I searched the FAQs and didn’t see anything about using the symbol font. I’ve seen how to use it here somewhere before, but now I can’t find it. So: how do I use math symbols, and stuff like the cocktail glass and bicycle?
I searched the FAQs and didn’t see anything about using the symbol font. I’ve seen how to use it here somewhere before, but now I can’t find it. So: how do I use math symbols, and stuff like the cocktail glass and bicycle?
And if you go to the thread linked by Musicat, you have to go all the way to the end to find out that [symbol]Does this work?[/symbol] now produces [symbol]Does this work?[/symbol], and [sym]Does this work?[/sym] (as indicated early in the thread) does, in fact, not work anymore.
Replace curly brackets with square. Replace ‘keystroke’ with an alphanumeric character that you can imput with a keystroke from your keyboard or with an ALT+0xxx code (hold down the ALT key and type in the number from your numberic keypad).
Sorry, Freiheit, no bycicles or champagne glasses. You must be thinking of wingdings and wingbats, not the symbol font.
symbol keystroke name
**[symbol]A[/symbol]** A Alpha
**[symbol]B[/symbol]** B Beta
**[symbol]G[/symbol]** G Gamma
**[symbol]D[/symbol]** D Delta
**[symbol]E[/symbol]** E Epsilon
**[symbol]Z[/symbol]** Z Zeta
**[symbol]H[/symbol]** H Eta
**[symbol]Q[/symbol]** Q Theta
**[symbol]I[/symbol]** I Iota
**[symbol]K[/symbol]** K Kappa
**[symbol]L[/symbol]** L Lambda
**[symbol]M[/symbol]** M Mu
**[symbol]N[/symbol]** N Nu
**[symbol]X[/symbol]** X Xi
**[symbol]O[/symbol]** O Omicron
**[symbol]P[/symbol]** P Pi
**[symbol]R[/symbol]** R Rho
**[symbol]S[/symbol]** S Sigma
**[symbol]T[/symbol]** T Tau
**[symbol]U[/symbol]** U Upsilon
**[symbol]F[/symbol]** F Phi
**[symbol]C[/symbol]** C Chi
**[symbol]Y[/symbol]** Y Psi
**[symbol]W[/symbol]** W Omega
symbol keystroke name
**[symbol]a[/symbol]** a alpha
**[symbol]b[/symbol]** b beta
**[symbol]g[/symbol]** g gamma
**[symbol]d[/symbol]** d delta
**[symbol]e[/symbol]** e epsilon
**[symbol]z[/symbol]** z zeta
**[symbol]h[/symbol]** h eta
**[symbol]q[/symbol]** q theta
**[symbol]i[/symbol]** i iota
**[symbol]k[/symbol]** k kappa
**[symbol]l[/symbol]** l lambda
**[symbol]m[/symbol]** m mu
**[symbol]n[/symbol]** n nu
**[symbol]x[/symbol]** x xi
**[symbol]o[/symbol]** o omicron
**[symbol]p[/symbol]** p pi
**[symbol]r[/symbol]** r rho
**[symbol]V[/symbol]** V terminal sigma
**[symbol]s[/symbol]** s sigma
**[symbol]t[/symbol]** t tau
**[symbol]u[/symbol]** u upsilon
**[symbol]f[/symbol]** f phi
**[symbol]c[/symbol]** c chi
**[symbol]y[/symbol]** y psi
**[symbol]w[/symbol]** w omega
symbol keystroke name
**[symbol]J[/symbol]** J theta symbol
**[symbol]j[/symbol]** j phi symbol
**[symbol]v[/symbol]** v pi symbol
**[symbol]"[/symbol]** " for all, for every
**[symbol]$[/symbol]** $ there exists
**[symbol]'[/symbol]** ' such that
**[symbol]@[/symbol]** @ is congurent to, approximately equals
**[symbol]\[/symbol]** \ therefor
**[symbol]^[/symbol]** ^ is perpendicular to
**[symbol]`[/symbol]** ` radical extender
**[symbol]*[/symbol]** * asterisk operator
**[symbol]-[/symbol]** - minus
**[symbol]¡[/symbol]** alt+0161 Upsilon with hook
**[symbol]¢[/symbol]** alt+0162 prime, minutes, or feet
**[symbol]£[/symbol]** alt+0163 less than or equals to
**[symbol]¤[/symbol]** alt+0164 figure slash
**[symbol]¥[/symbol]** alt+0165 infinity
**[symbol]¦[/symbol]** alt+0166 florin
**[symbol]§[/symbol]** alt+0167 club
**[symbol]¨[/symbol]** alt+0168 diamond
