That’s right, I want you to talk me into buying my second ever motorcycle! (I’ve got the “talking myself out of it” portion taken care of). But first nitty-gritty background info:
Last summer, at the ripe age of 21 (and wet weight of 195lbs), I took a motorcycle course, just for the hell of it. Well, clearly I enjoyed it, because I bought my first bike (a Suzuki GZ250) about two weeks after graduating, and things were good.
I rode it for about three months and put a little over a thousand miles on it, if I recall. Sadly for my bike, but fortunately for my wallet, I was accepted at a company I long wanted to work for, but it meant a move across country, meaning I had to leave my bike behind. But it sort of worked out, as I could tell I was already outgrowing it – although I loved my 250cc, it wasn’t exactly comfortable, or really even safe on freeways (it pretty much topped out at 60, and don’t even get me started on driving at that speed up a slight incline!). Plus it wasn’t exactly a babe-magnet, but hey, it was a starter!
Anyway, it’s been about 6 months since the move, and with the weather starting to get really nice, I’m in the mood for a new bike. Now, if I were to get said bike, it would definitely have to be larger than a 250, particular with the much steeper gradient of freeways in Cali, and the aforementioned babe-factor.
However, I’ve run into a problem. I’m scared! (which, granted, isn’t too hot with the girls either). I know I was pretty competent with my 300lb 250cc bike, but I’m worried how well I’ll be able to handle a heavier bike such as Honda’s Shadow Spirit 750), which is 750cc and around 500lbs (dry weight). In addition to the weight difference, I’m also worried how my seven months of bike inactivity might carry over.
Granted, when I flew home during Easter, I was able to take my bike for a quick drive and found I took to it like, well, a bike. I had expressed my concerns to my dad beforehand, which is why we took it out to a parking lot, but the moment I sat on the bike, I felt right as home and was back on the streets within a minute.
Anyway, I guess I’m looking for advice/anecdotes/whatever your thoughts may be on this matter. Have you gone from a 300lb bike to one almost double the weight? Did you notice a big difference? How about having a six month lull in riding? And any general thoughts about the Honda Shadow Spirit 750 I chose? Any other bikes I should consider?