switching from Palm to BlackBerry

So I’ve used Palm OS on PDAs and phones since 2001. I like its simplicity and reliability, and the way it integrates with Outlook so that I can keep all my contacts, notes, and calendar items in sync. I also own a license for the password safe AI RoboForm, which I’m very happy with. I don’t use a lot of other specialized apps.

Now my Treo 650 is dying. I could go to eBay for another refurbished one, but with Palm OS on the way out, it’s probably time to get something more up to date. My wireless provider has what appears to be a pretty good deal on a BlackBerry Curve 8330. It seems to have decent features, and RoboForm does have a client for BlackBerry.

Has anyone here made the switch from Palm to BlackBerry? How does it compare in terms of usability? Does it sync up well with standalone Outlook (that is, not connected to Exchange)? Are there any features I’m going to find myself missing?

Wow, I got rid of my Treo 650 exactly 2 years ago. Replaced it with a Centro which was functionally the same, just smaller and with more memory storage. And I just ordered a Palm Pre which is currently in transit!

I did like Palm OS (one of my friends had nothing but trouble with her Treos though…) but it’s SO dated now, so I can’t wait to see what WebOS is capable of. She made the Palm to Blackberry switch and couldn’t be happier, so maybe it’ll work out for you too.

I take it you’re with Sprint? I know most of the providers (with the exception of Sprint) have these crazy surcharges for having a Blackberry, so watch out for that.

The Blackberry has software to sync with Outlook, presumably for schedule and address book as well as email. It says it has both backup/restore and syncing options, I haven’t used it for that yet, I just use it to get my pictures and video clips off the phone without sending over the air, since I didn’t buy the data service, just use the Blackberry as a phone and off-line PDA. The company pays my phone bill but not data charges.

Thanks for the replies so far. I’d be interested to hear from anyone who has firsthand experience with syncing a BlackBerry with standalone Outlook.

I’ve been using a Blackberry with Outlook for over 2 years and it works just fine. My only complaint is that my emails randomly disappear from my phone but perhaps I’ve got a setting wrong about when to delete mails after they’ve been read

Another BB user who has been synching with Outlook for many years. Once you download the Desktop Manager, it’s very simple and straightforward. You can also synch via Bluetooth, which is very handy.

I’ve got the BB Bold, but used to have the Curve and it’s a very nice device. Probably more elegant than the Bold but slightly less versatile.

IMO, the Blackberry is a very businessperson-orientated device. And a great one at that! :slight_smile: