Did anybody else see Taken 2 over the weekend? I did and I thought it was pretty good. Spoilery thoughts in the next post.
the blowing up grenades to triangulate his position scene
Neeson being a general badass
an overall entertaining movie that wasn’t as good as the first, but was still pretty fun.
Maggie Grace looked too old to be his teenage daughter in the first Taken. Four years later for the sequel she’s pushing 30 and looks it. During the boat ride I thought she looked more like a trophy wife than his 18-year-old daughter
A hotel that normally serves middle eastern royalty is going to let a sleazy dude in a tracksuit hang out in the lobby and read the paper? Yeah, no.
Once again, Neeson’s friends don’t get involved. Boo!
That sounds like middle eastern royalty, or at least their bodyguards, when not dressed for public appearances.
You think Middle Easterners are sleazy?:dubious:
I thought it was not as good as Taken. Got too predictable at times. Would have been nice to see Famke Jenssen naked. And her character getting killed off.