**[symbol]©[/symbol]** alt+0169 heart
**[symbol]ª[/symbol]** alt+0170 spade
**[symbol]«[/symbol]** alt+0171 arrow left and right
**[symbol]¬[/symbol]** alt+0172 arrow left
**[symbol]®[/symbol]** alt+0174 arrow right
**[symbol]¯[/symbol]** alt+0175 arrow down
**[symbol]°[/symbol]** alt+0176 degree
**[symbol]±[/symbol]** alt+0177 plus or minus
**[symbol]²[/symbol]** alt+0178 double prime, seconds, or inches
**[symbol]³[/symbol]** alt+0179 greater than or equals to
**[symbol]´[/symbol]** alt+0180 multiply
**[symbol]µ[/symbol]** alt+0181 proportional to
**[symbol]¶[/symbol]** alt+0182 partial differentiation
**[symbol]•[/symbol]** alt+0183 bullet
**[symbol]¸[/symbol]** alt+0184 divide
**[symbol]¹[/symbol]** alt+0185 not equal to
**[symbol]º[/symbol]** alt+0186 equivalent to
**[symbol]»[/symbol]** alt+0187 approximately equal to
**[symbol]¼[/symbol]** alt+0188 ellipsis
**[symbol]½[/symbol]** alt+0189 vertical arrow extender
**[symbol]¾[/symbol]** alt+0190 horizontal arrow extender
**[symbol]¿[/symbol]** alt+0191 carriage return symbol
**[symbol]À[/symbol]** alt+0192 Hebrew aleph
**[symbol]Á[/symbol]** alt+0193 I-fraktur
**[symbol]Â[/symbol]** alt+0194 R-fraktur
**[symbol]Ã[/symbol]** alt+0195 Weierstrass (script P)
**[symbol]Ä[/symbol]** alt+0196 circle multiply
**[symbol]Å[/symbol]** alt+0197 circle plus
**[symbol]Æ[/symbol]** alt+0198 null set
**[symbol]Ç[/symbol]** alt+0199 intersection of
**[symbol]È[/symbol]** alt+0200 union of
**[symbol]É[/symbol]** alt+0201 proper subset of
**[symbol]Ê[/symbol]** alt+0202 reflex superset of
**[symbol]Ë[/symbol]** alt+0203 not a subset of
**[symbol]Ì[/symbol]** alt+0204 proper subset of
**[symbol]Í[/symbol]** alt+0205 reflex subset of
**[symbol]Î[/symbol]** alt+0206 element of
**[symbol]Ï[/symbol]** alt+0207 not an element of
**[symbol]Ð[/symbol]** alt+0208 angle
**[symbol]Ñ[/symbol]** alt+0209 nabla (gradient of)
**[symbol]Ò[/symbol]** alt+0210 registered serif
**[symbol]Ó[/symbol]** alt+0211 copyright serif
**[symbol]Ô[/symbol]** alt+0212 trademark serif
**[symbol]Õ[/symbol]** alt+0213 product of
**[symbol]Ö[/symbol]** alt+0214 radical (square root)
**[symbol]×[/symbol]** alt+0215 dot product
**[symbol]Ø[/symbol]** alt+0216 logical not
**[symbol]Ù[/symbol]** alt+0217 logical and
**[symbol]Ú[/symbol]** alt+0218 logical or
**[symbol]Û[/symbol]** alt+0219 double arrow left and right
**[symbol]Ü[/symbol]** alt+0220 double arrow left
**[symbol]Ý[/symbol]** alt+0221 double arrow up
**[symbol]Þ[/symbol]** alt+0222 double arrow right
**[symbol]ß[/symbol]** alt+0223 double arrow down
**[symbol]à[/symbol]** alt+0224 lozenge
**[symbol]á[/symbol]** alt+0225 left angle bracket
**[symbol]â[/symbol]** alt+0226 registered sans serif
**[symbol]ã[/symbol]** alt+0227 copyright sans serif
**[symbol]ä[/symbol]** alt+0228 tradmark sans serif
**[symbol]å[/symbol]** alt+0229 Summation of
**[symbol]æ[/symbol]** alt+0230 large left parenthesis top
**[symbol]ç[/symbol]** alt+0231 large left parenthesis middle
**[symbol]è[/symbol]** alt+0232 large left parenthesis bottom
**[symbol]é[/symbol]** alt+0233 large left bracket top
**[symbol]ê[/symbol]** alt+0234 large left bracket middle
**[symbol]ë[/symbol]** alt+0235 large left bracket bottom
**[symbol]ì[/symbol]** alt+0236 large left brace top
**[symbol]í[/symbol]** alt+0237 large left brace middle
**[symbol]î[/symbol]** alt+0238 large left brace bottom
**[symbol]ï[/symbol]** alt+0239 brace extender
**[symbol]ñ[/symbol]** alt+0241 right angle bracket
**[symbol]ò[/symbol]** alt+0242 