Tacos: sour cream or no?

Today’s food poll will be extremely simple: do you like sour cream on your tacos or not?

Personally I don’t like that shit. Just give me meat, lettuce, cheese and salsa and it’s perfect.

Yes. And guac.

Sour cream nearly rates its own food group, so yes.

Sour cream first, then lettuce, then jalapenos, followed by meat and then a generous sprinkling of grated sharp cheddar. That’s exactly how I enjoyed them last night at home

If I’m putting together a relatively authentic Mexican or Tex Mex dinner, then I won’t even offer it.

If I’m making Old El Paso for the kids on a week night? Hell yes.

Onions and cilantro only for me, most of the time. No cheese, no lettuce, no tomato, and no sour cream. It does depend on the taco, but onions and cilantro is generally all that I like. Most of the time, the lettuce sucks, the tomatoes suck, the sour cream detracts, and the cheese is flavorless. I’m also one who avoids lettuce and tomatoes on burgers for much the same reason.

Sour cream is among the most disgusting substances on the face of the earth. Put some on my taco and you’re going to have to get me another taco, because I’m not eating one with sour cream on it.

It’s unlikely that I’ll be able to eat it without the sour cream. Almost all tacos have a level of either pepper or turmeric or both that I simply can’t stomach unless it’s watered down by some sour cream.

In general though, I just don’t get along well with Mexican food.

I like it, but often not enough to really do anything towards getting it. In fact, I like just about everything that can conceivably go on a taco, and I’ll take them all if they’re an option, but the only parts I consider mandatory are meat, cheese, and salsa.

I love it, but when I am not pregnant it’s the sort of thing I omit to save calories. So it’s not “I need it” but it’s not really “I can take it or leave it” either.

either sour cream or guac, not both.

The perfect taco contains meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato and sour cream - in a hard shell. Without the tomato, the sour cream becomes more ‘optional’.

I’m addicted to the super cheap Taco Bell tacos that only have cheese and lettuce. Occasionally I’ll splurge and get the ‘deluxe’ tacos that have tomato and sour cream.

Where are you going that you are getting lots of turmeric in your tacos? Turmeric is used sparingly in Mexican cuisine, depending on the region, but it’s not usual. I’ve personally only seen it in Chiapas-style tamales and perhaps some rice dishes (to color the rice, as a substitute for saffron).

I love sour cream smothered on a baked potato,but on a taco,Hell no!

Tacos are to be served on a soft corn shell with tomato,cheese and onion only!(and meat)

A taco without sour cream is a tostada that’s been folded up.

I can’t recall any restaurant serving tacos that had sour cream on it. It’s usually meat, lettuce and tomato. Never occurred to me that anyone requested sour cream on one.

Burritos usually come with sour cream and I like it.

I’ll stick with standard tacos with no added sour cream. Don’t need the extra calories.

I was wondering if she meant cumin, not turmeric.

I’m with Manda Jo, except that since I’m never pregnant, I don’t have that excuse for eating it, and so I’ll make up random other excuses when I really want sour cream.

<homer simpson> Mmmm, sour cream… </hs>

In my book, there aren’t a lot of foods that can’t be improved with a nice scoop o’ that white creamy goodness.

Depends on the taco. I prefer the meet, onions, hot sauce type “authentic” taco but the Taco Bell type taco that’s loaded with all types of different things can be good too.

I love sour cream, just not on tacos.