Ted Cruz says Texas should secede and "take the military" if Democrats "destroy the country

I interpreted that as meaning take the military with them as, of course, the US military is a fungible good. Being always is “patriotic” as defined by alt-right they would to a man (women need not apply) jump at the chance to defend Trumpistan against the wimps left behind in the United States of Biden.

Ted Cruz is about the most cynical, self-serving and mercenary Republicans out there. He does what’s good for Ted Cruz, and if that means saying Baghdad Bob-style nonsense to rile up the hicks in the Panhandle, he’ll do it. If it means doing something sane and intelligent, he’ll do that.

But he’s not stupid. Far from it.

Right now, he’s hitched his wagon to the more crazy wing of the GOP, and is flogging that for all it’s worth. I guarantee once that’s not longer in vogue, he’ll silently undergo some sort of volte-face, and start tweeting and saying sane and reasonable stuff as if nothing happened.

Are you speaking of the proposed amendments? How do they do that?

Yes, there’s a giant slug quality about him that is entirely repulsive.

My wife and I refer to him as one of the lizard people, as he seems more reptilian than anything else.

Jabba the Hutt with a beard.

If those are the consequences Democrats have no choice: they will have to destroy the country. It’s for the higher good.

I’d say, let them have the military. The US military budget is $715 billion this year. The GDP of Texas is about $1.776 trillion as of 2020.

So Texas, have fun taxing about 40% of your entire economy just to pay for the military. Want some roads and other shit too? Welcome to some of the highest taxes in North America!

Watching Republicans deal with either raising taxes on absolutely everything, or cutting the military budget, will be hilarious as fuck.

ETA: fixed the percentage, it’s even worse than I estimated!

Shhh! Don’t bother them with facts. Those in favor of booting the W coast states probably cannot rub two brain cells together to realize this issue.

< Shakes fist > You have stolen that low hanging fruit!

You do realize that if a red state secedes, and has the whole former military, while the new 49-state blue USA has no military, that the red state could promptly begin conquering or striking at will?

They’ve written a very specific constitution and legal code and then to lock it in, they’ve established a version of the Senate that features one senator from each of the state’s 250-odd counties.

It’s like they took a look at our own current national abortion of poor representation and said, “You know what, this isn’t unrepresentative enough.

“Go ahead and nuke us … but maybe check the prevailing winds first?”

But on the other hand, seceding from the US because you’re sick of their shit, and then immediately conquering the Remaining United States, so you’re now stuck being in charge of their shit, seems perfectly in line with Republican “thought” processes of late.

I don’t know why people even talk about this stuff. Who cares what Ted Cruz says, especially on this subject? The people of Texas overwhelmingly don’t want to secede from the Union (something like 75% is against while only 18% favor it…and I think that’s high).

Even if it was allowed in the Constitution (which it isn’t…we settled this in 1865 once and for all), unless we are talking about some sort of coup where 18% of Texans are going to go against 75%+ it’s…not…going…to…happen.

To me, this is a fantasy of the extremes. You can see it in this thread with folks actually seemingly wanting Texas to secede because they think they don’t like Texas political stance (forgetting the many blue areas in the state…guess they will just be incidental casualties, necessary for a pure blue US or something) to idiots like Cruz et al who are even talking about this as if it’s a serious thing (IOW, talking out of their asses, since it isn’t).

Let them leave, tell them the cost of readmittance is the head of every Republican politician in the state on a pike. Wait a week or two, then send someone to collect the pikes.

Making DC a state would destroy the country? That’s a dog whistle if ever I heard one.

I assume Cruz means the military in TX. Not the entire country.

This. It’s just keeping the kkkult stirred up, and maybe grifting some funds in the process.

It’s amusing that Cruz thinks the military will stay and transfer their allegiance to Texas.

I bet that Cruz believes the urban legend that under the Treaty of Annexation that Texas can secede whenever they want and 1861 to 1865 was the outlier.