Teeming Millions Convention 2000

Okay, here we go again in a more appropriately-named thread.

So far, the nominees are:
St. Louis

Do I hear Kansas City? That looks pretty smack dab in the middle of the country. Or perhaps everyone would like to come to Disney World? (Good idea, voltaire!)

I wonder how many people would actually go if something like this was organized. I think it would be a lot of fun.

Yeah, but it’s soooo easy to get hotel and plane package deals to LV dirt cheap. And, if we all hate each other, well…we’re in Vegas, so it’s not like we wouldn’t have anything to do! :slight_smile: LOL

MEMPHIS??? Cool! I’d be there…although trying to explain to my parents where I was going would be DAMN funny. “I’m going to meet Satan, mom. Back in a few hours…”

I’m up for it, whereever it is.

“Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.” - George Carlin

I believe I could talk my wife into a trip to Vegas. I’d have to convince her that the convention was only an accidental occurrence. (No offense, but she thinks you guys are weird. I printed out the thread about the part-time cow god because I found it so hilarious and she didn’t even bat an eye! Well! You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but …)

I will reserve enthusiastic spasms of joy until after the Puget Sound Mini-Convention tomorrow. Assuming they’re a statistically accurate sample of the Teeming Millions, I will have formed a more complete opinion of you all. Who knows, I may end up agreeing with my wife!

I’m also concerned about the destruction of my current set of mental images of the various posters. For example, I always picture ThufferinThuccotash as a large black and white puddy-tat for some reason. Many of you may turn out to be normal people! (I can’t wait to see TVeblen’s beard!)

“Vandelay!! Say Vandelay!!”

BTW, don’t try to figure out when there will be no conventions going on in Vegas, that’s a year-round thing. (A dealer once joked to me that the casino was running a special and I could bet MORE than the table minimum. I joked back “That’s good to know! How long is that special good for?” His reply? “Until the convention leaves.” Ba-dump, ching!) There are times when it’s not so crowded with run-of-the-mill tourists, though. Thanksgiving comes to mind. Oh, I suppose you want to spend it with your families, sheesh! (Just kiddin’!)

Some food for thought:

<font face=“Courier New”>Des STLouis LASvgas Memphis
HOU $212.00 $338.50 $237.00 Houston
DAL $317.00 $407.00 $288.98 Dallas
JFK $344.00 $327.00 $249.00 New York
RDU $189.99 $361.00 $190.00 Raleigh
ORD $115.00 $299.00 $271.00 Chicago
SAF $462.00 $132.00 $525.99 San Francisco
LAX 412.99 _89.00 $331.00 Los Angeles
YCC $586.50 $298.85 $634.01 Calgary</font>

Take my word for it, it is not worth it to try and post a table in UBB; I just ran up about a dozen posts over at the proving grounds and that’s the best I can do.

Anyway, as I’m sure everyone realizes, there’s a jillion parameters you can vary that will affect air fares, but that’s what I got this evening for one person going coach for a weekend in July of next year; they are round trip fares. It’s not too hard to see where the left coasters are going to favor. I’m open.

Accomodations in St. Louis have been researched and results posted in the St. Louis bash thread. I imagine Memphis is pretty similar. Somebody get us real #'s for Las Vegas. I’ll reveal a bit of what a prince I am - I regularly stay at Red Roof Inns when I travel on business, but I don’t hang out in my room.

So, I can maybe budget $500 to do it. Color me interested.

(I really hope that table is at least comprehensible)

Even though I brought up St. Louis, I VOTE FOR Memphis. I can drive there… Well, I did it once before, anyway! Plus I could see my uncle in Knoxville…

Yer pal,

Oh hell, I’ll vote for Memphis too. At least lodging would be free for me. < Imagining Dopers on Beale Street…Oh lord… >

“Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.” - George Carlin

I vote for Vegas!

I’d obviously prefer St. Louis, since that’s where I live. But I’m willing to travel just about anyplace.

I do recommend against Kansas City, though. Their airport is a big pain in the ass, especially if you have to rent a car.

Laugh hard; it’s a long way to the bank.

Vegas is so expensive… I went to a similar “convention” of people from a chat room on AOL there… and if it wasn’t for the all you can eat breakfast buffet at the hotel I would have literally starved to death. In addition, it was miserably hot.

I vote for somewhere where you can get a hotel room for under $50 and buy a meal under $10. Not everyone is rich, you know.

who will not be attending any events in Vegas

Not to be picky or anything, but how can you not consider Chicago?

You could make a pilgrimage to the Reader, even. (or the nearby Jazz Record Mart, that’s almost as important).

your humble TubaDiva
just curious.

I agree w/ Tubadiva. Chicago is the Dope’s home, and maybe Cecil might show up…

Vegas and Chicago both sound good to me. I may be able to find great fares since I’m flying out of Toronto.

Hey! How about Toronto? Come and freeze your collective behinds! (Canadian tourism slogan)

Why should I care about posterity? What’s posterity ever done for me?

  • Groucho Marx

Assboink dammit, Assboink, Idaho.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Damn Uncle, you beat me to it…(sigh)…I’ll try and get anywhere…I’m in VA, so obviously the closer the better…but I’m sure I can convince my fiance to let me go…Memphis sounds good to me…although Chicago would be a litle more central to everyone…doncha think?

Yeah, Chicago is central enough for me.

What about… say, Amsterdam ? You guys could learn a new language, explore an alien culture AND brush up on the history of your Founders in one go !

looks around anxiously

And we got hookers 'n grass, too !!



“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Out of the ones on the list, I would definitely pick St. Louis or Memphis. AFAIK, they’re about the same distance from where I live, and I’d NEVER be able to make it to Vegas. However, I also like the write-in of Chicago, because I’ve never been there and always wanted to go.

Chi-Town. Y’all can stay with me. Seriously.

“If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now.”

Thanks for the invite Missy…to do my part to help out, all the female dopers can take a shower with me…just to conserve hot water and keep your bill down of course…lol