Teachers in Texas: How did you study for the Texes test?

I’m taking classes for my teacher certification and I have to take the 4-8 Generalist Texes test. Has anyone here taken it(or any other Texes test)? Did you buy any commercially available study guides or did you just use the guide on the Texes site? Any tips or antecdotes would be welcome.

First, learn how to spell “Texas”. :dubious:

I believe the Texes, or TExES, is the name of the test.

I believe she’s referencing the TExES test - Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas. I’m checking with my Teacher Of The Year sister… will return shortly.

Reverse nitpick: I am a notorious misspeller, which is why my goal is to teach math or science, but I did spell the test right. It’s usually spelled TExES(Texas Examination of Educator Standards), but I was lazy and left out the capitals.

It’s actually a he, though I do not take offense:). In many of the lessons in our binder the pronoun used for ‘teacher’ is ‘she.’ Ex: A great teacher knows how to manage a classroom. She will… She will… The three guys in the class(including me) always put on a humerous farse of a protest and pretent we’re being discriminatied against. (disclaimer: this is a joke) I hope you referred to me as a she for similar reasons and not because of my screen name(I_Know_Nothing) and any preconcieved notions you may have about the intelligence of women :slight_smile: .

No, I guess it was since I had my sister in mind and sorry for I immediately thought after posting there was no reason the consider you either, but decided to let it play out. I’m a male and taught in grad school too, for whatever that’s worth. I’m afraid Sis doesn’t remember what she used, although I do see numerous aides available online. Maybe someone else can help. Best of luck to you.