Take part in the most meaningless mass SDMB activity EVER, right here!

Ah heck ------ I’ll befriend you. Just don’t get me and Swampy confused. At least not too often. :smiley:

I’ll take it under advisement but you may want to check my pic in the gallery first.

You have a bright future in front of you in the Democratic Party. :wink:

I like Swampy and Scarecrow best of all, Toto ------ can I befriend them twice?

No. I tried.

I have befriended Boyo Jim because he asked so nicely (and he was friendly to two lost and lonely Canadians in the wilderness of Madison, Wisconsin), but the jury’s out on the rest of you. :dubious:

I think it’s time for some SDMB friends spam:

Alice was good girl. One dai she get frend request but declineded it. Next dai she hit by meteorit and she dai. Bill sent frend request hit by metroit but live. Now own 2001 Escalade is happy. ppl if you no want dai send this message to 3 pple with frend request.

Rember wat happen to Alice !!!

Yeah - like I haven’t had to await a jury’s verdict before!

Okay, your title won me over, Kopek, contrary creature that I am. :slight_smile:

Now that you are all my friends, I want to reward you. My public profile is a cover for my real identity – a Nigerian Prince working for freedom and democracy. Our Freedom Fund has been compromised by the Forces of Evil, and I need help to get these millions of dollars safely out of the country. Please send me your bank account numbers and I will send equal shares to all of you. And then it will be your duty to spend the money in support of Goodness.

I just want to point out that now, a few weeks later, I’m up to a grand total of…


1 (one)

Start a thread and beg, like me!

I’m up to forty, and I saw someone else who had more than 80 before I ever came up with the idea of doing the thread.

So shall we rewrite the Lyrics to Andrew Gold’s Thank You For Being A Friend? I think we could come up with a SDMB-style.

As an example, the opening lyrics could be changed as simply as from this:

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
your heart is true you’re a pal and a confidant

to this …

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled 'round the Boards and back again
your heart is true you’re a pal and a confidant

Or may something more appropriate in a Bulwer-Lytton-esque fashion?


:backs away slowly:

OK done.

So do you wanna babysit next Saturday night?

Ok, for my new friend Duckster with the poor taste in music, a Bulwerized version of “Thank You for Being a Friend”, but not sung to the music because well, it just won’t fit.

I think it should be accompanied by The Most Unwanted Music.


Wanna come over and watch movies? I just found my copy of Inkubo.

That would give meaning to our friendship and spoil the whole point of the thread.

Thanks. I have a headache now.

You didn’t listen to enough. Eventually your head will actually explode and the pain will go away.

I almost made it to the three-minute mark! Then I had to pee.

I think the purpose of the friends feature is so that when someone wants to insult you in the Pit, they can check your profile to see if it says “so-and-so hasn’t made any friends yet.”

And that made me laugh out loud.

And Boyo Jim asked me before any of y’all, so ha!

Yeah, it was because I responded to him in the ATMB thread, but still…