Taekwondo monkeys attack trainer

You win the day! Your link-fu is superior!

Oh great…now we have quadrapedophiles to worry about…won’t someone think of the baby goats ?

I got another one

When Tae Kwon Do Monkeys Attack … Next on Fox!

We should have knoiwn this was coming.

wasn’t Kung Fu Panda a big hit summer before last?

Kung Fu Panda vs Taekwondo Monkey LIVE ON PPV!

Taekwondo monkeys attack trainer : which is the stupidest animal in this situation?

They are two different photos of two different events.

Now it’s flying monkeys?
Alert Dorothy!!!

A monkey trained in Tae Kwon Do is a dangerous enough thing, but - as this video proves - there are apparently people in the world who are reckless enough to train a gorilla in the art of Kung Fu. The results, predictably, are disastrous.

Warning: not for the squeamish


Speaking of which …
