Survivor: Palau- 4/28

I see this as the most likely outcome. Gregg is the only one that has had a consistent and coherent strategy.

Tom and Ian are all over the board. They have a great plan for endgame, which I believe is eliminate the betas and fight to the death amongst the manly men. But they really don’t seem to have a workable “middle game.”

And, wisely, Gregg is not on board.

The “middle game”, approximately the time between right before the merge and leading into the final five, is the most important part of Survivor. It is where most people mess up.

One more post in the “Caryn is so dumb…” thread this is becoming.

Caryn is so dumb … she’s playing the game worse then Jenn.

Okay, moving on. With Stephenie gone (trivia note - the LaGrossas were expecting a son and had chosen the name Stephen Daniel, when they got a daughter instead they named her Stephenie Danielle) my new favorite to win is Ian. I like him (albeit not as much as some posters here do) and he’s playing well. He’s letting Tom stand out in front and be a target while he stays in the background not making enemies.

Very often it gets boring this late in the game because the alliances are clear and you know who’s going to get voted out by the beginning of the episode. This time the game’s more interesting because the alliances are less clear right now. Koror did not lose any tribal challenges so they did not need to form sub-alliances.

I think what happened last night is that one sees that lack of alliance in play. Many team members did not know quite who to trust so they fell back on the plan from last week to vote Stephenie out.

While I was disappointed to see Stephenie voted out, I will be looking forward to seeing her on the jury next week. I bet she cleans up real good! :smiley:

Oh yeah. I just saw her on the Today Show which my wife TiVo’ed. She’s going to make a mint riding her fame from this, more so than any one else on this cast.


I suspect that the producers felt that this week’s episode could be dull because it was so obvious from last week that Stephenie was on the block. So they did what they could to add intrigue by building up other possibilities. Then the players did what we “knew” was going to happen from last week after all.

I agree that Gregg seems to be the only one who hasn’t deviated from his game plan. While everyone else is jockeying for their position, none of them have even mentioned Gregg as a possible vote-off. I’ve heard Tom, Steph, rat-face Caryn, even Ian, but no one even seems to be mentioning Gregg’s name. Mark my words, if Gregg makes it to the final four, there’s no way he’s going to lose. One possible scenario: if Tom and Ian finally wake up and realize what Gregg is doing and join together to take him out, they will probably be the final two.

Maybe it is the editing, but I get the idea that Ian and Tom have a plan of some sort. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out what it is.

What would be their best course of action? Stick together or burn each other?

Did Tom say something to Caryn about why don’t they vote off Ian? This was before Dolphin Boy won immunity.

Their best bet would be to get Caryn and Katie to split up Gregg and Jenn.

I think that Gregg is a goner next time. He’s schemed just a bit too much.

No way Tom and Ian are the final two. Which ever one of them wins the last immunity will vote off the other. Tom/Ian against whichever useless chick in the final two will win the mil.


I just can’t help but wonder why they can sometimes be so blind to what’s staring them in the face. Tom and Ian — Gregg has said that his plan is to vote off the strongest threats. Dudes, he’s talking about YOU. If you have half a brain, get him out of there. He’s not your buddy.

I think they both realize this. They like each other but both know the other’s too big a risk to face in the final vote. My opinion was that their original plan was to bring Katie into the final three after knocking out the others and then whoever won the final endurance challenge would take Katie into the vote as a “safe” opponent. Now that they’re worried about Katie they might use Caryn as the third member instead.

But has anyone really caught him red-handed? Katie has been the overt schemer.

I forget how he phrased that. It seemed to me he made it out to be eliminate the threats to us.

He schemed with Colby and Colby spilled it all to Stephenie. Was Steph smart enough to tell Tom?

It didn’t appear that she did. But then again, editing.

She didn’t tell
Tom, but she did tell Katie, Jenn and Caryn, so Tom was definately made aware of it. Tom and Ian know about the Gregg/Jenn alliance, and I think Gregg will be the one to take the hit next tribal council.