I have an autistic child that started his freshmen year this year.
This year they tried to integrate him into regular classes. I’m OK with this because I think he’s ready. His only lacking skill is math.
When he left 8th grade, he was still trying to master multiplication, and division. Now in his freshmen year, they’ve got him enrolled in Algebra! And it’s not just simple algebra, they’ve got him trying to do problems like: -2*n/14 + 2/3= 19. Solve for n. (I’m not sure if that equation makes sense, I just made that up but you catch my drift.)
So I called the school’s counselor, and she basically tells me that ALL students are required to take algebra, no exceptions. I then asked her to please explain to me how (the fuck) is he supposed to do algebra if he can’t even do multiplication and division?
She said it’s a modified class, and he should be able to do it. WTF? Even if it is a modified class, I still don’t see how it’s possible. She then went on to tell me that I should talk to his teacher. I called and left a message and am waiting to hear back from her.
I have a bad gut feeling about all this. I’m pretty sure the teacher is going to feed me a bunch of bull shit.
Any tips or advice on how to handle this is greatly appreciated.l