TAR 6 November 2015 -- Full Speed Ahead, Captain!

The Ha-goo?!

This. This is exactly why I went looking for the new thread. This very thing.

And he’s a professional television news reporter!

This is also why I went looking for the new thread, and when I couldn’t find it, I started it. I’m glad I could be here for you. Also thought it made a nice companion piece to last week’s thread.

Are the Amazing Producers deliberately choosing words that can be mispronounced, or deliberately choosing contestants that can’t pronounce them? Or maybe it just means that the nation’s educational system is crumbling about our ears.

A couple of reporters couldn’t pronounce The Hague, and a couple of doctors didn’t know Rotterdam wasn’t Amsterdam. Sheesh!

This could be Rotterdam, or anywhere; Liverpool or Rome.

It was Germany, silly! And another team pronounced it “Hog.”

I wanted them to be penalized 30 minutes just for being dumbasses.

I wanna drive a full-size ship simulator!

That’s what they call it in France, donchaknow?

I just loved the Amazing Camerawork that showed the name of the station from inside the train, while the “detail-oriented” doctors ignored it. And then those same “detail-oriented” doctors got on tram 9 instead of tram 1.

Wow was there a lot of Stupid in that episode. Also it’s kind of interesting they had a detour literally only one team realistically could do.

$31k for winning a leg. That may have been the best non Million dollar prize they gave away in this entire series.

Yes. And it might have been nice if Justin had apologized to Diane for yelling at her about walking to the water taxi at the beginning of the leg given that fact.

Not to mention making them a couple thousand extra dollars by taking several trips to get the correct Van Gogh.

I, too, am here for the Ha-gyoo.

There was a minor scandal around S8 (give or take like 4 seasons) where someone leaked an alleged clue card that had behavioral stuff at the bottom of the card like “You’ll get $100 for every time you mispronounce < city name >”.

I don’t remember if it was debunked.

Also, after the cash prize for winning the leg, somewhere the people in say, Season 4 are throwing their crappy leg-winning prizes of Kodak Disposable Cameras at the screens and silently weeping.

As soon as they had another talking heads clip of them saying how detail-oriented they are, I said, “well, looks like these two are going home tonight.”

These are the same people who said “frater-night” and “eagle-lite” so “Ha-goo” isn’t too surprising. (And I don’t blame them for “Hog”… when I first saw it in text, I wasn’t sure if it was “Hog” or “Hayg” either)

I wonder if appearing on these shows and looking dumb hurts any of these people in their professional lives. I certainly would think twice about having either of the Chacs as my doctor/dentist after seeing how bad their attention to detail was. Yes, I know, they’re on a race and stressed and not getting as much sleep as they’d like, but jeez. How the hell do two doctors come up with something like “oh Rotterdam is just French for Amsterdam”?? The 30 minute wait for the bus was just stupid, and then missing the tram was also inexcusable.

It was the guy reporter who talked about “The Hagoo” while the girl reporter was one of the only ones who pronounced “egalité, liberté, fraternité” properly. You win some, you lose some, I guess.

As for the “hog”, I thought it was someone trying to pronounce “den Haag” (which is how it’s written in Dutch) with some semblance of correctness.

I understand that vagoo pronunciations are a plagoo of the journalism industry.

I’ve got to give “Hog” a pass though. If you’ve never heard it pronounced, it’s not illogical to assume it rhymes with Prague.

The ship simulator was all kinds of amazing. It looked like they had 3 or 4 different scenarios set up for the racers, so they couldn’t just learn the pattern like you do in some crappy video games.

I was expecting some team to mess up the travel to The Hague, because the info on the public transport signage (etc) would have all referred to den Haag. Maybe they bought their train tickets from a person :slight_smile: