Swampbear Stalks Seattle In May

Just pick some place we poor out-of-towners can find. If we can get someone to cover the shop Saturday we can get there by about 6pm, vagaries of I-5 permitting.

Dang Bumba vagarants on I-5? Do they stand out in the median holding signs? :smiley: If I can find where I’m going (MapQuest and Rand-McNallay are my friends) so can you. Taters and Bumba WOOHOO!


Oy. The things I get myself into!

Alright, then. Let’s start. Bill Speidel’s Underground Tour does not accept reservations, unless you arrange a group tour. Otherwise it’s first come first serve ($10/adult). I could call and find out how much a group tour costs, but I think first we’d need to know what times swampbear is available (I’m guessing all day 14th-15th?) swampbear, if you wanna send me an e/mail (in my profile) we can hammer down the times. You’ll get a spam filter bounce back, but I promise to add you.

Now. Being of Canadian/British roots, I love my food nice ‘n’ bland. Don’t gimme any of that “flavour” crap. As such, I’ll leave it to you guys to hash out what restaurant we go to, and once that’s decided and we’ve got times for the Underground, I can make reservations. So gimme a ‘yea’ or ‘nay’ as to:

  1. Are you showing at all?
  2. Underground and restaurant?
  3. Underground only?
  4. Restaurant only?
  5. Significant others (if ‘yea’, how many?)

Go nuts, folks.

Our fearless leader is leadin’ away! Thanks Aguecheek! I’ll drop ya an email later today with the details of my itinerary.

#1. If its the 14th or 15th I’m in.
#2. 3 & 4. Don’t know until my sweety gets home, but probably #2.
#5. Yes, just one S.O. for me thanks. I find it too hectic with any more.

So, is Chinook’s a lock? (They do have something other than salmon, right? I’d rather eat my socks than salmon.)

I say we pick a restaurant that serves only salmon just so we can watch picunurse eat her socks. :smiley:

Okay, put down two for dinner, myself and mein wife, Den Mum. As I said before, if we’re able to come, which is probable at this point, we’ll be there around 6ish, and hope to be able to stay the night. How big a room did they arrange for you Swampy?
I keed! We will be getting our own room, 'cause we’re like that. And you should thank us for it.
If you were thinking of doing the underground Sun. I’ll have to ask Wifey if she’s up for it, so I’ll get back to you on that. I did the tour about 25 years ago, and it took about 2 hours then, IIRC. Does it still?
Every time I go to Seattle I wanna ride the monorail, 'cause I love trains. That’s something you guys might consider doing to Swampy. 'Course I’m just an Oregonian, so waddo I know?

If y’all stay at the Waverly we can have a slumber party! WHEE!!! Or drink at the bar. Either way is good for me.

Waverly? Is that close to the Warwick?

Oh yeah Warwick. The Waverly is somewhere’s else. I woulda noticed before I got there. Maybe. Perhaps I should go to MapQuest and get me some directions. :smiley:

I don’t know where I’ll be in mid-May (sibling graduation, family exi^H^Hvacation, etc), but if I’m in town, I’d definitely like to join all y’all for dinner.

I’ll be there for the restaurant only - #4.

Chinook’s does serve more than just salmon… let me see if I can find a menu online. I’m pretty sure there are no socks on it, though. :slight_smile:

It’s not too hard to find, either, I don’t think, as long as I don’t try to give you directions from the Mercer exit of I-5. I hate trying to get people anywhere from there, because half the streets just off the exit aren’t marked! Argh! So if we do decide on Chinook’s, I can give you directions and you’ll be fine.

Off to look for their menu…

ah, found it!

Here’s a review: http://www.nwsource.com/ae/scr/nws_rev.cfm?c=r&rtype=v&id=3492

And here’s their page with a sample menu: Restaurants | Anthony's Restaurants

(BTW, if no one else wants to eat at Chinook’s, that’s cool – I’m not trying to force it through. It’s just a good “Seattle-y” restaurant, to me.) :slight_smile:

Will we have to color-coordinate our jammies? :smiley:

We’ll try to get reservations for the Warwick.

Jammies? We don’t need no steenkin’ jammies! stargazer thanks for the link. It all sounds yummerific!

:smiley: Count me in!

Ok, but the first one who falls asleep gets funny pictures drawn on his or her butt with permanent marker. :smiley:

In… Seattle… in May?

It’s not even breaking 70F at that point!

Ok, then. The sleeping pills are in my suitcase.

If it’s all the same to you, Swampy, I’ll wear the jammies. It’s for* your* protection. Trust me on this.
You don’t wanna be scrubbin your eyeballs, is all I’m sayin’.