted off Jimmy Johnson because they’re a group of egomaniacs who want to be the boss all the time even though they have no leadership skills at all.


The older tribe seems to have totally forgiven and/or forgotten crazy lady sending the alligator shoes to sleep with the fishes.

Sorry to see Jimmy go so soon.

She is completely repulsive. Was Russell even that gigantic a douchenozzle? He talked a good game, but he at least did something to earn the right to flap his gums besides threaten to throw another player’s prosthetic leg into the fire. Where do they find these people?

Something is really wrong in the world when I find myself feeling bad for Jimmy Johnson. That’s like having sympathy for the Devil – I’m an Eagles fan, for God’s sake!, and yet I found myself saying, “You know, he doesn’t seem too bad.” How the hell did they find an entire cast capable of that kind of evil? I hope the monkeys drop coconuts and mangoes on all their heads for the rest of this game.

Also: oh, Probst, how long have you been waiting to pull out that old “put me in, Coach” chestnut?

I am starting to really dislike this season. Unless there is a major change, I won’t be watching more than another episode or two.

I hate everyone this season except for Alina(? the art student) and the Kelly with one leg and they are doomed. Everyone else is some combination of obnoxious, crazy, douche-y or blazingly stupid. I am seriously at the point where I may bail.

Can’t wait to see Jimmy T go insane and murder the whole of the older tribe because they didn’t want him to be the de facto leader with Jimmy J gone. Seriously I get some creepy vibes from him. The premiere where he lost it and rambled on about not being heard gave me a really bad impression that’s been stuck with his mental stability all along.

And Naonka, really I hope she stays a long time so we have someone to hate, the group of people for this season aren’t really doing much for me.

Russel Hantz thinks he’s the greatest survivor of all time, but he may just have killed the show. Maybe not, now that I think of it, because a lot of people seem to like the “throw a bunch of annoying people together and let them drive each other crazy” types of shows, but I am not one of them.

A small ammount of crazy can enhance the show, but eight tons of it completely ruins it for me.

Alina appears to still be cute. And that concludes all the nice things I have to say about both this episode and this season.

This whole old vs young idea sucks on multiple levels. First, it reduces the amount of eye-candy by a decent margin. But even worse, it forced them to nerf the challenges. Brutal physical challenges are a significant part of the draw of the show. Getting rid of them to make it easier for guys like Dan to compete was not smart, and I’d fire whoever greenlit that idea.

EDIT: Many of the moments in Survivor history that stick in my memory are from brutal physical challenges. JT losing a tooth diving for the ball, James devastating Randy in the pillowfighting thing, or even Sugar getting her top ripped off in the first week of Heroes vs Villians in that kill the carrier type challenge. What is this “roll barrels then toss a small sack of sand onto them” bullshit?

Yeah, I don’t think this is going to be one of the better Survivor’s. I’m with LSD, the brutal challenges are the fun ones to watch, and there aren’t going to be any of those without loss of life on the old guys team.

I didn’t like losing Jimmy T, but why in the hell did he admit to being one of the weak ones. That’s like saying, “go ahead and vote me out.”

ETA I think he should have said, “Hey I used to be a professional football player, I may be old but I’ve still got what it takes.”

Ring, it didn’t matter what Jimmy J said, their were two egos on his tribe that just could not handle the prospect of not being the one everyone fawns over and looks to. So, now they get to fight it out and then one of them will have their wish and they can be the one everyone points to as the “leader” who, by that point, will have run their tribe into the ground. Kudos.

As for Naybitchface, it is just so staggeringly amazing how many negative stereotypes she can pack into one episode. She is just a horrible, petty, spiteful, greedy, hateful person. And that’s about as much as I can say in her favor. Remember when she didn’t get the boot because everyone figured she’d be an easy pick later, then Shannon went all insane and now it looks like she’s in a position of power? Yeah, great plan.

Marty is going to have a spectacular flameout. You have to adjust your gameplay to the people around you. He’s playing too much game way too quickly- it’ll catch up to him. There’s just no way he can surround himself with that group of people and mastermind it to the end.

And the rest? I guess I’m rooting for Alina and Kelly B. to get out of their predicament. Remember when Alina said she was being forced to align with Kelly B. because of the idol clue? Oops.

Also, I like Jill. I like that she helped Marty find the idol for himself. Pressure off her, she gains someone’s trust, idols are more likely to cause trouble than save you unless you know exactly what you’re doing (Parvati). Beginning of the game? Good to stay away, especially since Jill doesn’t seem to be in any danger. Even if there’s a coup to take out Marty, I doubt she’d be next after that.

I get the feeling after watching this episode that Jimmy Johnson wanted to go, but the producers put together an edit that made it seem like there was more of a power struggle in order to maintain dramatic tension in the episode.

My evidence is the unanimous vote plus Jimmy Johnson was coughing and having trouble sleeping. He repeatedly said how hard the game of Survivor was on his body. I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire tribe met and they all agreed he would go prior to Tribal Council.

Also it seems like this season is just badly designed. You have older folks competing with younger folks in challenges that --even if you take a way the full contact stuff–are physical and then wonder why that tribe loses.

It reminds me of the season where they gave one tribe everything and the other tribe nothing and then scratched their heads as to why the lucky tribe won all the challenges.

I’m not liking the combining of the reward and immunity challenges. I don’t think that gives the teams enough information about people’s abilities in challenges. Wonder if they did that because the younger tribe would end up with twice the advantage! And that medallion of power. Now the younger team will probably just hold onto it for the rest of the time before merge and it will be effectively useless.

I’m just amazed at the amount of dumb on this season. Very few intelligent players.