TED Talks

So I got an Amazon fire stick a while ago, and i recently discovered that there is a TED app. I have watched a few TED talks before, but I do NOT like watching shows on my laptop. So I am psyched about watching them on the TV. Any suggestions for favorite TED talks?

My favorite is the video “Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness”.

I like the one about book cover design by Chip Kidd.

Strange Answers to the Psychopath Test

These all sound great! Thanks!

The laws that sex workers really want

Adam Savage is always entertaining. He has a couple talks.

I liked this one a lot. Saves the need to watch many more…

I’m a fan of “How to tie your shoes”.

Having seen the Temple Grandin movie I really enjoyed watching the real TG give a TED talk.

Lessons from Death Row Inmates

Also totally loved the sex workers talk.

Not actually a TED talk. Funny, but I’m going to stick with actual content. Thanks though.

I’m going to check these out on the app! Thanks everyone!

TED talks are Hollywood’s idea of a 300-word essay. I thought the parody caught the self-important attitude over thin content slowly and dazzlingly portrayed by TED talks very well.

But I can completely understand how spending ten minutes to have someone act out two minutes worth of reading has become so popular.

Well, thank you for your disdain of something I enjoy.

What kind of bottled water do you drink? :smiley:

Sorry. Enjoy them all you like; there’s a sizable contingent that finds them a tad fluffy and pretentious. But as the world goes to videos for every other purpose, I guess self-important little op-eds and wisdom bites have to follow.

You’re right! Why would anyone ever watch a movie when they can just read the script! I go to see plays - but just think how much time I could save just reading the plays at home! It’s impossible that a performance could change or even improve a given “essay”.
Anyway. Here’s one I like: (if you object to watching spoken word poetry, I’m sure you can find a transcript there as well)

(And I filter tap water, thanks for that bizarre question as well)

I do not watch many of them, but I really like the one on flag design. It’s true that city flags are so badly designed.

The worst designed thing you never noticed.

Oh, the irony in this post is almost unbearable.

That is a life affirming video for me. I am tying my shoes correctly.

I’ve gone to the dark side; long live Velcro.