Sweet Sue - fuck off, you vapid worthless fool

Sweet Sue, every one of your 12 posts to date is nonsensical garbage[sup]1[/sup]. Granted, a few are in ATMB test threads, but the majority are not. Did you even read the policy you were presented with when you signed up for your SDMB account? I didn’t think so.

Consider this your unofficial notice to fuck off. Point your web browser to another site, go there, and never come back. You are the intellectual equivalent of earthworm excrement, and your presence is not wanted here.

[sup]1[/sup] Yes I have evidence.

After a brief review of the evidence, I second the notion to fuck off.

Wait! Before the Rosetta Stone, hieroglyphics were only gobbledygook. Perhaps this a lifeform from a distant star system trying to communicate.

If it is a new life form from a distant star, I vote we tell them to fuck off. That type of bullshit is just annoying.

I think that Sue is harmless - Maybe the female equl to our Silent Bob.

However, the newbie I am already weary of is sunrise_483684857490939894390.

This poster has posted like 20 times, 19 of them are strtng threads, a bunch of them were started in GQ even though that was the totally wrong forum (much to Manhattan’s chagrin), and all of them are sexual in nature and badly written.

Essentially, she reminds me of heatherlee, and we all know what a dumbass she was… And I don’t say this because of what happened with heatherlee and myself. We just don’t need a dumbass like her here again!

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Five months, three weeks, two days, 2 hours, 50 minutes and 33 seconds.
7044 cigarettes not smoked, saving $880.59.
Extra time with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours, 0 minutes.

*“I’m a big Genesis fan.”-David B. (Amen, brother!)

Well, neuroman, I’ve looked at the links you posted. Sweet Sue doesn’t seem to add much, but I don’t see anything that would call for her to be Pitted.

Then, just for the hell of it, I decided to look up what youposted when you were new. On your first day registered, you came out with this gem requesting advice on how to poison squirrels for a prank. I don’t know whether anyone started a thread in the Pit about you suggesting:

and telling you to fuck off, but if there was I’ll bet there would have been a fair amount of support for it.

Thing is, Silent Bob expresses a damn lot without using words, so far this is pretty much spam. Maybe Sue just needs some time to refine it (though my money’s against it).

She doesn’t say much.

What she does say is often repetitive.

Even then, it’s confusing (the best I can make out, she’s posting smilies with thought-ballons).

But at least she doesn’t seem to go out of her way to confuse people, nor become abusive towards those who don’t understand her.

Live and let live, neuroman! And welcome to the Boards, Sweet Sue, even if you don’t say much.

Hmmm… thought balloons. That could be it. In that case, I’d suggest trying to use fewer lines to do it, 'cause I don’t like having to scroll five extra lines for a couple word reply, with a smiley.
:wink: Just for the blatant hypocrisy of it.

Aw, quite whinin’, waterj2 :smiley:

Single-line responses often take up five or six lines whenever people add their sig.

Well, that pisses me off as well. I’ve never been a fan of those friggin’ long-ass sigs, nor of using a sig more than once in a thread, if at all.

Ok, while I agree there are more Pit-worthy topics than this, as zenith noted, Sweet Sue’s posting is annoying to me. Incredibly annoying.

MysterEcks, I guess it’s obligatory for someone to stick up for the flamee. However, your argument about my squirrel post is moronic and beside the point. Mine was a legitimate, if offensive, question. Sue’s posts appear to contain no information, and are very redundant. If Sue wants to post contentless thought balloons, she should keep it to ATMB test threads.

If the only thing Sue posts are (mindless) thought balloons, she is not even arguably contributing in any way to the board, and doesn’t really have any business being here. If she would like to start posting legitimately, than I’m glad to have her here. If she continues to post the same stupid thought balloons, I stick by my original statement, fuck off. Go back to your own galaxy, we don’t want any.

And I’m still looking for those squirrels…

I dunno about having to “fuck off” but, well, it is a little irritating.
Sue, is there anything that you can possibly add here that would make your posts any easier to swallow?

…other than “oboy!”

neuroman said:

I personally only do so when I decide the flamer is wrong, or being a jackass, or both.

Your post was moronic, and apparently you don’t getthe point. If we were gonna vote people the hell off the board after their first day, you would have made an excellent candidate–which is what you want to do with Sweet Sue.

So sayeth you out of the depths of your whole 47 days and 161 posts of experience, huh? I have news for you, bunky–I don’t think you qualify to be the Poster Police.

Unless you have a tapeworm, quit using “we”–you don’t speak for the board as a whole, and you damn well know it.

