Tastiest canned soup (and beans, chili, veg, etc.)?

I found some at my local South Texas grocery store-- I was surprised! Thought I’d have to order from amazon. Advice: do you use the whole seasoning packet? Some of the YouTube videos said the whole thing would make it pretty spicy and said to add only half or less of the spice packet. I like a bit spicy but not searing blisters on tongue and roof of mouth.

They dont.

Here’s what to look for-the Boston brown bread is a pleasant staple to have at the back of your pantry shelf also. You might have to search a bit, the market penetration is fairly Atlantic Northeast-centric, but very worth the pursuit. If I had to guess, H.E.B might have it through one of their larger stores. The brown glass bean pot jars are cute but really hard to find.

The UK has Baxter’s brand. Pretty tasty flavors.

Let’s eat this together the first time we’re in the same county: it has pee-cans!:v:t3:

Apple Streusel Baked Beans

[it’s a recipe from the B & M web site]

I remember them from New Orleans. Took me a long time to find an acceptable substitute for their red beans up here in the DC area and finally did:

Just add chopped andouille.

I would say to disregard that advice and use the whole packet. I find it has a tiny bit of burn, but nothing I’d consider spicy. Then again, I lived for 20 years in southern New Mexico, so I end up having to put jalapenos or the such on everything. So split the difference, put in 3/4, taste, and then add the rest. It’s not hard.

I made it and used half the packet and it was plenty spicy. As a Texan, I’m also into spicy and put jalapenos on lots of stuff, including my Subway sammich orders. But I like flavor, not just heat for its own sake.

I added a few frozen broccoli florets and a small handful of frozen peas. It was okay, but frankly, kind of flavorless. It might be improved with the addition of a teaspoon of Better than Bouillon (any flavor) or a glug of Miso-Easy.

If you live in Texas and eat Texas food…you will NOT find Shin Ramen too spicy.

I do, I do, and I did. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Shin Ramyun update:

I made another package for lunch today. With some tweaks (this is for 2-ish cups of water as the package directs).

To the water as it came to a boil, I added

  • a tablespoon or so of frozen chopped onions (which I always have on hand)
  • a scant teaspoon of Better than Bouillon Roasted Chicken flavor
  • 4 frozen mini wonton dumplings
  • the whole dehydrated veg packet
  • 1/4 of the seasoning packet. I like hot stuff-- I like pico de gallo with raw jalapenos in it-- but this powder is deadly. One-fourth of the packet made the heat level just right for me.
  • the noodles

Boiled for about 6 minutes because of the frozen dumplings.

When it was done, off heat I added 2 teaspoons of Miso & Easy Original flavor

Now THAT was delicious! :slightly_smiling_face: