We have added the symbol font to our set.
{sym} turns it on
{/sym} turns it off
(using straight brackets, of course)
Have fun!
your humble TubaDiva
We have added the symbol font to our set.
{sym} turns it on
{/sym} turns it off
(using straight brackets, of course)
Have fun!
your humble TubaDiva
[being daft] Symbol font? [/being daft (as if)]
let’s try"
[sym]A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z[/sym]
way cool.
I assume that lower case gives the lower case Greek.
This will be Sooooo helpful in GQ!!
What about numbers?
Let’s keep trying…
a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
[sym]a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0[/sym]
**[sym]§ ¨ © ª Û Ü Ý Þ ß Ä Â À Á '[/sym]
[sym|¡| a L¤ z e t W È t[/sym]
[sub]And you thought that l33t was bad, wait 'til the trolls get ahold of this.[/sub]
[Edited by bibliophage on 10-02-2001 at 04:07 PM]
I [sym]©[/sym] my cat.
I [sym]ª[/sym] my dog.
I [sym]§[/sym] my seal.
Cool. I gotta go change my sig…
When using the numeric codes, press and hold the alt key while punching the numbers in sequence on the number pad. The number keys on the top of the keyboard won’t work for this. You’ll get the symbols listed below only when using the sym tag. In the default font (Arial), the characters will be different.
symbol keystroke name
[sym]A[/sym] A Alpha
[sym]B[/sym] B Beta
[sym]G[/sym] G Gamma
[sym]D[/sym] D Delta
[sym]E[/sym] E Epsilon
[sym]Z[/sym] Z Zeta
[sym]H[/sym] H Eta
[sym]Q[/sym] Q Theta
[sym]I[/sym] I Iota
[sym]K[/sym] K Kappa
[sym]L[/sym] L Lambda
[sym]M[/sym] M Mu
[sym]N[/sym] N Nu
[sym]X[/sym] X Xi
[sym]O[/sym] O Omicron
[sym]P[/sym] P Pi
[sym]R[/sym] R Rho
[sym]S[/sym] S Sigma
[sym]T[/sym] T Tau
[sym]U[/sym] U Upsilon
[sym]F[/sym] F Phi
[sym]C[/sym] C Chi
[sym]Y[/sym] Y Psi
[sym]W[/sym] W Omega
[sym]a[/sym] a alpha
[sym]b[/sym] b beta
[sym]g[/sym] g gamma
[sym]d[/sym] d delta
[sym]e[/sym] e epsilon
[sym]z[/sym] z zeta
[sym]h[/sym] h eta
[sym]q[/sym] q theta
[sym]i[/sym] i iota
[sym]k[/sym] k kappa
[sym]l[/sym] l lambda
[sym]m[/sym] m mu
[sym]n[/sym] n nu
[sym]x[/sym] x xi
[sym]o[/sym] o omicron
[sym]p[/sym] p pi
[sym]r[/sym] r rho
[sym]V[/sym] V terminal sigma
[sym]s[/sym] s sigma
[sym]t[/sym] t tau
[sym]u[/sym] u upsilon
[sym]f[/sym] f phi
[sym]c[/sym] c chi
[sym]y[/sym] y psi
[sym]w[/sym] w omega
[sym]J[/sym] J theta symbol
[sym]j[/sym] j phi symbol
[sym]v[/sym] v pi symbol
[sym]"[/sym] " for all, for every
**[sym][/sym]** there exists
[sym]’[/sym] ’ such that
[sym]@[/sym] @ is congurent to, approximately equals
[sym][/sym] \ therefor
[sym]^[/sym] ^ is perpendicular to
radical extender
[sym]*[/sym] * asterisk operator
[sym]-[/sym] -[hyphen] minus
[sym]¡[/sym] alt+0161 Upsilon with hook
[sym]¢[/sym] alt+0162 prime, minutes, or feet
[sym]£[/sym] alt+0163 less than or equals to
[sym]¤[/sym] alt+0164 figure slash
[sym]¥[/sym] alt+0165 infinity
[sym]¦[/sym] alt+0166 florin
[sym]§[/sym] alt+0167 club
[sym]¨[/sym] alt+0168 diamond
[sym]©[/sym] alt+0169 heart
[sym]ª[/sym] alt+0170 spade
[sym]«[/sym] alt+0171 arrow left and right
[sym]¬[/sym] alt+0172 arrow left
[sym]®[/sym] alt+0174 arrow right
[sym]¯[/sym] alt+0175 arrow down
[sym]°[/sym] alt+0176 degree
[sym]±[/sym] alt+0177 plus or minus
[sym]²[/sym] alt+0178 double prime, seconds, or inches
[sym]³[/sym] alt+0179 greater than or equals to
[sym]´[/sym] alt+0180 multiply
[sym]µ[/sym] alt+0181 proportional to
[sym]¶[/sym] alt+0182 partial differentiation
[sym]·[/sym] alt+0183 bullet
[sym]¸[/sym] alt+0184 divide
[sym]¹[/sym] alt+0185 not equal to
[sym]º[/sym] alt+0186 equivalent to
[sym]»[/sym] alt+0187 approximately equal to
[sym]¼[/sym] alt+0188 ellipsis
[sym]½[/sym] alt+0189 vertical arrow extender
[sym]¾[/sym] alt+0190 horizontal arrow extender
[sym]¿[/sym] alt+0191 carriage return symbol
[sym]À[/sym] alt+0192 Hebrew aleph
[sym]Á[/sym] alt+0193 I-fraktur
[sym]Â[/sym] alt+0194 R-fraktur
[sym]Ã[/sym] alt+0195 Weierstrass (script P)
[sym]Ä[/sym] alt+0196 circle multiply
[sym]Å[/sym] alt+0197 circle plus
[sym]Æ[/sym] alt+0198 null set
[sym]Ç[/sym] alt+0199 intersection of
[sym]È[/sym] alt+0200 union of
[sym]É[/sym] alt+0201 proper subset of
[sym]Ê[/sym] alt+0202 reflex superset of
[sym]Ë[/sym] alt+0203 not a subset of
[sym]Ì[/sym] alt+0204 proper subset of
[sym]Í[/sym] alt+0205 reflex subset of
[sym]Î[/sym] alt+0206 element of
[sym]Ï[/sym] alt+0207 not an element of
[sym]Ð[/sym] alt+0208 angle
[sym]Ñ[/sym] alt+0209 nabla (gradient of)
[sym]Ò[/sym] alt+0210 registered serif
[sym]Ó[/sym] alt+0211 copyright serif
[sym]Ô[/sym] alt+0212 trademark serif
[sym]Õ[/sym] alt+0213 product of
[sym]Ö[/sym] alt+0214 radical (square root)
[sym]×[/sym] alt+0215 dot product
[sym]Ø[/sym] alt+0216 logical not
[sym]Ù[/sym] alt+0217 logical and
[sym]Ú[/sym] alt+0218 logical or
[sym]Û[/sym] alt+0219 double arrow left and right
[sym]Ü[/sym] alt+0220 double arrow left
[sym]Ý[/sym] alt+0221 double arrow up
[sym]Þ[/sym] alt+0222 double arrow right
[sym]ß[/sym] alt+0223 double arrow down
[sym]à[/sym] alt+0224 lozenge
[sym]á[/sym] alt+0225 left angle bracket
[sym]â[/sym] alt+0226 registered sans serif
[sym]ã[/sym] alt+0227copyright sans serif
[sym]ä[/sym] alt+0228 tradmark sans serif
[sym]å[/sym] alt+0229 Summation of
[sym]æ[/sym] alt+0230 large left parenthesis top
[sym]ç[/sym] alt+0231 large left parenthesis middle
[sym]è[/sym] alt+0232 large left parenthesis bottom
[sym]é[/sym] alt+0233 large left bracket top
[sym]ê[/sym] alt+0234 large left bracket middle
[sym]ë[/sym] alt+0235 large left bracket bottom
[sym]ì[/sym] alt+0236 large left brace top
[sym]í[/sym] alt+0237 large left brace middle
[sym]î[/sym] alt+0238 large left brace bottom
[sym]ï[/sym] alt+0239 brace extender
[sym]ñ[/sym] alt+0241 right angle bracket
[sym]ò[/sym] alt+0242 integral
[sym]ó[/sym] alt+0243 large integral top
[sym]ô[/sym] alt+0244 large integral middle
[sym]õ[/sym] alt+0245 large integral bottom
[sym]ö[/sym] alt+0246 large right parenthesis top
[sym]÷[/sym] alt+0247 large right parenthesis middle
[sym]ø[/sym] alt+0248 large right parenthesis bottom
[sym]ù[/sym] alt+0249 large right bracket top
[sym]ú[/sym] alt+0250 large right bracket middle
[sym]û[/sym] alt+0251 large right bracket bottom
[sym]ü[/sym] alt+0252 large right brace top
[sym]ý[/sym] alt+0253 large right brace middle
[sym]þ[/sym] alt+0254 large right brace bottom
[Edited by bibliophage on 10-02-2001 at 03:58 PM]
I [sym]¨[/sym] went to heaven.
Hey, cool! Us math types are really gonna appreciate this.
[Edited by bibliophage on 10-02-2001 at 04:07 PM]
Pardon me, bibliophage my dear mod, but what pray tell didest thou edit here? Looks the same to me. I only ask to make sure I made no unintentional error. Thanks.
[sym]|¡| a L¤ z e t W È t[/sym]
That’s what I meant
Ok, not perfect, but better? (I didn’t do all the alt code ones, cuz they get even more whacked out than these when trying to align them in columns.)
symbol keystroke name
**[sym]A[/sym]** A Alpha
**[sym]B[/sym]** B Beta
**[sym]G[/sym]** G Gamma
**[sym]D[/sym]** D Delta
**[sym]E[/sym]** E Epsilon
**[sym]Z[/sym]** Z Zeta
**[sym]H[/sym]** H Eta
**[sym]Q[/sym]** Q Theta
**[sym]I[/sym]** I Iota
**[sym]K[/sym]** K Kappa
**[sym]L[/sym]** L Lambda
**[sym]M[/sym]** M Mu
**[sym]N[/sym]** N Nu
**[sym]X[/sym]** X Xi
**[sym]O[/sym]** O Omicron
**[sym]P[/sym]** P Pi
**[sym]R[/sym]** R Rho
**[sym]S[/sym]** S Sigma
**[sym]T[/sym]** T Tau
**[sym]U[/sym]** U Upsilon
**[sym]F[/sym]** F Phi
**[sym]C[/sym]** C Chi
**[sym]Y[/sym]** Y Psi
**[sym]W[/sym]** W Omega
symbol keystroke name
**[sym]a[/sym]** a alpha
**[sym]b[/sym]** b beta
**[sym]g[/sym]** g gamma
**[sym]d[/sym]** d delta
**[sym]e[/sym]** e epsilon
**[sym]z[/sym]** z zeta
**[sym]h[/sym]** h eta
**[sym]q[/sym]** q theta
**[sym]i[/sym]** i iota
**[sym]k[/sym]** k kappa
**[sym]l[/sym]** l lambda
**[sym]m[/sym]** m mu
**[sym]n[/sym]** n nu
**[sym]x[/sym]** x xi
**[sym]o[/sym]** o omicron
**[sym]p[/sym]** p pi
**[sym]r[/sym]** r rho
**[sym]V[/sym]** V terminal sigma
**[sym]s[/sym]** s sigma
**[sym]t[/sym]** t tau
**[sym]u[/sym]** u upsilon
**[sym]f[/sym]** f phi
**[sym]c[/sym]** c chi
**[sym]y[/sym]** y psi
**[sym]w[/sym]** w omega
symbol keystroke name
**[sym]J[/sym]** J theta symbol
**[sym]j[/sym]** j phi symbol
**[sym]v[/sym]** v pi symbol
**[sym]"[/sym]** " for all, for every
**[sym]$[/sym]** $ there exists
**[sym]'[/sym]** ' such that
**[sym]@[/sym]** @ is congurent to, approximately equals
**[sym]\[/sym]** \ therefor
**[sym]^[/sym]** ^ is perpendicular to
**[sym]`[/sym]** ` radical extender
**[sym]*[/sym]** * asterisk operator
**[sym]-[/sym]** - minus
These are cool, though. Thanks, admins. Now I’ll have to bookmark this thread for future reference.
I really appreciate your consideration in avoiding stepping on my penis - Spiny Norman
Jeg elsker dig, Thomas
Hey! My browser (Netscape 6.1) isn’t recognizing the Symbol font! Everything enclosed in the <font face=“symbol”> tag appears as Times to me. What gives?
Whatever it is, it’s not a Microsoft conspiracy so just get that right out of your mind this instant!
‘[sym]o ti men[/sym]‘[sym]umeiV w andreV aqenaioi[/sym]
‘[sym]O TI MEN [/sym]‘[sym]UMEIS W ANDRES AQENAIOI[/sym]
[sym]iatre yerapeuson seauton
Wow! Extraordinarily useful! I can’t wait for a GQ math thread!
[sym]éa b c ù éa a¢ a²ù[/sym]
[sym]êa¢ b¢ c¢ ú ¹ êb b¢ b² ú[/sym]
[sym]ëa² b² c²û ëc c¢ c² û[/sym]
Hmm… Little trouble aligning, even with the code tags, but super worthwhile anyway.
Tell me, Tuba, was this just a matter of hitting a switch in vB, or did it take some intensive programming?
It’s probably not a browser issue, but rather, a matter of you not having the Symbol font installed on your computer. Check the C:\Windows\Fonts folder and see if it’s there. If not, you can probably find it online to download from somewhere.
Hey, check out my new sig!