Maybe you should find some puppies to poison–I’m sure that would be easier for you.

Ahhh, remember when neuroman started? I wanted to punch him SO BAD! I mean, he was MORE ANNOYING THAN ME!!! But we gave him a chance and see what a worthwhile poster he’s become? :rolleyes:

As for SweetSue, yeah, she’s annoying. Yeah, it required far more thought than I care to invest in such things to figure out what that stupid thing is she posts. And yeah, I wish she would contribute more productively. Let’s ask her NICE and maybe she’ll come around.

If you want annoying, I told idnew and that bunch to take it to the pit & stay out of other people’s threads if they were going to bicker. Shame they only listened to the first half…I even gave them detailed instructions on how to start a new thread. I would have apologised sooner (esp after seeing particlewill take the blame for it), but someone closed the SIL thread that they hijacked. Please note - this is not an invite for you guys to come into this thread & take it over! Start your own or post nicely like some of you have done elsewhere in the board!

MysterEcks, please don’t start him on puppies… :wink:

MysterEcks said

No, I get the point. Except I don’t agree. It would have been acceptable for anyone to flame me on day numero uno, if they had a beef with my first post or three. Just as I think it was acceptable to flame Sue. I’m sure you’ll agree that just because you are a newbie doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be subject to criticism.

Yes, it’s not a very nice thing to do to a newbie, and it’s probably more productive to phrase the criticism in a more constructive manner. I agree with you that in general, flaming newbies is bad policy. I know they should be cut slack, and I generally try to do this. I would never flame a newbie for posting in the wrong forum, or other typical newbie mistakes. But I had just run across Sue’s crap in two or three unrelated threads, I was in a bad mood, and I thought the relevant material was egregious enough for a flame.

MysterEcks said

Really? I’m not the poster police? Maybe that’s why I originally said it was an unofficial notice. Maybe that’s why it says member under my name and not moderator. It all makes sense now.

And I still think that if someone has nothing to say (ever), they shouldn’t be posting.

[aside]Actually, I’ve been lurking & posting for more than 47 days. (You actually counted? Sheesh.) But what is your criteria for Poster Police? Do I have to post a few hundred times more before I can voice my opinions in the Pit?[/aside]

MysterEcks said

I was using the royal “we”. Or maybe I was speaking on behalf of the human race, subtly poking fun at our collective xenophobia. I forget which. Obviously I don’t presume to speak for the whole board, and I’m surprised you interpreted it this way.

*MysterEcks said

No, actually I think that would get me in a lot of trouble. And I like dogs. You see, dogs are not vermin.


Oh, I’ll agree that newbies aren’t a protected species, and shouldn’t be–anybody who posts anything should be aware that somebody or other is out there who will take offense. And under the right circumstances, they should be–and are–subject to getting the shit kicked out of them, in a messageboard sort of way. But you are applying the shit kicking for no good reason other than you don’t like Sweet Sue’s posting style, and that’s out of line.

Sue’s been here for what, three days and 12 posts? Even at the accelerated pace of this board, that’s barely started.

I don’t believe in the Poster Police, regardless of who does it–there are exceptions for certain types of behavior, but Sue has engaged in none of those. And you can start your first post in the Pit for all I care…but you should be aware that not everybody agrees with me on that, and you should also be aware that it can look damn peculiar. In this case, at first glance it looks like one newbie picking out an even newer newbie to shoot at–the newer newbie won’t have any allies and probably won’t even respond, and the older newbie gets to establish himself as being a badass. That possibility did indeed cross my mind, and it’s the main reason I decided Satan’s mild disagreement with you wasn’t sufficient. I rejected it only after you came back and defended your assertions, which you probably wouldn’t have otherwise. (So you’re cleared of conspiracy; now you’re just wrong.)

My bad, perhaps. But you wouldn’t be the first person around here to give the impression they thought they were speaking for the Silent Majority.

I think I can assure you that you will get into plenty of throuble if they catch you poisoning squirrels in public. And they are only vermin if they get in your house–most places that I’m aware of have regulated hunting seasons for squirrels–making them game animals–which is not true of mice and rats and such.

Let me make my position on Sweet Sue clear–I don’t have one. I have no idea who she is, I get nothing from her posts–which look to be ripoffs of SILENT-BOB, except not nearly as clear or well done–and whether she stays or goes is pretty much irrelevant to me personally at this time. But she has not attacked anyone, her posts are not offensive, and the harshness of your attack on her was uncalled for.

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**[sub](Why does it call it self Mr. X when it has no penis?)
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