Svu 10/4/05

What did you think of it?
Watching it, I liked the tension, but after it was over I felt like they’d done this story, or a variation of it, a few times before. Sometime last season, when Benson was asked why she was handling a case wherein there was no sexual crime, her response was “we’re handling child abuse now as well” or something to that effect. My thought was “the writers are running out of stories so they have to expand their genre”
Anway - the teaser for next week implies what some of us said after the season opener: Elliot is about to go off the deep end

Haven’t they always done child abuse? And if not, they have certainly always done child rape and kiddie porn, which is what this one was about.

I liked this ep (hey, any ep that gives me a lot of Mariska Hargitay is a good one :wink: ) Although I wasn’t a fan of the seemingly tacked on happy ending. I think I heard them say, when they arrived at the electronics store, that the guy hung up the phone an hour ago. Assuming even a fairly long time of 45 minutes to dig the hole, that leaves the girl, who was dehydrated, malnurished, and choloroformed, under ground in a bag for that fifteen minutes (possibly chroloforemd even earlier, to make it easier to put her in a bag.) I can’t see her living after that, much less coming back alive from just five seconds of CPR. It would takle an ER to get her back, and even then, probably in a coma and/or with brain damage. I did love Finn hitting the guy as he tried to get up, though. :smiley:

But I did wonder where Stabler was. I didn’t see last week’s crossover ep., did something happen where he was given a leave of absense, maybe relating to the ep. with the T-1000?

Oh, and NOT ENOUGH MUNCH. Munch if my favorite character, and the people demand more John Munch!

the little girl wasn’t in the plastic bag - the costumes he made her wear were - after they found the bag Olivia kept digging and found the foot - leg - torso etc - the girl was buried alive, but not “wrapped in plastic” (anyone remember the first episode of Twin Peaks?)
But yeah - it was a stretch that when they found Maria she was still alive. Maybe the writers didn’t want a reason to shove Olivia over the edge, since a few minutes earlier she was ready to kill the perp with her own bare hands.

I don’t remember if Stabler was involved last week at all - he may have been periferally - but the reason he wasn’t this week is because the action started after their normal shift was over - Olivia was about to go on a date (presumably Stabler had already left) when Cragen called her back in
Later Munch says
:“I heard you were on a date”
O:“Yeah, we had theatre tickets”
M:"For what?
O: (pause) “Spam-a-Lot”
M: (longer pause, giving the viewing audience a chance to say “damn! tough break”) “I heard it was funny”

Yeah I like Munch. And Fin. And Huang. Show these guys more, much more.

TWOP has some good stuff on this also

It was fun to watch Olivia put her elbow in the perps face. But yeah, the happy ending was too unrealistic for my taste.

So, the one thing I got from reading that (other than the fact that everyone over there hated the episode) is that they are all MAD that Olvia was going on a date with a gasp MAN!

Ummm…WTF? OK, yes, it’s nice to imagine little scenarios where Benson, Novak, and Cabot all have a naked tickle fight, but Benson has ALWAYS been straight, from season 1, with NO inklings of being a lesbian. So…what, all the other dates she’s had ruined, and the few times she had sex with Cassidy were just her in denial? Suuuuuuuuure… :rolleyes:

So, the one thing I got from reading that (other than the fact that everyone over there hated the episode) is that they are all MAD that Olvia was going on a date with a gasp MAN!

Ummm…WTF? OK, yes, it’s nice to imagine little scenarios where Benson, Novak, and Cabot all have a naked tickle fight, but Benson has ALWAYS been straight, from season 1, with NO inklings of being a lesbian. So…what, all the other dates she’s had ruined, and the few times she had sex with Cassidy were just her in denial? Suuuuuuuuure… :rolleyes:

Is this because she’s not a lesbian?

<sorry, couldn’t resist>

that actually became a catch phrase for me and my friends
usually used in conjunction with the catch phrase from “Committed”
“have you MET me?”