integral
**[symbol]ó[/symbol]** alt+0243 large integral top
**[symbol]ô[/symbol]** alt+0244 large integral middle
**[symbol]õ[/symbol]** alt+0245 large integral bottom
**[symbol]ö[/symbol]** alt+0246 large right parenthesis top
**[symbol]÷[/symbol]** alt+0247 large right parenthesis middle
**[symbol]ø[/symbol]** alt+0248 large right parenthesis bottom
**[symbol]ù[/symbol]** alt+0249 large right bracket top
**[symbol]ú[/symbol]** alt+0250 large right bracket middle
**[symbol]û[/symbol]** alt+0251 large right bracket bottom
**[symbol]ü[/symbol]** alt+0252 large right brace top
**[symbol]ý[/symbol]** alt+0253 large right brace middle
**[symbol]þ[/symbol]** alt+0254 large right brace bottom
you know, there’s a reason I don’t use the symbol font - other than the fact that I never comment in math threads. I can’t see most of them for what they are intended to be. I assume pi is meant to be the two bars with the attaching one at the top, or that psi is the curly-y with the bar in the middle, or theta is an O with a bar across it - but I see p, y and q respectively, just a bit bolded and in a slightly different font.
I’m using Mozilla 1.4-4 in Linux, and so I assume this is a simple matter of not having the correct font library installed, but beats me if I know how to go about fixing this. Does anyone here happen to know?
As for the bicycle and champagne glasses, I DO occasionally see things like that on these boards, but I don’t know what the intended symbol was supposed to be. A while ago, everyone had big symbols in their sigs - I image that was something I wasn’t able to see, since I just saw big As and Bs, and I don’t think those letters are sig-worthy on their own!
symbol keystroke name
a a alpha
b b beta
g g gamma
d d delta
e e epsilon
z z zeta
h h eta
q q theta
i i iota
k k kappa
l l lambda
m m mu
n n nu
x x xi
o o omicron
p p pi
r r rho
V V terminal sigma
s s sigma
t t tau
u u upsilon
f f phi
c c chi
y y psi
w w omega
That’s a direct copy-paste of some of the above list in my browser. I imagine you’ll all see what I see - basically just the same letter twice, next to the greek name.
Here’s the character map for Wingdings. No cocktail glasses or bicycles in that font, tho.
Freiheit, if you want to find out how someone coded a post, click on “quote” below the post.
Like this? å
Use the vB Font code combined with the Windows Character Map. Find the character you want in the Character Map. Copy and paste it. Remember what the fontname was. Then surround the copied character with the following:
It just occurred to me that if you don’t have the Webdings font, you might not be able to see the cocktail glass in my post, complete with an olive on a toothpick.
I must not have the font installed. The toothpick clearly spears a cocktail onion on my screen.
Interesting, Algernon… I don’t see a martini in your post, I see a guy riding a Japanese motorcycle. So apparently my browser (Mozilla, on Mac OSX) is rendering that as some iconic font, but not the right one.
Incidentally, I do have symbol font, but I still don’t see things in symbol font properly. Apparently, Mozilla only supports a limited list of fonts with the font tag, regardless of whether the font is actually available.
Hmmm. There is an icon that looks like someone riding a Japanese motorcycle in Webdings. I wonder what that would look like to you Chronos… a martini glass?
(By the way, it’s definitely a speared olive fgarriel. And I deny any confirmation bias. )