Swedish Berries Etymology

I just don’t know where else to turn?! After extensive discussion, debate and research, my friends and I are still unable to answer the question “why do they call them Swedish Berries?” We feel it is somewhat unlikely that the candy can trace its lineage back to Sweden, much like French Fries are not actually a French creation (though Wikipedia has a thorough explanation of the origins of this food here).
Yet it seems odd that confectionists would arbitrarily market the sweet with this title without some logical connection. Would anyone be so kind as to shed light on this confectionery conundrum?

Being Swedish, amybe I can help out some. Why berry? Well, they look vaguely like raspberries, no?
And Swedish - maybe they’re from around here. I’ve seen them most of my life, i.e. well over 40 years.

Wikipedia on Swedish Fish:

I used to live in Hamilton, just a few streets away from the Cadbury plant that, based on smell alone, clearly manufactured Swedish Berries (and possibly fish and other things). Do you know how hard it is NOT to buy these things when the entire neighbourhood smells like candy, and the smell is most intense as you walk into the grocery store which is located right next to the plant?

Now I want Swedish berries!

Why yes, yes I do. I live within smelling range of the large Christie’s commercial bakery in Etobicoke. When they’re baking chocolate chip cookies, everyone knows it.

[sub]Of course, I also live within smelling range of the sewage-treatment plant. So sometimes it’s not cookies I smell.[/sub]

The cookie factory in Mississauga/Oakville (whose name eludes me… it’s Dutch, I think) used to make my commute home along the 403 a little less terrible :slight_smile:

God, I love Swedish fish! But I can’t eat them…I’m picking little sticky bits of them off my teeth for HOURS if I do…